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What's the stuff sprinkled on the ground to stop soft bellied insects(slugs,snails)


I forgot what I was supposed to use and can't find it in search....... I want to say Limestone for some reason but I'm pretty sure that's used for helping to balance PH..... Not salt as it's bad for the earth..

Anyone know the name of the stuff? It's a real specific item, though I can't remember the name, and need to get some before I have to move my plants out in 2 days.

Any clues?

edit:Also does anyone have a clue if basic tomato cages would do any good with combating deer/other mammals? I don't want to have to go stringing fishing line inbetween the trees unless I must


Active member
Believe it or not, a cup of beer sitting in the middle of your floor will do amazing. I'm not sure what it is that attracts them, but it works great. Once you have a good glob of them in the beer cup, they're all ready marinated and ready to go into the saute pan (just kidding).

mgk :tiphat:


Believe it or not, a cup of beer sitting in the middle of your floor will do amazing. I'm not sure what it is that attracts them, but it works great. Once you have a good glob of them in the beer cup, they're all ready marinated and ready to go into the saute pan (just kidding).

mgk :tiphat:

I saw the beer suggestion in another post, though I don't have access to alcohol(only 19). I could go through people to get it, though I'm not all for littering lol.

The stuff I'm trying to remember... it's like comes in a powered form where you can sprinkle it around the dirt and soft bellied species will not cross it, aka slugs snails etc..... No clue where I read it at, must have been a year ago or so.

edit: It might be the Diatomaceous earth as previously mentioned.... anyone have any clues if I Can get it at home depot/lowes? My local hydrostore is about 2 hours away =\


just do it
Diatomaceous earth has tiny super sharp edges that slices and dices up critters, i use the beer too, i would bet non alchoholic might work too


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
you talking about salt? lol slugs dont like salt.. im sure snails wouldnt either...


We use "Ferramol" where I'm from.
I think it works pretty good.
buy it any where!!!!!

buy it any where!!!!!

try ORTHO SLUGGETA its pellets works well its supossed to last a month never does still it totally kills them slimy suckers.i use 3X the recomended amount!!!!!at least

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
strawbrrygirls' product is good and there are several other cheap and effective chemical snail killers available at most hardware/garden stores. All are safe and last several weeks depending on rainfall.

Salt is harmful to the plant.

If you want to avoid the chemicals, then the simplist and cheapest method is to buy a bag of sand and put 1 cup of sand around the base of the plant. The grains of sand get stuck in their slime = they wont cross it under any circumstances and it last for about a month..

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Snail Killer, comes in pellet form, green in colour and kills slugs too. You can also get pet friendly varieties cos the original one may kill a dog if ingested. Very effective. This in Oz though.

  1. Another way is to dig a small hole in an area or areas around the plant.
  2. Put a jar, glass, cup or anything like that in the hole.
  3. Bury down to the top
  4. Half fill container with beer. I prefer Victoria Bitter which I normally drink.
  5. For some strange reason the snails and slugs are attracted to the beer, start to crawl in and drown
  6. You get half a beer at the same time

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Snail Killer, comes in pellet form, green in colour and kills slugs too. You can also get pet friendly varieties cos the original one may kill a dog if ingested. Very effective. This in Oz though.

  1. Another way is to dig a small hole in an area or areas around the plant.
  2. Put a jar, glass, cup or anything like that in the hole.
  3. Bury down to the top
  4. Half fill container with beer. I prefer Victoria Bitter which I normally drink.
  5. For some strange reason the snails and slugs are attracted to the beer, start to crawl in and drown
  6. You get half a beer at the same time

This is for outdoor grows, if you've got snails and slugs inside, well that's a different story.


The cheaper the beer,the better. Then I pour the marinated slugs on the ground for the birds. Make your garden a nice place for Toads,they love slugs.Scattering crushed up eggshells works too.

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