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Best source for HPS bulbs?


New member
Sorry if it's an easy question asked many times before... I tried the search, but it didn't seem to come up easily. On Google, I get a variety of results from $10 to $80+.

I just want to know what's the best value for the money. From my understanding, it's good to get the cheap bulb and replace them more often, though any input here is appreciated.

Oh yeah, I'm looking for 600 watt and 400 watt High Pressure Sodium (HPS) bulbs, though any good source is welcome.



New member


Landrace Lover
I just got my fixture...it should be great for vegging

wow that looks tits pinball, too bad all the decent hydro shit is found in the US and is a bitch to convert to 240V in aus without having to buy an epic transformer that makes a lot of noise and is the size of a small car. very lame!