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Over watering what to do next??

any quick tips all has been fine up to now apart from a little under ferterlization but no major issues growing in coco drip feeding into 11ltr pots 3mins per day ok some of the plants are loving it but there is a fair where a few leaves are drooping and leaves ridged between the vains.

my drippers are giving out different amount of water per pot so I reckon im gonna have to hand feed them in future.

But to get over this hurdle now with out causing anymore strees im thinking to switch my lights from 18hrs to 24hrs a day to help dry of the saturated pots?? then if the plants recover ok resume feeding
at my present rates nut strenth
room temp 26c water temp 21c humidity 65%
run to waste ec 1.2
ec 1.4 ph5.8

I have been foliar feeding with formulex at night and they love it and all the leaves perk up what am I to do?? any surgestions would be great
stay at 18 hrs light and foliar feed and wait for them to perk up.
or 24hrs light to try and dry of quickly??:comfort:


Andinismo Hierbatero
hello, coco drains pretty fast, so I would just wait it out.

good luck getting the medium to the sweet spot.

hello, coco drains pretty fast, so I would just wait it out.

good luck getting the medium to the sweet spot.


Cheers thanks for your coments and yes thats what I was thinking. I tried spraying with the lights on i sprayed the worst one only and it made no difference.

so I understand that with we have a water logging the roots wont be working fully poss not feeding hence blocking the nutrients. So I will keep spraying at night they seem to responed to that so i think i will give them a good spay with formulex that way I know they are getting a feed so fingers crossed.

Am I right in thinking that as the coco drys out its gonna dry from the top down and little from the plant as its water logged its unlikly to start soaking up the water whilst in this state. Once the pot becomes light again, continue with the normal nutrients I need to get the roots stimulated im already using the following
green dream veg, grostorm, piranaha and terantula and voodoo juice, do you reckon this is enough or should i put a bit of rizotonic into the mix?? I think the terantula already has rizotonia (friendly bactira). any point? is there enough root stimulants already present mmmmmm?

Oh ive also moved the lights further away for the next few day to keep as much of the heat away from the plants as poss fingers crossed they come round. carnt afford to lose another crop!! im running out of bud!!:blowbubbles:


Andinismo Hierbatero
don't mention it man, imo, if you want to foliar feed while the coco dries, do it lightly and not everyday. remember that plants feed first and foremost from the light and its natural photosynthesis process.

once the coco dries enough, start watering again but carefully and lightly; this way the medium will have enough humidity and it will give you a chance to get a feel on how much water is needed with the temperature, humidity and light intensity that is in your specific grow area.

do the same with feeding, start very lightly and build your way up slowly as you see how the plants react to each feeding.

good luck man,

much peace


This is one of the advantages of coco over soil. Corrections can be made quickly. Good luck.


Turn the room temp up a little bit if u can, and just hand feed the slow ones until they grow some more roots and catch up.
well lights went off gave them a spray 3 hours on they have not lifted yet ill check b4 bed!

well if all goes bad i have another 52 clones cuming through now roots starting to show 36 in a areoonics without any medium they have been in about 8 days. I have transplanted 1 to coco, it was a experiment as my mother was getting out of control. Ive never done clones this way b4 proper quick and easy no mess if they transplant to coco without to many issues ill be going this way in the future. I hope they take ok but I also have the rest in coco pucks coming on ok. hope i dont need them!:(
Turn the room temp up a little bit if u can, and just hand feed the slow ones until they grow some more roots and catch up.

I was thinking that but where my rad is, im worried it will warm up the medium and speed up any rotting if any of the roots have died. The rad is working as a suport for the sides of the wilma system as well. urm gonna see what happens over the next day or so.

gotta laught ant ya!!! will cry otherwise:rasta:


Active member
I wouldn't change the light schedule.
I don't understand overwatered in coco.

Are you getting runoff in each pot with the 3 minute dripper? If so, does the runoff drain away or do they sit in it?

I water(with nutes) my coco every day to runoff, which means to complete saturation with a little extra. I suck out the excess out of the tray(no automation here) so they don't sit in too much water, but they're still soaked and there's no overwatering signs. Coco holds plenty of oxygen.
I wouldn't change the light schedule.
I don't understand overwatered in coco.

Are you getting runoff in each pot with the 3 minute dripper? If so, does the runoff drain away or do they sit in it?

I water(with nutes) my coco every day to runoff, which means to complete saturation with a little extra. I suck out the excess out of the tray(no automation here) so they don't sit in too much water, but they're still soaked and there's no overwatering signs. Coco holds plenty of oxygen.

Hazy thanks for stopping by yes I know coco overwater not usually in the same sentance I have the pots on a wilma system so they are not sat in any water what so ever. I reckon its due to the 90ltrs been dumped into them and then getting to much water every day I dont reckon the plants roots where not big enough to suck the excess water water they have to fill out 11ltr??

Well any way guys I got up to find al the leaves have perked up, the ridges in perticular the whiteberryhave which was the main culprit for the ridges have flattened out somewhat. There is one plant drooping a little but Im hoping by the end of the weekend things should be back to normal??:jump:

My plan was to put them into flower on Monday im thinking mabe I should give them another week in veg to get them back nice and healthy?? I should I know but timeing is of the essance!!

But I have a height issue 1.m they stand about 1ft at the mo Ive never grown these strains b4 so I dont really know how they are going to grow. I mainly have indica dom plants hashberry whiteberry cheese blueberry but I also have ak47 they are looking like they are gonna shoot right up they look sativa dom!

Fook it ill just have to see how they recover. So looks like im heading to the garden centre to get a large presure sprayer with a lance so I can water these ladies when they are ready for a drink my room is very tight so once these start to bush out there will be no way of getting in there with a jug.

More cash to part with looks like i wont be goin out 2nite!!:blowbubbles: ill be having a toke instead. Well guys Ill let you know how they recover and thanks for stopping by its good to get a little reasurance as ive been doubting my self and what I know peace out!:wave:
urm weired 3 hours till the lights go off the leafs seem to be drooping again do you think this fade away over the next days? If it does by when the plants are holding there own till the lights go off that may be an indication that they are close to recovery? yesterday they where droopy most of the day??

Time will tell!!! sorry for banging one about it, but all of you have had long ongoing issues you will understand!!