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Does eating mangos make you extra high??

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
From this article..



Did you know that mangoes can enhance your Marijuana high? It may sound strange, but it all comes down to chemical interactions within your body.

Marijuana and mangoes both contain a terpene chemical called Myrcene. This chemical helps the psychoactives in Cannabis cross the blood-brain barrier more efficiently.

Lower quality strains of Marijuana generally do not have as much Myrcene as higher quality strains. So in order to enhance the quality of your weed, increase the amount of Myrcene in your body.

This is easily done by eating mangoes. Next time you’re at the grocery store, buy some and give it a shot. Mangoes also have various health benefits including: antioxidant & anticancer properties, good vitamin content, high iron content, and tryptophan – a precursor of serotonin.

To enhance your high:
Try eating a mango 60 minutes prior to smoking/vaping. When you are taking hits, the high should come on a lot quicker. The overall high should also be stronger and possibly longer lasting.

To enhance length of your high:
Get high, then eat a mango. Eating mangoes for munchies can definitely lengthen the amount of time being stoned. This is really nice for many of us with high tolerances to Marijuana.

Everyone is different. If 1 mango doesn’t do the trick, try 2 next time. Be creative – making a mango smoothie would be delicious and should speed up the delivery time to your bloodstream.


So is this for real? Thought I'd ask before jetting off to the supermarket for mangos :D


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
not sure about the mango's but i heard that eating chocolate after gettin high will enhance the hgih....
peace n pufs.



crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
are fresh mangoes necessary? what about frozen mango chunks or even a kern's mango nectar drink?


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
For a double whammy try smoking some MANGO just after eating some! :greenstars:


Active member
Sounds like a great way to end the tolerance break and start 4/20... maybe a delicious mango smoothie? :chin:

Guest 26753

Yep, I wrote the initial article on this after meeting with Ed Rosenthal in Australia 2 years ago.
Fresh mangos are best as Myrcene content is highest. Aussie mangoes are best by the way. You will also notice the same effect if you drink Juniper Tea before smoking. Juniper berries are high in Myrcene also, so whatever rocks yer boat lol.
Sorry for not quoting my information but I was under the assumption, after reading an article, that OVER ripe mangoes were the way to go ?

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
From this article..



Did you know that mangoes can enhance your Marijuana high? It may sound strange, but it all comes down to chemical interactions within your body.

Marijuana and mangoes both contain a terpene chemical called Myrcene. This chemical helps the psychoactives in Cannabis cross the blood-brain barrier more efficiently.

Lower quality strains of Marijuana generally do not have as much Myrcene as higher quality strains. So in order to enhance the quality of your weed, increase the amount of Myrcene in your body.

This is easily done by eating mangoes. Next time you’re at the grocery store, buy some and give it a shot. Mangoes also have various health benefits including: antioxidant & anticancer properties, good vitamin content, high iron content, and tryptophan – a precursor of serotonin.

To enhance your high:
Try eating a mango 60 minutes prior to smoking/vaping. When you are taking hits, the high should come on a lot quicker. The overall high should also be stronger and possibly longer lasting.

To enhance length of your high:
Get high, then eat a mango. Eating mangoes for munchies can definitely lengthen the amount of time being stoned. This is really nice for many of us with high tolerances to Marijuana.

Everyone is different. If 1 mango doesn’t do the trick, try 2 next time. Be creative – making a mango smoothie would be delicious and should speed up the delivery time to your bloodstream.


So is this for real? Thought I'd ask before jetting off to the supermarket for mangos :D

I used to pick mangos for work on a farm in N/E Queensland, Australia. It was stinking hot and at the end of a long hard day we would get home and have a few cold beers.

After which we would have a few joints and mangos were normally part of the evening meal.

Then we would go outside after a good meal and sit on the deck in the hot tropical night.

Followed by more beers and joints and mangos.

By the end of the night we were usually pretty wasted.

Did the mangos do the things claimed?

Somehow I don't think so, the beers were cold and the pot was good.

Then the next day we would head out to pick the mangos and the process would begin again.

Good times though!



Active member
Seems to me that although mango's could possible enhance a high, the natural sugars cancel out this benefit leaving you back at square 1, it would be nice if it worked but im not a believer! Mango's MuhaaaaaAAA!

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I used to pick mangos for work on a farm in N/E Queensland, Australia. It was stinking hot and at the end of a long hard day we would get home and have a few cold beers.

After which we would have a few joints and mangos were normally part of the evening meal.

Then we would go outside after a good meal and sit on the deck in the hot tropical night.

Followed by more beers and joints and mangos.

By the end of the night we were usually pretty wasted.

Did the mangos do the things claimed?

Somehow I don't think so, the beers were cold and the pot was good.

Then the next day we would head out to pick the mangos and the process would begin again.

Good times though!


One more thing, the girls were sexy as hell, but you can't have them.

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