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Early LEO detection?

K...so I've read a lot about raids, precautions, etc...

My question to the seasoned vets out there...is there a way to find out if you're being investigated? Either by a local LEO website, personal observation etc... What do you all look for?

If you're a pretty observant person, do you think you can tell they're coming before they actually do?


I don't have any first hand experience regarding this, but I do remember reading something in Julian's massive outdoor thread.

It went something like this. If the Feds/DEA, etc are interested in you one of the things they may do is have local LE pull you over on a routine traffic stop to talk to you, observe, etc.

Also, I would imagine someone routing through your trash wouldn't be a good sign.

If you're a pretty observant person, do you think you can tell they're coming before they actually do?
The thing here is, it doesn't matter how observant you are. It only matters if you're looking for the right things in the right places. Knowing what and where those are is the trick -- and probably pretty hard to figure out.


Well-known member
i'd say your chances aren't good, this is what they do
unless you have somebody inside, but that's not too likely
just be prepared at all times, know what your rights are, and stealth is a religion


Overkill is under-rated.
If you're always ready, you never have to GET ready.

Can you break down your grow in one night and dispose of all evidence?

Do you never do business with new people?

Does your room have overkill-amounts of odor control?

Are you super careful with every leaf, stem and smell?

Do you make sure you aren't tailed home from the hydro store?

Do you keep your grow secret and never show it to anyone?

Do you know never to talk to cops or even open the door if they knock?

If you do all of these things, you're about as safe as you can be.

thai stick

New member
ive been growing for 2 years plus. my current grow(sweettooth, crimea blue, og18xskunk, la woman in coco) is going great. ive been smoking cannabis since i was sixteen, early twenties now, so this grow ive decided id quit til i yield then celebrate considering my grows are strictly personal, which has been two months of vegging so far. since its not been burned around me for two months now. ive actually grown paranoid of smell, with venting outside that is. and another thing ive picked up on is my clothing literally WREAKS of cannabis in veg. so i keep my clothing elsewhere than my bedroom/ closet gro room now. in veg. and in more than one circumstance ive heard of warrants being pulled just from clothing smelling like growing cannabis...since my heightened sense of actually smelling the ganja im growing i am much more paranoid that my whole neighborhood wreaks of growing cannabis. in my city i know there are vice specifically for grow ops. just stay observant, stealth, and remember the first rule of fight club...and second. dont talk about fight club. now the only reason i could actually say that would set off the switch im being watched is phone tapping. some ways to pick up on this is : ask people if they hear theyre voice echoing, does your battery seem to be going dead very fast 24 hrs even from full charge, and as you may know when you call a place and it says this call is monitored you will hear YOUR voice echoing. one important thing to know is that IF your cell phone ia actually tapped. not only are calls being recorded but every other convo. that is around your cell is also being recorded hence the battery going dead fast. im talking from experience. i used to be in much shadier business, and myself and a co defendant did some time because his cell phone was tapped. and i heard conversations on trial that were one hundred percent not on the phone but around it. and eventually vice popped us. hope i could be of some help just be observant. because unless you personally know a cop or vice its hrd to kno
Unless you have an insider in the police force, you can only have suspicions that you are being investigated.

Better to tell no one and keep a peaceful relationship with your spouse (most growers are busted due to information provided to police by immediate family and friends). Don't steal electricity and don't deal.

Finally, when your buddies ask you where you get all the great cananbis, just tell them you have a new contact for small amounts of varied weed but that your not allowed to hand out the dudes contact info (sorry brother :D )

Jealously can rear its ugly head you know.

Peace and be careful out there


Active member
you wont know if they are good at their job. it wont be till your lawyer files a motion for discoverythat you know what you did to get caught.
Right on, thanx for the replies everyone.

Not that I plan on anything bad happening (who does?), just wanted to know if there was anything to look for that I haven't thought of.
Just trying to be careful-er


If you're always ready, you never have to GET ready.

Can you break down your grow in one night and dispose of all evidence?

Do you never do business with new people?

Does your room have overkill-amounts of odor control?

Are you super careful with every leaf, stem and smell?

Do you make sure you aren't tailed home from the hydro store?

Do you keep your grow secret and never show it to anyone?

Do you know never to talk to cops or even open the door if they knock?

If you do all of these things, you're about as safe as you can be.
follow there and you cant go all wrong


Well-known member
does LEO do "sneak & peek" warrants where you folks are? they break in to your home/office/wherever to CONFIRM that you are dirty before executing an arrest warrant. a man might buy a few hours if you could detect the initial search intrusion.


Active member
never say anything that indicates/proves you're a cannabis smoker/grower over the phone ;)


Overkill is under-rated.
Ok if you're super paranoid you can get a police scanner and code all the local cop radios, including sheriff, task forces, drug squads, vice cops, anything you can find and listen to it 24X7 and learn all the various codes. Then you might catch them as they descend upon you, so you might get 1-5 minutes warning. I have a scanner in my car with all that, and it would make me sooo paranoid to listen to it constantly.