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Help me ID a problem...leaf curling, pics inside


I have a good idea what may be the problem, but a super crazy work schedule and serious lack of sleep has my brain shut down 24/7. I'll answer everything I can later on. For right now, I need some sleep, and the pics hopefully will speak for themselves.

Relevant info...

Strain: Nirvana's white widow by clone still in veg stage @ 18/6 light cycle under 400w HPS

Medium: Biobizz allmix

Nutes: 3/4 tsp GH maxibloom + 1/4tsp florolicious plus per gallon R/O water every 3rd watering for veg.

Recent transplant from 1 gal to 3 gal pots. Recent as in 4 days ago.

Any help would be appreciated. For now, sleep time before I nose plant into the hardwood floors.




I think you are feeding them too soon.
Did you feed them after you moved them to a bigger pot?
If yes, I think that is your problem.you have more nuts then you need from the new soil.

hope that helped :tiphat:


Actually that would make sense. I fed them just before the transplant. when i up potted I gave them pure water with nothing else. I wasn't really thinking that I was feeding just before throwing them into fresh ammended soil. Dunno if i should flush or just let it go and not feed them for a bit. I'll probably be switching the light cycle to 12/12 soon. I found out I am working on a time table now, so I need to get them started a bit earlier than I wanted.

As for my temps, I have a sneaking suspicion that my thermometer is broken. I highly doubt it's 157 degrees in there. Time to update that equipment I think.


Ahh hell. Well I hadn't even thought of TMV, but the images look exactly the same. I still think I'm going to back off my nutes for a week or so and check my pH levels to be sure those are in check.

If it is TMV though that would suck royally. My mum just suffered a case of severe human error, and i was using this stock to make a new mum.

Well, use what we got right? When life hands you lemons, beat life to death with those lemons, steal life's wallet, go buy some limes and drink tequila...


Active member
didn't want to say it^^

Does look like what some folks around here have and call tmv. Whether it is or not can cause heated debate. But it might be.