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Personal Protection when handling Nutrient Solutions ?

Personal Protection when handling Nutrient Solutions ?

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I use rubber gloves when handling my nutes. Especially when i do somethin in my res'

I don't know about my fertz harming me but using ph- will make res little acidic? It makes my hands red and itchy but i got really sensitive skin (yeah sounds little gay) and old scars and scrapes came more visible so i would assume its not good. Actually when i think eye protection would be nice too cos very often drop or a few splashes in to my eyes..


The cat that loves cannabis
Please don't do it on my account.
For taste alone (LOL) !!!!

Ok, I checked it out last night, I just now regained consiousness so I couldn't post before this, lol, kidding.

As soon as I tasted it I remembered what the guy at the shop said it tasted like, soy sauce
It was very salty like you thought it would be, but also a little sweet at the same time.


Well-known member
the dr who after tests said that I was gettin my GI tract inflamed by chemical exposure
I know about such things very much, sorry no details about that, but there is no such way a gastroenterologist/otherdoc could make such a conclusion from any currently available tests. Inflammation, sure. Cause of inflamations that isnt infectious or specific from biopsy, almost never able to make conclusion. It may be his impression and it may be on his list of things to consider, but either he is full of it, or you mis-interpreted the conclusion. If touching nute solutions caused many problems, other than skin irritation, it would be a known occupational hazard for farmers or those in horticulture, and it's not.

edit add- later in the thread hempyguy points out that he really didn't ask for such info, fair enough, but his initial supposition might lead people to believe that there has been a valid conclusion by his doctors that his touching nutrient solutions has caused him some GI problems. I can assure you that they aren't sure about that. I personally (and am in the medical field) dont think that there is anything to it. Sure, wear gloves if you want, nute solution is a pain to wash off, but there is no reason to believe that it is toxic except for skin irritation.


Thanks for your opinion, you are certainly entitled to believe anything you want. My grandfather who was a farmer used DDT on his crops without any protection for years without any apparent effect. Others were not so lucky. Everyone reacts differently to their environment.

If touching nute solutions caused many problems, other than skin irritation, it would be a known occupational hazard for farmers or those in horticulture, and it's not.
General Hydroponics obviously thinks that there is enough danger to publish it. Of course it's up to the individuals to read it and take action. If one works in horticulture for wages, it is federal law for any MSDS info to be readily available on the work site. If it is a small "undeground" operation one is not mandated by OSHA law but it might be a good idea to read the data for any chemicals one uses. There are standard precautions to be taken for MSDS info even if it is not common practice to observe these "engineering controls" as rubber gloves/rubber aprons, etc are called.

I did not start this thread to debate the veracity of my doctors statements, nor to tell anyone what they should be doing when handling these solutions, I started it to see how many out there are taking the warnings of the manufacturer seriously and taking protection. Data collection to satisfy my curious nature.

I hope you can respect that.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
I think we all respect that, I just think your problem would exist either way and we all want to blame something when anything occurs. How exactly did your Doctor come to the conclusion that GH 3 part caused you to have issues with your lower GI system?

What kind of tests did he do? I am actually curious now as to how one would determine that. Have you had a blood, hair, & urine test for various heavy metals & fertilizers?
What about pesticides? Is GH 3 part the only thing you use in your garden you are exposed to?


Thanks for your concern.
I don't think that there is any point trying to diagnose someone over the net, considering all we need mask to keep ourselves "secure". Suffice it to say that I am seeking a second opinion. I know that the number of people who responded is small, but the sheer weight of the distribution of answers from people responding is enough to validate my suspicions and look into this matter much more closely. I try never to "prejudge" any other professional as per the code of professional conduct, so I wanted to first get some independent data. I simply can't treat myself.
Enough said without tipping any hands?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
You need to have some real tests done dude. Even then, you most likely have exposure to many different substances from many different contributing factors unless you live in a bubble and only come out of it to handle GH 3 part.

Have you at least had a simple acetylcholinesterase blood test to gauge the level if any of organophosphates in your body? I would suggest that first and foremost along with a complete blood work-up (CBC) etc. if you have not already done so.

That being said I think the vast majority of lower GI issues are genetic/hereditary or caused by bacteria or a lack thereof of the good ones. Diet also plays a huge role. I hope you get it all figured out man and good luck. :)


:)Again, thanks for your concern.

Have you at least had a simple acetylcholinesterase blood test to gauge the level if any of organophosphates in your body? I would suggest that first and foremost along with a complete blood work-up (CBC) etc. if you have not already done so.
Already done.
Not genetic, not in family history.
Already seeking second opinion as per previous post.
The 1st doctor is a close friend.
If you are not actually a doctor please don't try to advise one.
Even I don't diagnose myself.
Is that clear enough (he says trying not to disclose too much)?


