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2k ak47 grow



finally getting some pics on here. AK47 with light movers Co2 under 2000k in an 8x12x8 room.


I use a mix of 1 compressed block of coco 1 bag earthworm castings and 1 1/2 bags of pearlite. I'm using botanicare nutes, and right now they are in 1 gallon grow bags. Very soon i will be transplanting to 5 gal bags.
are you gonna hand water what is your irigation system?? is it just drain tothe floor maybe use a resvoir and a pump with awatering wand if this is how you water do you have high humidity from the runoff?? im using the same mix in 3 gallon pots have you used this mix b4?? how bout the nutes used b4??


nacho- my irrigation system is a gravity fed 5 gal bucket running into a watering wand. Kind of ghetto but whatever. I've never used the mix but it seems to be doing great. There is pretty high humidity but i put in a dehumidifier and it seems to be improving.

shhh- right now ive got 19 under 1k soon to be around 50 then ill turn on the other 1k.

Dr. No- yea your right. derrrp im retarded.


ok well it's been a good while since i've updated this. The plants are now monsters. Ive got the room pretty dialed in. I'm gonna get some pics up later today. I'm on my 2nd week of flowering and im getting budz all over!!.....The co2 and carbon bloom seem to be helping out a lot!


this is a top view of the garden. this is my carbon filter with a 6" vortex on top, next to my co2 tank and a fan


this is a top view of the garden. this is my carbon filter with a 6" vortex on top, next to my co2 tank and a fan....I know these pics suck...my phone biffed it so Ill have to post more tomorrow.


they are fuckin beasts lookin real good. Lots of little buds all over. Like i said before Ill get some proper pics up here tomorrow!!


yea if you could correct the title that would be great....so I dont sound like a complete tard.


new pics.......

Im having some problems with high humidity in flower but doesn't seem to be hurting much. Although the veg room seems to be suffering from over ferts I think anyone recognise this shit??