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BC's Trainwreck pc grow

fred the shed

New member
Just dropping in to say that tw girl is looking sooo sexy BC. If you got the time and the space go for a reveg. Keep that train running.
Looking forward to the harvest pics. All the best mate.

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks Scrub!! I checked weeks ago with a loupe and there were amber in some parts but that could have been that darn pollen...most feel the plant is ready when it looks ugly? is that right?
Thanks BigHit!!
Thanks headband707!!! its day 57, the beginning of week 9 so she should be done in a week? looks ready now!!
thanks fred the shed!!!
here are some new pics with her "haircut"!! see all those smaller buds underneath? before I trimmed her, they were barely there...


calyxes popping out like crazy..looks freaky

see them all:laughing:

4 of these long cola's filling out too...

big heavy nummy bud:)

that one spot on the big cola is almost filled in..its taken forever


last but not least, the Rocklock sprouted her shell so she's in her new home:blowbubbles:

how's she looking?
look forward to hearing from you all...
take care and thanks again...
omg man, she is beautifull, i must be first too say, CONGRATZ MAN!!

cant wait to see the weights, if it was mine, i would be so sad to cut her down :p


Wow she is looking great I am curious as to what your final dry weight will be.......im subscribed.


Active member
Hey BC, I have to agree with "Hommer" mmmmm num num...lol

Looking great by the way.....

I woke this morning to a little suprise in my mum cab,

Just as well I have circuit breakers installed, no other damage than tripping the power. On a good note My baby is doing just fine, what do you think

Will be able to take a cutting or 2 soon and then into flower....yay.


BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
thanks christoph'sbud!!!!!DANK and STANKY!!
Thanks YobLamina!! Nice to have you here..
Hey Ghost!! Thanks buddy..
thanks lowrydergrower!! have you grown many auto's? i grew an EasyRyder which turned out massive! 11 inches tall and 114 grams wet/33dry..have some Onyx to try one day..
hey johnnybsmokin!! Lucky no fire too..glad she's okay! she looks awesome dude! I'm coming over for a visit..
thanks m4c!!
checked her today with the magnifying scope..she is cloudy(with a chance of meatballs!! had to throw that in!) all over and just turning amber in the oldest parts of my lady..close huh!! I'm thinkin 2-3 days...she is barely filling in but the buds are plumping up...
I'll get some pics in soon..
the RockLock will be showing by tomorrow for sure..I can just see her popping up..the soil is the same as I used for the TW..shultz with trace nutes from natural organic compost plus added microbes...I love this soil!! so do the plants it seems..
So since this one will be 12/12 from the get go, when do you start counting the bloom weeks?? can anyone help?is it as soon as she shows, or some time later?
Thanks in advance..one thing I want to add is, without any of your help, I would'nt be this far along..or either would the plants..
hey BC, i just wanna know ur soil combo, im thinkin of getting some schultz, cause its local here too!

let me know, christoph. :lurk:

P.S check my thread!

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks christoph!! Sent you the info you need..
Hey b00m!!! Its that time huh? YAY!! I'll take lots of pics tonight of the whole process..
The RockLock took only 36 hours from seed to 1 inch tall!! Growing like a weed!!
Should I start a new thread or keep this one going?
Thanks everyone.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
OH BABY !!!!!! LOL LOL she is calling me .. I hear her ... she says Headband707 smoke me ... lol lol.. I have such good tunes too bro lol lol peace out Headband707

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Great idea christoph!! I think I'll use it!!
Thanks headband 707!!
I was going to chop tonight but I'll let you all decide..either way its going to be good!!
this is day 60 of 12/12...she's not doing much..maybe filling out but I can't tell..see it all the time!!

The RockLock is shooting up fast..I'll have to scrog this one or something..in 1 night she's grown an inch...nummy soil...



lots of cola's:dance013:






well, here she is..looks good enough to smoke:tiphat:
look forward to your feedback...


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Nice bro, I would flush till friday then chop imho, you can see some leaves are starting to be used up by the plant, what ever you do will work though.

Peace an Respects

BC Chronic

Paging Dr.Greenthumb
Thanks b00m.. I am wondering what to do with the new lady...she is growing fast..
can you LST or scrog even if its 12/12 from seed?


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Sure you can bro just don't do too much damage if any to the stem, you should have a veg window period in 12/12 from seed of about 1-2 weeks (before sex shows) and in that time shape the plant to how you want it, ready for the flower stretch being kept in mind.

Peace Bruz


BC - you've created something stunning here!:jump:

I've been browsing this micro grow forum for several days and your produce is the best I've seen on a non-hydro/cfl/lst/pc grow - which is the type of setup i'm going to create.

I'd love to produce something as spectacular in a very similar sized space. I know I'm unlikely to achieve the results you have, as your experience isn't something I can get from a library. But do you have any details you can share on the setup itself? I can only seem to find details of the bulbs you've used.

Maybe you purposely haven't shared this info, if so feel free to tell me where to go :smoke: