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The Bad Girls Club!!!!


Rez is a very monogamous thinking guy....but of course I only know him from a purely platonic standpoint...so whatever floats you guys boat Trichy! ROFLMAO


REZ, come to my Derby Day Party...

Where is Doobie Duck, He can pick us a winning horse. He hit a long shot last year iffen I 'member correctly.

but seriously, Me and Trichy be glad to fly to Egypt and meet ya there... send us tickets.


DG: twist his arm!


Lola, go get Rez. I give him to you.

<walks away,sobbing>

oh don't be silly! you was the one dragged me into it in the first place.

I am trying to find me another man! (see earlier post)

Maybe rez has a good pal for me!

Frankly, I am partial to the cowboy type in tight jeans, boots, belt buckle, bull rider type.

I wanna go to the Rodeo now, where' is the Rodeo?


Dunno, I wouldn't be mad - Let's see if wants to live like the mormon's of yesteryear :biglaugh:


not so much with conditioner in my hair right now :biglaugh:
ooh that lovely pimple near my third eye chakra.

get higher KK!


It will be hareem tour :D

:laughing: u seem to know a lot about the hareem issue down here lol .... If u go to Egypt, i truly suggest u go to Sharm AlShaikh!! the place is such a turn on loool as for Cairo, i always get food poisoned and it terns from a romance trip to a major catastrophe .... hmm Morroco is a good place too but they got more hash than weed!! come to dubai and i will be ur tour guide ;)

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