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Traffic light cameras


New cameras are popping up all over my city, I just got a $124 ticket in the mail, the fee has gone up from $101 that I had to pay the first time I got nabbed.

I'm just pretty peeved that this shit is actually legally permissible. My friends mom got a ticket for speeding that was mailed to her too. What is next? Cameras that catch you jaywalking and face scan you?

The best part is that these programs don't even stop accidents, they just rake in dough for the city. And you can't even challenge them, the judges just shit on you.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
your lucky, my city fines you $409 for a traffic light ticket and a point on your driving record.......

times are tough for cities, they need all the cash they can come up with....


Cautiously Optimistic
You're peeved that law enforcement is legally permissible? No one is forcing you to break the law.


there's these plastic filter thingies that go over your plates....like a bunch of lines of plastic so they you can only see the plate from a certain angle. I think it depends how high in the air the cameras are mounted.


Active member
Hello all,

I have been saying it for years...Orwell's 1984 is here.

I myself disapprove of social survalance.



You're peeved that law enforcement is legally permissible? No one is forcing you to break the law.

from: http://www.popularmechanics.com/cars/news/2420766

Red-light cameras are supposed to make us safer by discouraging people from running red lights. The trouble is that they work too well. Numerous studies have found that when these cameras are put in place, rear-end collisions increase dramatically. Drivers who once might have stretched the light a bit now slam on their brakes for fear of getting a ticket, with predictable results. A study of red-light cameras in Washington, D.C., by The Washington Post found that despite producing more than 500,000 tickets (and generating over $32 million in revenues), red-light cameras didn't reduce injuries or collisions. In fact, the number of accidents increased at the camera-equipped intersections.

Likewise, red-light cameras in Portland, Ore., produced a 140 percent increase in rear-end collisions at monitored intersections, and a study by the Virginia Transportation Research Council found that although red-light cameras decreased collisions resulting from people running traffic lights, they significantly increased accidents overall.

This problem can be aggravated by jurisdictions that shorten the duration of yellow lights, apparently to generate more ticket revenue. Last year, CBS News reported on an especially egregious case in Maryland: A traffic-camera intersection had a 2.7-second yellow light, while nearby intersections had 4-second times. Shorter yellow lights are more dangerous--but shorter yellow lights plus traffic cameras generate revenue.

These kinds of revelations led UCLA law professor Stephen Bainbridge to write on his blog: "In my book, these instruments of the devil are just a tax on drivers."

Yes I'm fucking peeved that legislature is put into effect for the sole purpose of making money, under the guise of "for your safety". It's like, "Give up all your personal freedoms to help us fight terrorism". It's all bullshit and all only to make money.


I was at a stop light with camera once and took my foot off the brake for a moment and crossed the crosswalk. I noticed a flash from the camera and thought wtf.I never received a ticket in the mail, I think they take two pics to make sure that you actually ran the light. Either don't break the laws or don't get caught. BTW I hate paying tickets, registration and taxes.


Cautiously Optimistic
Is there a posting or something where the PD says that this is for your safety? In NYC, they don't play those games. Take a red light, get a ticket. Period. No bullshit safety rouse. Again, no one is forcing you to break the law. It's your choice.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Drive around w/your sun visor pulled down and get them
to prove that it's you behind the wheel although most states
insist that the registered owner be fully aware of whoever
is driving the car and when, it is a beatable ticket imo.......
Technically you're supposed to be able to face your accuser in court. I know that people feel like it takes some of the workload of police departments, but I feel like since they get a lot of crime stopped through the "routine traffic stop" then they should be able to do it without the aid of cameras.



Only one picture taken, the first flash is to measure lighting conditions and flash response so pictures come out correctly. Pictures are reviewed by someone in most jurisdictions to verify that one actually goes through the light and not one who just stops a bit too far.

At least that's what was disclosed on a "Fox TV" investigation of the lights in Chicago.
Who knows for sure if they actually preview all pictures before issuing tickets. The flash info sounds true because my DSLR does the same thing in regards to "pre-flashes"