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cheap viable RO water??



the 150 dollar system at lowes got best buy in consumer reports. It beat out several 500-900 dollar systems and is not much more when you think about it. I will go look at the brand name in the magazine soon.




Overkill is under-rated.
I used to buy cheap RO units off Ebay from Dvon-B, it's cheaper to replace the whole thing than to buy filters for them usually. i also use mine to fill my water cooler bottles, screw Alhambra and $13 per bottle of water!


I'm looking for something like this, too. Spending way to much hauling RO to cut with my hard tap water.

Ebay concerns me, I've heard of a lot of really poor quality grow equipment being bought and sold there. Arrg good call on the Lowes product, I'm going to go check it out right now.


Has anyone used a tankless model? would they be able to give an idea of the flow rate?

I would recomend to people running RO to have a pre filter before the ro unit with cheap replaceable filters... it will double the life of the membraine..

also my water is not that hard its at about 130ppm.... I just want to get rid of chloromine.

note that the lowes model has small filters... and much pricer filters then the models ive seen on ebay.


I* got the magazine with the results

kinectico KS got highest ratings but it is 1800 bucks. It beats all in flow rate and has filter life indicators.

the Coway P-07Ql was second but is 640 with a good rating on flow rate.

Omni RO2000 at 230 was rated excellent except for fair flow rate. 36 dollar filters.

Kenmore elite 38556 is 300 bucks but rated good flow rate with 80 dollar replacement filter cost. This was recommended by CR mag

whirlpool gold WHER25 has the same ratings as kenmore but half the price and cheaper filters both have filter life indicators. This got best buy CRmag

pentek at 260 has a poor flow rate.

culligan cost 900 and does a very good job at chloroform removal but all others where excellent. It also was only rated at fair for flow rate.

ge profile PXRQ15F from the depot is 280 with 100 dollar filters but had clogging issues and only fair flow rate. It does have filter indicators

Ecowater ERO-375 at 690 clogged bad and only rated fair with flow rate

I hope this helps save a few bucks thank my dad for the subscription.
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airwaterice.com is where i got my 6 stage RO/DI (I have 2 reef tanks) its real nice and with 3 prefilters my membrane is still going strong 4 years later with 2 Di resin changes. they have decent prices on smaller units too.


be careful with di.. i think i read some where that it produces salts that are bad for plants...

not sure tho.. u might want to look it up.

thanks for all the posts guys..r eally good info..

As much as I would love to spend a lot of money on one.. i just cant afford it. the thing i dont understand what spererates all the ro models? arent most of them using the same filters?

all ro are made of same components.. so if a chinese model is cheaper why not? they all use carbon, poly carbon, a membrane.. and more activated carbon. is it the membranes that make the diference

grow nerd

Yeah you don't want all 6 stages for a garden system. Just the sediment, carbon, and R/O is enough.


I just get mine from in front of the grocery store. I had to find a water store to buy a few 5 gallon jugs. At every grocery store in my area there are water machines placed out front. There are sometimes more than 2 in a single shopping center. They charge $0.25 per gallon here, so it's $1.25 per jug, and I get 15 gallons at a time, which covers me for a few days, sometimes a week.

Over the course of an entire grow I might spend $30 or so on water.

Recently I remembered that I can have it delivered to my house for a few cents more. There are several companies in my area (Arrowhead and Glacier) and they charge $8 for the first 5 gallon jug and $2 for each "replacement."

When it comes to the waste of these RO systems and the cost of the water and the systems themselves I just cannot justify any of these systems for a small setup. For the commercial grower, or someone with significant water needs (20+ gallons per day), then I think it would be fine. But for the average Joe the micro-filtered, carbon polished, UV treated, RO water I get from the machine for 25 cents is fine.


here is a interesting page on water quality and wether deionized water is safe to drink even...


I belive the poster about living water in glass bottles has it correct.

all our problems are becoming man made... we are posioning our selves daily with our own mand made wastes and chemicals

I think we are coming around to the fact that nature might have had it right in the first place.. and we need to stop thinking we can do better.


here is a interesting page on water quality and wether deionized water is safe to drink even...


I belive the poster about living water in glass bottles has it correct.

all our problems are becoming man made... we are posioning our selves daily with our own mand made wastes and chemicals

I think we are coming around to the fact that nature might have had it right in the first place.. and we need to stop thinking we can do better.


DI does not "add" anything to the water. The resin I use is mixed cations and anions that very effectively remove all total dissolved solids (TDS) to zero, that means that there is nothing at all in the water but wet.
RO/DI, RO, and DI are ok to drink. There are concerns taht DI is "too pure " and can actually strip minerals from your body to balance itself out. is it true? probably. the easy solution is not to drink it often.
my family and friends drink the RO daily and no one has any problems.

I have 6 stager because I absolutely require the purest water for my aquariums. Did I recommend the OP get the best one? No, i merely provided a link to a fair vendor.Im a fair hand at understanding water, Its been big part of my hobbies for years.


wouldnt DI water strip minerals from your platns and soil as well? I may be ill informed about DI water.. It wasnt salts that get left behind.. Its from some types of treatment methods that use a softner that leaves behind a chemical ressidue.