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My first ALL hydro grow with pics!!!


Hello all :jump:, this will be my first journal, first all hydro grow, and second run on a hydro bubbledust from growdoc :dance013:.

To begin I would like to give you all some background info on this grow. The 2 girls are in a 18gallon rubbermaid container with about 12 gallons of water in there. Medium is hydroton and nutes that are being used are Botanicare Pureblend Pro veg/bloom, MagiCal, Florilicious and KoolBloom from GH. As you will see, I am using a scrog...for the first time. It has 12" of clearance from the tub to work with. We'll see how that goes. Temps stay pretty constant with the conversion MH lamp at 85 degrees F. Depending on ambient room temps cab temps could be as low as 72 with lights off.

The girls are clones of clones from the first run of BD. They were cut from the mother just before she got flowered and was in the frig for 8-10 weeks before I cloned them. 2 out of 7 rooted and once they were good and healthy (about a month or so old) I took the clones that I currenty have and will flower. I wasn't sure, but I figured the clones in the fridge might not flower well because they were in the fridge for so long and wanted to take new healthy growth for what would be flowered.

This is the original BD that was flowered out in a 3.5gallon bucket...

she had huge buds and I'm not even sure if the main cola was the biggest. Ended up yielding a little over 6oz off of her.

I am counting 3/8 as the start date for these 2 new ones. They were about 6" tall and the roots were about 6-8" long. This pic was a few days in.

Gotta run for now, more pics to come. :thank you: for stopping by. :wave:


That's just one lady!!

Got some more time, thought I would go ahead and post another pic.

This is about 1 1/2 weeks into veg. :artist:


Nice lil set up man..

That one pic of the 6 oz plant.. those are some fat colas man I need some shit like that on my run!!

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Looks like you've filled that SCROG quite nicely.

Keep the pics coming.


Gonna get some more pics later today. Tried to yesterday, but the battery in the camera was dead. The screen is quite full now, so I am wandering how the humidity below the canopy will do. In the new pics, you will see I added another fan, but this time under the canopy to keep good airflow under there.

There seems to be a bit of a problem with odor, thinking about adding another vent hole or two near the bottom of the cab. Not sure if I should or not. What are your thoughts on the subject. I have a Stanley blower for an exaust fan sucking the air out of the cab and into a diy carbon filter. The issue is that the hole on the side of the cab is only 3" and the ductwork is 4" and the intake air port is only 3". I can easily add another porthole or two, but there is no way I am making the hole larger that goes to the fan.

The reason I have not done this yet is because there is a small crack where the doors meet and there is a little bit of light that escapes the cab. I know, I know...that's not good. But I have had one other go round with this cab, and besides the slight odor leak it's ok since it is in the closet and I don't go in the closet much after lights out. Anyway, I figured with this opening and the other 3" hole it would be fine. Thoughts....suggestions???


Active member
awesome man, i ran the bubbledust, still am, shit yields HUGE in hydro!!!

great plant

everythings lookin good dude just keep learnin bro:wave:


Well, what I have now is the last oz that MUST last till this is done. It will be tough. As for a smoke report...it's pretty good. On a scale from 1-10, I would prob give it about a 6.5-7.5. Not complaining at all. I smoked the small popcorn buds first and was getting disappointed, but after they were all smoked up I got to the good stuff. After a month cure I would say it reached the quality of bud that I am used to. As for the buds themselves...they were huge!!! Real curious what 2 in hydro will do with a scrog. I know I'm optimistic, but I am hoping for about 10-14oz of these 2 ladies.


Ok, b atteries finally charged so here are the pics. They have been on 12/12 for 6 days now and I have added a 125w flo as supplemental light where there was less light hitting the shoots.

Getting very crowded in there...about to have to prune some more.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Girls are looking fantastic! But frankly, that's not hard to do in veg. Bloom is where it gets complicated.

Couple things

1. You must monitor your nute temps. Keep between 60-70 or else you'll have a breeding ground for anearobic bacteria, pythium...
2. Recyle rez nutes is OK in veg, but the plant chemistry changes in bloom. The waste the plant releases then will be toxic to the plants.
3. D2W, or suffer the consequences. Monitoring my own root waste, I was shocked how toxic it is- double to triple ppms and way too much pH. D2W forces you to get the nutes out of the root chamber.


New member
Girls are looking fantastic! But frankly, that's not hard to do in veg. Bloom is where it gets complicated.

Couple things

1. You must monitor your nute temps. Keep between 60-70 or else you'll have a breeding ground for anearobic bacteria, pythium...
2. Recyle rez nutes is OK in veg, but the plant chemistry changes in bloom. The waste the plant releases then will be toxic to the plants.
3. D2W, or suffer the consequences. Monitoring my own root waste, I was shocked how toxic it is- double to triple ppms and way too much pH. D2W forces you to get the nutes out of the root chamber.

if you learned what those runoff numbers meant maybe you wouldnt have a toxic runoff. why monitor the runoff if it provides no useful input for the corresponding res solution. that would take some work though instead of just parroting others.:moon:


Thanks for all the kind words! Definitely need to do some pruning today. Got in there yesterday really looking around and it seems as if they may be overcrowded. In some squares there is more than one shoot coming up. After the last run of BD I know those colas are going to need more room than that. I will snap a couple more pix and post them later today for comparison after pruning.


Active member
Looking good! keep it up and above all have fun doing it. Hydro is very fun and the rewards can be huge...good luck


Looks good dude. Im on my first grow too. I vegged 2 months in hydro then transplanted to coco. So far results have been amazing.