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Growing Outdoors in India


New member

I have recently moved to India and will be here for the next few years. Good quality bud is hard to come by here as most people smoke hash. For whatever reason the hash here doesn't really do it for me. The high is decent but makes me feel ill etc etc. I figure maybe I'm too accustomed to plain mary jane.

Before I get started let me state a few questions that I have.

1) The seeds for my first grow are seeds I got from weed here. The weed was strictly OK. I guess my question is will shitty weed give me shitty seeds??

2)The other question is that procuring quality soil here maybe tough. Will normal stuff do?? By normal I mean, maybe purchasing from a florist or something. Sealed bags of soil, fertilizer etc. are unheard of here.

That's all for this one.


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Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
No-one can say how your seeds will turnout, the weed may have been grown, dried, cured or stored badly?, the seeds may produce excellent weed but generally crap weed comes from/with crap seed ime.
If you're staying a few year start a compost heap, with the heat in India I would imagine it is a quick turnaround.


As long as you harvested your plants on the right time the seeds should be OK and viable. I've got some of the nicest mothers from random bagseeds so who knows what can happen. There are so many phenotypes that you can get from the seeds, so I don't think you should worry about getting shitty plants. As for the soil, try to find a PH tester and some peat moss or something similar. As long as you got the PH right and can fluffen up the soil you'll be fine. Also try to get some original kush mountain seeds!


I bet you can come across some coconut coir somewhere over there, just make sure to flush it really good to leach out any salts before adding it to your native soil. Look around for manure or compost, I'm sure you can come up with something!
Remember that the brick weed you bought was probably grown somewhere in India, so it's definately possible!


Active member
You can find good soil were other green plants are growing. Dig it up and move it to your location.

Like the others said composting will be a great amendment to the soil.

But for time released nutrients you need to think Organic.

For "P" and "K" Dry some Seaweed and fish in the sun and grind it up for your own Meal. For "N" Dry some Blood from a goat or something.

"What makes the grass grow?"
Marines Chant: "Blood, blood, blood."


You can find good soil were other green plants are growing. Dig it up and move it to your location.

Like the others said composting will be a great amendment to the soil.

But for time released nutrients you need to think Organic.

For "P" and "K" Dry some Seaweed and fish in the sun and grind it up for your own Meal. For "N" Dry some Blood from a goat or something.

"What makes the grass grow?"
Marines Chant: "Blood, blood, blood."

That's not always true, different plants require different amounts of nutes, and the PH of the soil and other factors can alter how well the plant survives and lives... Some plants can do fine in really crappy soil that's very acidic etc..... Like the soil around my area, there's TONS of green plants, but they grow in practically clay, there's a variety of them too. I know for a fact MJ could not establish a good root system in that kind of soil.

Most plants adapt to specific areas, just because green plants are growing there doesn't mean the soil will be good for cannabis... it may be, but it's always good to check it and not go off the green plant factor.


New member
From what I have researched the bad seeds don't always mean bad bud. Apparently the attention and TLC given to a plant can often be the difference between shite bud and great bud.

Another question:

Should I germinate the seeds at home first, or should I start them in the soil outside from the get go?