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What is a strain for 12/12 from seed?


I am going to do a 12/12 from the start. Yield and flowering time are my main concerns. It has to be a strain that is found in seeds that are available at the boo. Also has to be some what stable, I can't have a lot of variation.

My only thoughts are power plant and papaya. Any advice would be greatly appreciative.


thank you awesome suggestion. That is going to hurt my wallet! I have smoked lots of ISS one of the most powerful herbs i have had the pleasure of trying.
lol I did 12/12 from seed. . . . got like 4 grams a 2 week veg would have made all the difference in the world. Patience is already needed and if yield is something that matters to you then giving a couple of weeks of veg shouldn't be a big deal. Good luck


It wouldn't be a big deal, but here is what is behind my thinking. I am going to veg some other plants for about 2 months. Now while i am waiting on those I might as well have some flowering, right? Well that is what im going to do.


lol I did 12/12 from seed. . . . got like 4 grams a 2 week veg would have made all the difference in the world. Patience is already needed and if yield is something that matters to you then giving a couple of weeks of veg shouldn't be a big deal. Good luck

sorry i find that hard to believe..the few times i did it i always ran 12/12 from start cause i only had that much space..

I was careless and used ready mixed soil and still yielded plenty more than that..only 4 grams is a mistake of the caretender of the plant..

my opinion would be that ANY strain is cool for 12/12 tho I think bagseed would be best cause as mentioned, veg time makes all the diff. but don't want to buy seeds and short yourself like that


Quote:Originally Posted by herbaholic
lol I did 12/12 from seed. . . . got like 4 grams a 2 week veg would have made all the difference in the world. Patience is already needed and if yield is something that matters to you then giving a couple of weeks of veg shouldn't be a big deal. Good luck

sorry i find that hard to believe..the few times i did it i always ran 12/12 from start cause i only had that much space..

I was careless and used ready mixed soil and still yielded plenty more than that..only 4 grams is a mistake of the caretender of the plant..

my opinion would be that ANY strain is cool for 12/12 tho I think bagseed would be best cause as mentioned, veg time makes all the diff. but don't want to buy seeds and short yourself like that
Today 06:47 AM

Indica straight in 12/12+ restricting root= very little plant with no yeild...if you wanna go 12/12 from the start,avoid restricting the root if you want to have good yeild...but don't do this with really sativaish(or pure sativa) plant nor you'll end up with mega monsters...

Go for it with an indica/sativa hybrid like skunk1 and all derivatives...

Skunk 1 grown in 12/12,mid flowering and highly seeded:


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
I get the point in needing an in between,

apparently many here are not getting that part through their heads lol.

you WOULD veg them longer BUT you already have some for that SO might as well toss something that can hurry the hell up

my suggestion IF you are in a med state or able to get clones is to start there and skip the 12/12 seed thing.

you will end up with more bud AND it would be faster HOWEVER at $5-$20 per clone it depends on how many you are wanting.

other than that I would suggest possibly cutting clones from those 2 month veggin girls and go that route. clones will root faster and get you finished faster


I don't think that you can really answer this question with a simple:
sativa = good for 12/12 from seed.

Take powerplant, for example. The OP mentioned it and it is a mostly pure sativa, but it doesn't fit the profile for a good 12/12 from seed strain at all because it is fast (55-60 days) and finishes short. I haven't tried it, but I'm sure it wouldn't yield enough to be worth the effort.

Kali Mist is a good suggestion as she is pretty slow (depends heavily on pheno, I have 70 day and 100 day phenos) and will stretch like crazy.
I don't think that you can really answer this question with a simple:
sativa = good for 12/12 from seed.

Take powerplant, for example. The OP mentioned it and it is a mostly pure sativa, but it doesn't fit the profile for a good 12/12 from seed strain at all because it is fast (55-60 days) and finishes short. I haven't tried it, but I'm sure it wouldn't yield enough to be worth the effort.

Kali Mist is a good suggestion as she is pretty slow (depends heavily on pheno, I have 70 day and 100 day phenos) and will stretch like crazy.

He's right about that, sativas work because their longer flower cycles something on the longer. 12-15 weeks, The idea is they get so large that to do them indoor your biggest challenge is controlling the size.


12/12 from seed doesnt really speed things up very much it is still going to take the plant 20 days or more to be mature enough to start throwing pistils.

The only advantage this method has is when growing long flowering sativas it can be effective in controlling plant size. but even then, I would still veg for a week or so like I did with my OHxSk.

With an indica or an indica dom this method is absolutley uselless, unless you are running a lot of little plants it really isnt an effective method.

This is a pic of an indica dom done 12/12 from seed, tiny plant with a tiny yield. I think this plant weighed like a 1/4 z, just one bud like 8" tall

Here are a few pics of Mr Nice SSH done 12/12 from seed, this did much better, they produced an ounce + per plant. But even then i think they would have been better grow with some veg time. It was my first haze and i didnt know what to expect, I wouldnt use this method again.



my opinion is that running 12/12 is fine .a few years back i did a years worth of straight 12/12 grows an when u get it dialed in the yields wheren't terrible i was pulling any where from 3/4-1.5 oz per plant obviously strain depending .but when i was doing it .it was to see if after a year if my total weight for the year was higher then if i took the time to veg. because going 12/12 i got 1 exstra grown in over wut my normal year would allow when i was veggin .in the end i did end with like an oz more on the year running the 12/12 but used a lot more soil so in the big picture it all ended up being even in my eyes but that just my exsperence everyones diff so good luck on ur grow sorry if that didnt make sence still on my first cup of coffee haha have a great day ic'ers

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