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"Brain Pills"


Active member
That was a craze i picked up on old Overgrow in 2005 - everyone was taking these supplements - which apparently restored your bad memory from weed use and made you EVERY high special....

i FORGOT the name of these things

I ll give k+ to anyone who reminds me... something straing like "letcitin" or some shit

My and my friends used to call them simply Brain Pills

edit: Lecithin, thats the one i think


that's a fat emulsifier.. where they trying to melt your brain?
It's used more as a food additive these days


Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
nah lecithin has whats known as phosphatidal choline in it
that choline is used by your body to produce the important, ubiquitous neurotransmitter, acetylcholine

i believe though, that you may be referring to whats called nootropics in general but there is one class of these compounds called the 'Racetams' which are pretty awesome ime

i've tried many of them, and many other nootropics. some of them work for some people. some dont. they are all a bit diff, some better than others, some do diff shit. over all though most of them do improve memory, cognition, etc. at least for me....

you have to, or should, take lecithin when takin larger or daily doses of racetams because its beleive they act primarily on the acetylcholine systems and increase the bodys use of acetylcholine, so one must supplement that important vitamin to make sure your body has enough choline. also, phosphatidal choline is an imporant component of cellular membranes, and so when you body runs low on choline, it starts to use it up from cell membranes and thats a bad thing! so if you take racetams, get headaches, exp other side effeects try takin 1g of choline bitartate or 1-2 of lecithin with the racetam


You're better off not wasting your money, for now at least.

Gingko Biloba is OTC and claims to promote memory function. I've taken it in the past and have noticed little change in memory cognition.

You're better off doing a cross word or similar everyday to keep your brain sharp.


Yeah those brain pills that helped me remember....um...I can't remember the name of them ...or my name....um what was the name of them....um they worked real good um...I just can't remember


Sudoku, crosswords, brain teasers, etc. are all PROVEN medically not just independent testing. Also, for the most part free.


Marijuana does not cause any form of memory loss, short-term or long-term. Period.

lol...seems you forgot it does...

When one's memory is affected by high dose of marijuana, short-term memory is the first to be triggered. Marijuana's damage to short-term memory occurs because THC alters the way in which information is processed by the hippocampus, a brain area responsible for memory formation. "One region of the brain that contains a lot of THC receptors is the hippocampus, which processes memory."(3) Hippocampus is the part of the brain that is important for memory, learning, and the integration of sensory experiences with emotions and motivation. It also converts information into short-term memory. "Because it is a steroid, THC acts on the hippocampus and inhibits memory retrieval."(4) THC also alters the way in which sensory information is interpreted. "When THC attaches to receptors in the hippocampus, it weakness the short-term memory,"(5) and damages the nerve cells by creating structural changes to the hippocampus region of the brain. When a user has a high dose of marijuana, new information does not register into their brain and this may be lost from memory and they are not able to retrieve new information for more than a few minutes. There is also a decrease in the activity of nerve cells.

I was watching Botany of Desire and the author was talking about how it causing you to forget is actually a very efficient way of organizing thoughts.


5-HTP is a miracle. It puts me in a mood so good i cant even describe, its like nothing is a problem and everything is always ok. It will destroy any sadistic and maliscious tendencies you have.

in addition, when consistently taking 5-HTP everytime i smoke i get retardedly high. like so high its unpleasant, so i rarely smoke more than a few hits.

In addition it also seems to prevent tolerance build up, weed has significant serotogenic activity and 5-HTP replenishes your serotonin amazingly fast.

If anyone wants to be really high to the point of unpleasantness take 50-100mg 5-HTP 2 hours before you smoke.

And the best part, it is legal and availible at most health food stores.


Active member
"And the best part, it is legal and availible at most health food stores."

What is this u speak of?


Is it related to DMT by any chance??

I will go google it


Active member
5-HTP is a miracle. It puts me in a mood so good i cant even describe, its like nothing is a problem and everything is always ok. It will destroy any sadistic and maliscious tendencies you have.

in addition, when consistently taking 5-HTP everytime i smoke i get retardedly high. like so high its unpleasant, so i rarely smoke more than a few hits.

In addition it also seems to prevent tolerance build up, weed has significant serotogenic activity and 5-HTP replenishes your serotonin amazingly fast.

If anyone wants to be really high to the point of unpleasantness take 50-100mg 5-HTP 2 hours before you smoke.

And the best part, it is legal and availible at most health food stores.

Off to the shope...

I remember the lecithin craze, still have the old unfinished bottle because I noticed no difference despite quite a few members claiming it worked. Makes me think of the mango thing.

What about fish oil? Not MJ related but supposedly helps uplift your mood somehow.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
well choline and5-htp are similar in terms of how the body processes them
although your body can sythesize choline it does so in small amount and therefore the majority of it must be obtained through the diet
the same with the amino acids phenylalanaine/tryptophan. we can make tryptophan, but we make it from phenylalanine but we cant make phenylalanine. so to get either of those amino acids you need to eat or or the other or both.
5-htp is 5-hydrxoy-tryptophan, and it is immediately metabolized into seretonin (which is 5-hydroxy-tryptamine) in the guts and is then distributed in the blood. this is how you can get seretonin syndrome by eating too much of 5-htp, since all that just gets turned right into seretonin and dumped into the blood. however seretonin cannot cross the blood-brain barrier, only the amino acid precusors can. also, if you consume any protein source before or with 5-htp or any pure amino acid supplement basically, that will also make it totally ineffective since your body will preferetially uptake the whole proteins and peptides rather than just simple amino acids since its more efficient for it to do so.

but back to the main point, is that if you have a shitty diet and arent consuming enough of either of these things, then of course supplementation will help you. if you have a good diet, etc., then yea chances are they wont do shit for you.