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Maryland Marijuana Legislation Introduced


"Hello! I wanted to let you all know that medical marijuana legislation was introduced yesterday 02/04/2010 in the Maryland General Assembly (bill numbers are still pending)! We are excited by the prospect of real reform in Maryland and ASA unequivocally supports changes to state law that would establish comprehensive civil and legal protections for individuals who use or provide cannabis for therapeutic use. However, we are concerned that the bill includes arbitrary and unnecessary restrictions that will fall short of meeting the legitimate needs of patients across the state.

Check out ASA’s press release http://www.safeaccessnow.org/article.php?id=5897 announcing the introduction of the legislation and providing some brief commentary about our primary concerns with the bill as submitted to the General Assembly. Also, don’t forget to listen to the podcast of the Marc Steiner Show, http://www.steinershow.org/radio/the-marc-steiner-show/february-3-2010-segment-1 , featuring the bill’s lead sponsor, Del. Dan Morhaim, and other experts discussing the effort to fix Maryland’s medical marijuana law.

Stay tuned for more news, analysis, action alerts, and meeting announcements in the coming days."


The ASA-Maryland Team
Hey thanks for posting this. I can't wait until the bill has a number so we can go online and read the text of it, but that radio show really discusses the individual aspects of it that are of concern to medical users and people like me. It's a great listen and I'd recommend anyone in Maryland take the time...

They said there'd be a $100,000 fee to become a grower? A few big state approved grows would be a problem...lack of variety, supply meeting demand, potential for large bust or robbery..... That wouldn't work and would have to be amended in the future, but heck a step in the right direction....

Moving it to a schedule 2 drug...awesome...

And the cosponsor of the bill, Dr. Morhaim, clearly is on the right side and would look to expand the bill in the future. I like the dude!

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Fingerprint registration with the FBI?!?!?!?!

Are you kidding me? They want growers to go on record with the feds admitting they are committing a federal crime? Surely this cannot stand. You can't be forced to violate one law to be compliant with another. Not to mention self-incrimination. Has a lawyer even reviewed this piece of legislation?
Recently heard by the Health and Govt Operations Committee...Then to Judiciary Committee...

Bill has more sponsors then almost any other bill in the house of delegates now....
Md State Police are for the first time not coming out in opposition to a med mj bill....
The only real press it is getting in the mainstream media around here is that those in favor of medical marijuana say it doesn't go far enough...I'm not seeing opposition...at least not right now.
Md. Senate To Hear Medical Marijuana Bill On Floor

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) ― Senators could debate the measure as early as Thursday. The bill would allow pharmacies to distribute marijuana to patients who receive authorization from a physician with whom they have had ongoing medical relationships.
Oh okay, I'll just go ahead and write a check to the state for 100K and I'll get myself fingerprinted for the FBI. Just roll it up into a cone, and shove it up my ass. Go ahead and reach up and get it. While I'm on topic can we also tax the hell out of the patients and the growers for the benefit of the state??

I'm sorry I can't cotton to that. If they think they're going to run a large scale operation like that I swear I'll find out where it is, and I will get the DEA over to make sure it's not running EVER. Please test me on this one.