Active member
Stop putting your dick in the nutrients to mix it than. Guess we found out what kinda microbiology goes on in your grow area!

Nutrients are much lighter than your common house cleaning

I've been growing using GH Flora series for the last 20+ years or so. Lately I have had problems with my lower GI and went to the dr who after tests said that I was gettin my GI tract inflamed by chemical exposure.

I read the MSDS for the flora series and there was a warning about long term exposure targeting the GI tract

I was wondering how many folks out there wear personal protection ( rubber gloves etc. ) when handing solutions. You know, not just mixing the stuff, but putting one's hands in the solutions to place air stones, checking root's etc?



crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
Stop putting your dick in the nutrients to mix it than.
it's so simple though. i walk up to the rubbermaid trashcan, drop trow, and it goes all the way to the bottom. After stirring for a few minutes i'm stimulated enough to add my own protein based bloom booster and away I go after a good towel dry down.

Guess we found out what kinda microbiology goes on in your grow area!
it's my special blend.

on a serious note, though, I put hand pumps on all my nutes so that i don't have to pour them and risk any spillage. And I almost always wear gloves anyway, just in case of stupid stoner syndrome. My reservoirs all have mixing/aerating pumps in them so I rarely have a reason to stick my hand in there unless I'm pulling a pump out to clean it or its filter, and they all have handy cords to pull with. I hate getting chemicals on my skin, especially undiluted nutes, and when I do (rarely) I immediately wash/rinse and then drink a big glass of water to rehydrate.


Stop putting your dick in the nutrients to mix it than. Guess we found out what kinda microbiology goes on in your grow area!

Nutrients are much lighter than your common house cleaning
Hey slackx
Thanks for your obviously educated opinion.
Hempyguy, Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Much appreciated.

I have been a very casual glove user who just became a full time glove user! I am by no means trying to imply mandatory use, but if something as simple as a glove MAY reduce long term issues from chemical exposure, I would feel foolish not to use it. This is coming from a guy who used to melt lead in the garage with the door closed. I know, WTF??? In my defense I was a lot younger, you know 20years old and invincible. I like to think I am learning from my mistakes, and because of this site, the trials of others.

thanks again


this does disturb me, thank you for bringing it up. I not only used my hands when mixing but for years, i would "taste" my solution instead of using a ppm meter (i know, i know). so now its gloves for me, jeesus im an idiot.


Flying High,
Don't feel bad, when I was young we would melt lead on the stove to pour into little casting molds and make toy soldiers. (LOL)

Follow your heart, and the MSDS sheet of the nutrient of your choice. Take due protection, but don't go paranoid. ;)

Bumble Buddy

Active member
Hempyguy said:
...I did not start this thread to debate the veracity of my doctors statements...

Well, your doctor's statements have direct bearing on the subject and relevance otherwise, so I will ask you...

I've been growing using GH Flora series for the last 20+ years or so. Lately I have had problems with my lower GI and went to the dr who after tests said that I was gettin my GI tract inflamed by chemical exposure...

What tests were you given?

What were the specific results of the tests?

What "chemicals" were specifically responsible for the exposure?

GI inflammation via "Chemical exposure" is not a valid diagnosis, what sort of doctor (type of certification) did you visit?


Being serious, no I don't use any sort of protection when handling nutrients. Yes they are chemicals, but your skin comes into contact with much worst crap than whats in those bottles.


Missed your response. I'm glad I wasn't drinking anything at the time or it would have been all over my keyboard and screen.
Bumble Buddy,
Did you read the entire thread?
I refuse to disclose more personal info just to satisfy your need to argue.

Thanks for your input, I'm trying to gather data on average use and protection. I cannot comment on safety or dangers any more than the MSDS sheets directly from General Hydroponics state because I feel I don't have enough background and education to make such a hypothesis.


Thanks you all for participating in my Poll.
I have enough responses to guide me in my decisions for the future.
If you find the information contained in this thread helpful, then all the better.

To those who found this thread an invasion against what they personally consider facts, I sincerely apologize for invading your sense of reality. It was not my intention to do so.

Thanks again!


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Dude, you are stating something that is speculation as fact here and when some of us ask valid mature points you pull the "I don't want to disclose too much" card. Well then you should have not posted the fucking thread to begin with ass pirate! Maybe it was the fucking lead soldiers you made on your stove where food is cooked and you & your friends probably chewed on when you were a tater tot that fucked your shit up? Maybe you are just blaming GH 3 part and don't know what the hell you are talking about. I am a Doctor btw, I prescribe statements of reality for the delusional ones. ;)


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Don't feel bad, when I was young we would melt lead on the stove to pour into little casting molds and make toy soldiers. (LOL)


Brilliant, so based on this you probably mix your GH 3 part in the kitchen sink over your dishes too right? And you wonder why you are having problems. You need a good detox man, go look into some natural detox programs and take some decent probiotics.