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red rash and bumps from pot leaves???


just do it
ive never been allergic to pot, but recently ive been getting red blotches and some small bumps like mosquito bites on my arms and backs of hands after working in my garden, i do have a mild spidermite infestation, are the little bastards biting me, or could one of my new strains be causing it???/ its nothing major, i just might want to wear long sleeves when i trim. anyone have this problem or heard of this?


Registered Med User
a lot of people get rashes after bein in the field when u got resin all over ya. dont rub your eyes. Could also be somethin u been sprayin for the mites causing a reaction.

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
dude i get it bad

Just started happening recently, I think it is the plants and the pointy little microscopic bits on teh leaves. They will last for a couple weeks, and be itchy as hell, a few months ago, I even thought of going into the dr's office for it.

But I found a solution. I have a product made by Benedryl, that you spray called anti itch. well it also coats your skin, i have been itch free for a while now



Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Sounds like plant dermatitis, or you could be allergic to the mites. Wear a long sleeve shirt & gloves!


just do it
i sprayed azatrol on them, just wierd because it never happened before, im growing serious BG, calizahr, and sol adv mix right now


High Grade Specialist
propably an allergy i have it too.
when its harvest time i have to wear longsleeves, gloves and sneeze like a motherfucker.

you can develope allergies over time too.


I hand trimmed a small harvest a couple of weeks ago and got a terrible rash on my forearms. After a wet trim I put the buds in one of those Homebox Drynets and while arranging my buds I was apparently dragging my forearms over the little walls that run around each drying spaces and scratching them up. Didn't bother me at all as I was doing it; but started getting redder and redder for about a week until I went to the doc and got some steroid pills.

I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to whatever synthetic material the Homebox Drynet is made out of. The rash looks just like the polyester rash I googled pictures of.

I've noticed before that sometimes my hands get a little itchy in the flower room; but nothing has actually broken out from normal plant interaction before.

I'm going to wear the long sleeves and gloves from now on, just to be safe and hope it never happens again.
This ain't always easy is it.....
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Active member
Sounds like good ol' contact dermatitis, fancy name for itchy, skin with or without rash. I get it sometime too, seems to depend on the strain somewhat far as I can tell.

You can use the Benadryl lotion, hydrocortisone cream 1%, or even generic Lanicaine cream or even better Solarcaine Gel (benzocaine 10%) as a topical treatment.

I would also suggest taking a Claritin (loratidine 10mg) a few hours before handling your plants to prevent the histamine reaction that causes this-Claritin is non drowsy so you can be alert not sleepy like with Benadryl(diphenhydramine 25mg).

Hope this helps, good luck to ya.


have to figure that A. the leaf blades are serrated like knives, and then you have the addition of the gnarly trichromes, if you look at the leaves through a microscope, they look like little pointy daggers.

Same thing happens to me when i am playing around in my garden with short sleeves.


Active member
I've never been sure if it was the plants or dust mites or whatever but I get it to. I doubt it's thc because I get it in early veg as well.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

in my earlier days neither tree/plant pollen nor trichomes bothered me but now both do, I can be sitting home w/nothing growing and have week long sneezing fits due to pine pollen. Gloves and long sleeves will help but you'll surely want to buy the talc free/cornstarch free gloves so that you're not leaving anything behind either. and as mentioned above try not to touch your eyes or face when working, keep a bandana in a pocket to wipe your brow if need be.



You sure you ain't growing poison ivy? You want the plants with 5 pointed leaves, not 3. :laughing:

But seriously.. Zrytec once a day. Benadryl tends to make me drowsy.


Active member
Every now and again I get a plant that I am allergic to. I just have to brush against their leaves to get to the plant next to them and that is enough to make my skin feel itchy, burn, and get rashy.

It is like certain short haired dogs, like boxers, pit bulls, bull dogs, etc, make my skin do the same thing while others don't.

Any of you who get the irritation with certain plants have the same thing with certain dogs?

The things we wanna know when baked .....


New member
just TODAY for the first time i got some shit looks just like poison oak?!?!

blistery itchy kinda rash in my elbow crease....wtf?! looks just like poison oak....

I've been spraying some of my plants with triazicide for mites and sulfur for mildew. But i got that stuff all over my hands and...nothing.

today I pruned some rose bushes...cleaned up some brush.....damn what a mystery....maybe there was some funky things growing in the composing brush pile.

it could be from me rubbing on tomato plants, jalepeno plants ( no peppers yet ), a flowering cilantro or basil, or one of my many strains of MJ, bell peppers hmm....VERY ODD!!

I wasn't in the woods since noon wednesday, and even then I didn't do much, and I got the rash Friday late afternoon. I dunno man but I understand!

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
have any celery plants or other plants in the apiaceae family?
many produce photosensitizing chemicals, when the cells of the plant are broken such as from when a person handles the plant, they get the chemicals on their skin which in turn react with the sunlight and can cause severe blistering
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Just like Stinging Nettles! Evergreens do that to me so does Sumac,and it seems like the sun makes it worse. OUCHY and annoying as hell. Paste of baking soda may help as does Epson salts.