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Thrips 101: Introduction to Western Flower Thrips

Hey all i recently had a thrip problem, all I did was spray the foliage with neem oil (1ml/1l solution, I have the neem oil that mixes with the water) every 3 days, I also found where the thrips were coming from (on a plant were millions of thrip babies) so I sprayed on them every 2 days and in a week they are all gone, except larvea still growing in lavws of nearby weeds (I will be uprooting them and burning them). This is the damage the larvae cause to the leaves:

And this is what the larvae look like (took some out to show on here):

The problem of larvae can be sorted if neem oil is given with the water (be sure about how much to use) every month before flowering starts (neem stays in plant for 4 weeks after intake), this way thrips wont be able to reproduce if they eat the leaves and larvea wont survive in leaf :D problem solved

BTW this is how you can be sure that you have thrips:

Hope the post is useful
Jah Bless


-what is the best way to get rid of these during flowering.im like a month in and theres some frosty stuff in there and i dont want to do anything that would cause anything to linger or some chem taste in the buds.any help would be grateful


New member
in the 4 or so years i've been growing i've battled only white flies and fungus gnats..........these farkin thrips are a smarter little bugger! Atleast they're fairly easy to catch......anywho, just ordered some of the Monterey Garden stuff...........i don't have a big infestation since i've been STRICTLY smashing 'em with my fingers every few hours or so when im home.........but the damage is noticeable.

Now, i didn't read through the whole thread but has there been a consensus on using the spinosad on flowering plant? Seems that's where the worst of the infestation is..............seems like i noticed them on my moms first, then my little babies (clones and seeds), and finally the flower cab........well seems like i've got them totally in control in the mom cab, the little ones have a few here and there each day but the flower girls im pickin off anywhere from 1-30ish per plant!!! Anywho, any info about spinosad use on flowering girls would be appreciated.

- 42o -


Grinding extra.
My contribution. Hopefully this will help in identifying the pests.

Montery's on the way... (Spinosad)

Annoying. Haven't encountered any swarms action yet. Not as bad as mites. Can't wait to hit them with the Spinosad. Hit them with Organicide. They had a pool party in that shit.





Stupid store waited 7 days before shipping my spinosad... Still awaiting its arrival.

I will report back my findings here. Can't wait to kill em all...



Finally recieved it today! Sprayed 2 hours ago and I am now watching thrips twitching, not able to go anywhere. If insects can feel pain, I am pretty sure they are feeling it RIGHT NOW!

Paybacks a bitch suckers!

I'll get back in a day or so with end result :D :D :D (<--- Thrips are not that happy)


I assume its safe to get some SPINOSAD in your medium without any harm?
I grow in coco by the way does anyone have any feedback on this?


Idle hands are the devil's dingaling!
ICMag Donor
Found at a local Orchard Supply Hardware..
Captain Jack's DEADBUG Brew
Hey guys i have used monterey garden spray in the past and it's the bomb. Mind you my infestation wasn't horrible at all, but i sprayed once every 4 days, 4-5 times, and those bastards were GONE. Over 6 months ago and haven't seen a single sign of them. If you have the choice, buy the concentrated product. It's the same price as the RTU formulation in the spray bottle, and will last you about 100 times longer. You just have to mix it with water.


I got the montery's spinosad sprayed once so far & i already see alot less activity & ive found some of the lifeless little fuckers on top of the leaves only took 1/2 tbsp in a pint of water AWSOME product & very cheap.


Grinding extra.
I will also verify here that Monterey's Garden Spray is a SOLUTION to Thripes and many other pests.

I applied it once daily for four days and that was that. I've still got more than two thirds of the pint size bottle left.

I now treat vegging clones and moms once a month to prevent a return.




New member
Got a bottle of Monteray Insect spray and it worked like a charm. I could see the effects right away, in several hours there were dead bugs everywhere and very few where still alive. The next day I could not find a single living thrip. Thanks for the info, Im burn'n one for you bro.:biggrin:


ok question. i havent been able to find them in my leaves yet but when i watered my bush a bunch of those little fuckers emerged from the soil. Is this the beggining of there infestation or are they not thrips? i tried to get a pic but my cam wont focus that small and the little fucker jumped as i was trying to identify it under my 10x mag glass


i have read somewhere on this site,that thrips also feed on the roots at some stage,larva i think, and it was recomending to do a root bath or sumpthin like that. and can i use monteray concentrate as a wash for the roots in a hempy bucket set up? pearlite/vermiculite. did i recieve accurate info on this? i may have read it on aan answer to thrip question. i'll try to find it......tinman


better'n coco pops any ol' day o da week
spinosad for fungus gnats?

spinosad for fungus gnats?

Anyone ever used it for gnats?

kokua thanks for the link and info...may I add my Fungus Gnat for ID..this is a fungus gnat although the file name is thrip...still a pest.....DD

joe fresh

Active member
hey guys, just joined this forum in hopes to get some better info that the other forums might not have, this thread is pretty good with lots of info.

i believe i may have thrips, on a stem and under a few leaves ive seen what looks like little white larvae, they look like mini white maggots, ive got many plants and have only seen this on a few plants, so i need to do somthing now before its too late.

i have 3 rooms 11x11 each, each with 40-50 plants.

so my question is, is there a good solution to efficiently kill them without having to spray every inch of each plant and then putting some in the soil, as this would take me more than a day to accomplish, any info or help would be greatfully apreciated :)


Chasing the orange grapefruit rabbit
ICMag Donor
Thank you guys!
You saved my garden and mother plants.
Due to not quarantine a few clones from a friend I got infected with thrips!
After nearly 6 months of fighting with everything organic within my reach and one crop ruined totally I landed in this complete thread and now, as I subscribed I can share my experience.
I tried neem oil, mineral oil, pyretrum, soaps, ladybugs, phytoseiulus persimilis and lacewings. I dealt with humidity to thrive predators, but they only controlled infestation. One or two larvae in the soils always survived propagating through seasons.
I tried sticky traps blue and yellow. Blue ones work better. Very useful but a bit messy.
Companion planting is efficient too to attract pest and small plants of onion and garlic seemed to be preferred by thrips than cannabis.
Thrips however didn't impair quality of buds, they impaired a lot size of buds and final weight. Taste was always unaffected.
The best thing that worked for me was simple water.
The trick was to shower your plants with strong jets of water in a bathtub. This method splashed away any adult and larvae and the flow of water takes in the tub. I almost cleared them with this.
Then I found Spinosad. Read a lot and I like that it comes from bacteria.
It is destroyed by light after a few days, using in veg is safe.
After 2 applies my thrips nightmare was finally over.
Trust this. It is the real STUFF!
Now thrips are long gone, spring is coming again so don,t lower guard...
Thanx a lot to everyone in here, Thumbs up!
Dr Penthotal


Chasing the orange grapefruit rabbit
ICMag Donor
i have read somewhere on this site,that thrips also feed on the roots at some stage,larva i think, and it was recomending to do a root bath or sumpthin like that. and can i use monteray concentrate as a wash for the roots

Nothing simply chemical is useful against pupae (this is the stage in wich fat larvae from the leaves fall into the ground to transform and produce wings and adult form. Then they climb up again the stem, they mate and lay new eggs inside plant tissue around.)
Pupae don't eat, so it's very difficult for substances to reach them.
There's only others creatures like nematodes that can penetrate them and eat them from inside out!
Nematodes are effective more and expecially on fungus gnats.
Spinosad will kill only active feeding animals that can eat it and die of it having their nervous system broken down. (you can actually see them dying in convulsions).
Hope this helps
Dr Penthotal
PS I've become a thrips expert.
Experience teaches!