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Cell Phone Tracking

I found out the other day that police who suspect that you are growing outdoors will use your cell phone to track which towers your cell phone automatically checks in with as you move around. They then use that info to triangulate where you are. Is this correct info? Does anyone know? Or is it a urban legend.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i doubt it, they would need a warrant for that. and if they suspect you of growing, its not grounds to get a warrant......

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
100% true, parents can see where their children are if they pay for the app. so what the police have less technology than house wives???????
daa i don't take my cell anywhere with me important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when have the police ever needed a warrant to do anything, they only need to go into your residence. I know of bikers here who have had their places and inside their houses bugged, cam'd...

they only care about a warrant if they want to use the evidence in court. but they will find out if your place is worth watching first by listening to your calls and then maybe your dumb ass gives em a reason for a warrant. cell phone tracking and listening is going on all day everyday, that is a FACT
Pay as you go phones:


No real name
No real address
No contracts
Throw your phone away and buy another as you please
Pay for your minutes as you go

Better known as "burn out" phones. So far the best way to stay on top of your game...
(or so a "friend" of mine told me)


100% true. Your cellphone camera? Yeah, if they wanted to...

krunchbubble, wake up bud. Many many people get busted by squads without warrants. It doesn't matter what they do if you incriminate yourself.

If you are suspected of something big, yes they can track you on your cellphone. Why do you think that no matter where you are (unless maybe the top of everest) you can get connected to 911, even if you have no service? Truth.

There are servers that are logging ALL INTERNET AND PHONE ACTIVITY. This isn't a theory.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Pay as you go phones:


No real name
No real address
No contracts
Throw your phone away and buy another as you please
Pay for your minutes as you go

Better known as "burn out" phones. So far the best way to stay on top of your game...
(or so a "friend" of mine told me)

AGAIN they don't care if they know it's yours they will listen if you are a person of interest. this just makes it harder. but you still talk to all your buddies on that phone who maybe listened into. so either way you are fucked


And you may as well take advantage of the pay as you go option because pretty soon there will be no such thing as cash anonymity.


you do not need a warrant to track anyone, there are even public websites where you can triangulate cellphones. But this method of tracking is highly inaccurate however and can only tell you where in the area you are not the exact position. So if your going to the ultimate secret business deal, leave the cell at home.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude

ok so me and my girl are taking a trip across the line to seattle, and we notice a car like our police cars unmarked. and remember we have crossed the border. now they where obvious and i was caught down the street a month earlier near a monster grow 100+ bulbs. So as we are in the usa we notice this undercover canadian license plate car. once we were obvious about seeing em they pulled off. now the funny thing is my girls phone is in her purse flipped closed and it started recording our conversation, hmmm was somebody listening yes and on my girls phone.
you do the math and tell me how safe we are, i was not charged, just a person of interest with no criminal record. hmmmmmmmmm


Active member
Cellphones triangulate between towers to position you for "best service quality." Local cops do not have access to such records and things of this nature. If your doing shit thats bringing federal attention where they readily have access to stuff like that...you probably shouldn't be using a contracted cellphone...kinda that whole stay off the radar thing

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Cellphones triangulate between towers to position you for "best service quality." Local cops do not have access to such records and things of this nature. If your doing shit thats bringing federal attention where they readily have access to stuff like that...you probably shouldn't be using a contracted cellphone...kinda that whole stay off the radar thing
in the rest of the world, like canada we do not have an FBI we have national security branch only for national security, not screwing with growers.
So our RCMP have access to anything they want and i am sure it's like this in most of the world.

Slaxx get real you can buy an app so you know where your kids are, exactly where they are and most GPS are good in to about 2 feet of error and they put these in every phone.


Active member
No warrants needed in Canada for triangulation, reverse lookups, etc. I scan, and have heard it firsthand, so don't tell me it's a "tinfoil hat" type thing. They just contact the provider and whammo, the provider forks over the info.

My cellphone went "crunch" under my heel shortly after first hearing it (a couple yrs back), and I'd much rather walk a couple Km to talk mano-a-mano to a friend then ever carry/use a cell again - and I do not sell, just grow small gardens for my own use.

Celly's are NOT private, and until pot is legal I will not use one... :rasta:



100% true, parents can see where their children are if they pay for the app. so what the police have less technology than house wives???????
daa i don't take my cell anywhere with me important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when have the police ever needed a warrant to do anything, they only need to go into your residence. I know of bikers here who have had their places and inside their houses bugged, cam'd...

they only care about a warrant if they want to use the evidence in court. but they will find out if your place is worth watching first by listening to your calls and then maybe your dumb ass gives em a reason for a warrant. cell phone tracking and listening is going on all day everyday, that is a FACT

good answer there tracking is tight to if they have your number locked they will be about 5 mins behind you. There tracking is dead nuts acurate


Tropical Outcast
Some of your guys answers are just plain scary...

I guess some of "those answers/reply's" are one of the reasons NOT TO EVER TELL ANYONE you are growing!

How to Triangulate a Cell Phone

...and MUCH MORE INFO available on the net!

In other words: TAKE OUT YOUR CELLS BATTERY when you visit your grow!


I am who I am coz I is who I is.
good thing down here in NZ they generally dont do this crap. allthough im sure they oculd if they wanted 2.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
a phone tap consists of seconds, it starts with say 30 seconds and if nothing is said pertaining to the supsected crime, then they must hang it up and wait for next call.. Then the time either goes up or down not sure. This is what i heard from an idiot i know who got popped many years ago it might have changed by now.. Also i heard celly's can record while off, so take yer battery out when talking yer game.. lol.. im just saying.. peace n pufs.
