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Let's discuss which age is best for allowing first cannabis use.


Reading through some of the topics here and I noticed that many of us began smoking in our teenage years. BUT many of we who are parents, or just concerned, consider this too young for first exposure. So I have 2 main questions:

1) Do you think using MJ for recreation is a GOOD thing?

2) What age do you consider is a good age to allow 1st exposure and how do you square that with the age you had your first experience?


It depends. I know some people that used to smoke when they were 13-14 and now they are phds. On the other hand, some guys that started at 18 are heroin addicts today.

Its not a MJ thing, but more a personality thing. If you are smart enough to know wheres the limit and have some goals in your life, MJ wont be any worse than a beer.


I am thinking more about public policy - my opinion is that 18 is a good age. I say that because any younger and you are generally supposed to be in school. And for those that partake of the hobby - I think MJ is a good thing.


If you are of age to go and die for your country then you should be able to drink and get stoned in it. 18


If I'm not mistaken, studies have shown that smoking can have negative effects on developing brains. I'd say 18 to smoke, 16 to drink beer, and 18 to drink hard liquor.


It does make it hard to learn if you smoke regularly when you are young. My grades went to shit when I started smoking even thought I knew the material, I was just lazy...so I think 18 is a good age IME...

I know I would rather catch my kid smokin a joint at 16 then getting shitfaced on booze...cuz that will do far more damage with regular use. Pot wont hurt them too much developmentally, it is more the issue that they wont retain what they learn in school. If they wait the stuff theyy learn will be more ingrained and it wont be classified as a useless memory and erased like the other dissapearing memories potheads often face...I had to start putting my keys in the smae place cuz I would often lose them...but even at 16 it isn't a big deal, we just don't need a generation of idiots either so 18 seems best...


I have read stories of mothers giving their autistic 8-9 year olds pot to help their condition. I can see this being useful in tincture form or something that doesn't blast the kid away like smoking. Either edibles or tinctures.



Just keep your kid busy with some sort of progressive thing... boredom will strike the urge to get high.. never let them watch half-baked.. that will just a make them want to smoke weed, whether u let them or not.. teach them about all the drugs and weed is the one that is safe, that if they got super addicted to weed, it wouldnt matter because their dad grows and they have a lifetime supply! i bet that they would get bored of it fairly quick if they were allowed to smoke as much as they want.. the reason a lot of us continue to smoke is because its hard to get.. and whats hard to get seems attractive sometimes

actually,, half baked is probably a good movie for kids to see by at least age 16, that movie shows how pot doesnt ruin lives, the government does

those kids started smoking when they were 12, and they turned out to be excellent characters

just make sure they dont start smoking till after school.. when kids start ditching to smoke weed.. it becomes a problem..


Sir Nugget - I agree to some extent with that last comment. Just a disclaimer - I am married - but no kids. I just always wondered if Snoop Dogg was gonna teach his kids to stay away from weed LOL.
birth...lol just kiddin.. i started at 8 but as someone above stated..it kills all school motivation.. i was smart enough...waaaayyyyy too lazy.. make it 18 leagally and maybe it will keep them away til 15 lol or u could make it 28 and they would styart at 18 lol


Active member
I'm still thinking on the Original questions ... but I felt I had to address this VVV

I'm still thinking on the Original questions ... but I felt I had to address this VVV

If I'm not mistaken, studies have shown that smoking can have negative effects on developing brains. I'd say 18 to smoke, 16 to drink beer, and 18 to drink hard liquor.
Drinking beer has no negative effects on developing brains? (in the real world alcohol has More of an impact on the brain than weed) I think the alcohol age limit is just fine where it is. Was that even part of the question? Are you an alcoholic? And what would happen to all the drunks who support their habit buying kids alcohol? You're cutting in to your own action I believe ...

Cookie monster

When they can hold down a full time job and pay for their own weed or grow supplys.
middle of highschool is ripe time for experimenting & thats inevitable
but heavy use while you're growing is probably bad (as in, while your body is growing =P )


Andinismo Hierbatero



It's a plant, kids get at it when they're ready


However early it requires to know its the best medicine

me likes these two answers.

these answers hit the nail right on the head...

cannabis is not a damaging substance like alcohol; cannabis is first and foremost a medicine and a sacrament; in the same way traditional indigenous cultures introduce their kids to their 'teacher plants' at the time each individual is ready, we should also have the freedom to do this.

and the school system in the west needs serious revising, kids already have an aversion towards it without having tried cannabis...


The cat that loves cannabis
I'd say 16, but I also like the idea of them being out of high school first too, so maybe 18.

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