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Serious Seventy Watts


Looks real nice, I love the 70w hps grows because most people wouldn't think they could produce bud! BTW, I thought SSH took alot longer than 53 days? or is that an early sample ;) ?



:-(: It was indeed an early sample! Still, the girls are finishing sooner than expected. The trichs are looking good, so I gave them their last feeding tonight and will harvest in seven days, at day 70.

Some pics, day 63:



Plants were successfully harvested one week ago, on day 69! The buds weren't huge, but they were compact and hard.

Some harvest pics:



And now, in the jars:

I didn't weigh the harvest yet, but I'm thinking it'll be around 30 grams, perhaps even a bit less. That's OK, but it could have been more: If I would do it again, I would have switched to 12/12 a little later. As it was, the screen wasn't really filled out when the stretch stopped. Of course, inadvertently topping one plant in early flower didn't help with that, either :cuss:

:joint: :smoke: :rasta:
I've smoked some joints of the SSH already, and compared to the sample at day 53, the finished product is really something else. A very nice energetic, somewhat meditative high. I made the mistake of smoking some before going to bed yesterday, and I had trouble falling asleep due to all the ideas and thoughts going through my head. I've smoked some before taking a long walk through the forest, and it was a very relaxing and calming experience - the silence, the fresh forest air, walking lost in thought. I like it a lot and will grow it again at some point.

Thanks everyone for watching! I hope you'll tune in next time.

I wish you all the best and may all your buds grow fat and your harvests be plentiful!



I'm back. This round I'm growing Jack Flash (on the left) and Thai-tanic (on the right) - this time again in 100% Coco.

Here's a shot at 11 days of 12/12:

And here they are today, at 15 days:

I may have let them go a bit too early. Well, at least it's more crowded now than with my last grow, and that how I like it :tiphat:


I'm back. This round I'm growing Jack Flash (on the left) and Thai-tanic (on the right) - this time again in 100% Coco.

Here's a shot at 11 days of 12/12:

And here they are today, at 15 days:

I may have let them go a bit too early. Well, at least it's more crowded now than with my last grow, and that how I like it :tiphat:
WOW !!!:dance013:
? Could you´ve filled the screen more ?
I know not the slightest of ScrOG, so I´m sorry if it´s a stupid Q.:tiphat:


great buds dude! just read thru it too, subscribed for sure.

I hope to try 150W hps and coco in a PC one day



BigHit: Thanks, I feel the same way :jump:

Tatz: I think so. I could have "woven" the stems into the screen for another week, keeping the canopy lower and denser. But it also seems to be working well this way - I had to bend a few stems because they did get too close to the heatshield. But it seems to be working out fine; see the pics below.

intel2000: Thanks for reading the thread, I'm glad you enjoyed it. When starting this grow, one thing I paid more attention to was the preparation of the coco: I use bricks which have to be combined with water. I think my overwatering problems in the beginning of this thread were caused mainly because I left the coco too wet when preparing it. This time, I squished some water out of the coco before putting it into the pots, this worked very well.

615: Hi and thanks! 150W + Coco will surely give you great results - if you're growing in a PC, then probably like mine your biggest problem will be too much growth too fast! :)

Here's some pics at 17 days, getting really crowded now! Had to do some supercropping (my first time - I hope I didn't hurt them too much), but things are looking nice now.


Not much to say, so here's some pictures of budssssssssssss (24 days)


Side view:

Lots of leaves but I've never pruned much above the screen. What do you think about pruning when scrogging?


how many cfms does youre fan push? what kinda temps u got n the box and any idea what ur average ambient temp is? and what kinda scrubber did you make? im tryin to get my box in gear. just gotta get my box mylar'ed, mount the light, and put in all the ventilation.


Hi Serious, very interesting setup you have here! I am an ex 70w grower so I can identify :)

Unfortunately I didn't weigh my harvests all at once so I can't be sure, but I estimate the bulbs gave me .5-.75 gr/watt (I did a poor trimming job back in those days tho).

Anyway, what sort of air temps you are getting in there? With a good fan running at 12V I would imagine you are in pretty good shape? If so, what would the temps run up to if you removed the plexiglass? From what I understand, a thin sheet of glass can tax the lumen output by an average of 10%, especially at the edges where the photons travel through more material. I suspect plexiglass would absorb even more still. You can run your ambient air temps up to 85f safely with most strains and even higher radiant heat on the colas. The yield will suffer quite a bit if those temps are exceeded tho. Excessive heat can also encourage stretching and hermies.

Another thing I am wondering, are you using the same bulb you have been from the start? I have used them successfully nonstop for over 18 months, but I noticed a significant decrease in yields over time due to lumen maintenance. I know of some growers that swap out HPS bulbs every cycle trying to maintain yields. 70w replacement bulbs can be had for just over $10 + shipping.

Anyway, I just wanted to offer tips since you said you wanted to squeeze every bit of efficiency. Good luck and BTW fine choice of genetics you have there!


SupraSPL: Wow, thanks lots for posting and for all the tips! You're pretty much spot on about the temps: I measure the temperature at the top of the pots, and it's at 71-72°F throughout the grow. Its definitely a bit warmer directly below the plexiglass and in the canopy. I will try to measure how hot it gets without the plexiglass. Any tips on how to best measure canopy temperature? I was thinking of putting a small thermometer on some branches...

In my old box, the plexiglass greatly improved my yields - my old box also ran much hotter, though. So I think it's a very good suggestion to see if it's possible to get rid of it. Thanks!

Regarding bulbs: I did switch out my bulb at least once since I started growing, but I don't know how long exactly I've been using the current bulb. I have some spares, though, so I may be switching this one out soon.

In my last grow, I had the impression that the SSH could have packed on more weight during the last weeks. I have been speculating that it may be that my bulb is getting old, but of course I also made some serious errors in the grow, so it's hard to say.

I would say "Thanks also for the kind words regarding the genetics I'm growing", but I won't since it's not my accomplishment :) So instead, my thanks to all the breeders and growers everywhere, breeding and spreading great cannabis genetics in these times of prohibition! :thank you:

Rambro: The fan I'm using is a 10cm Scythe Kaze-Jyu 2000rpm. The manufacturer states that it's 58CFM. I've been satisfied by it - it pushes air through my carbon filter through a bit of tubing and worked well enough during the last grow. At the pot level, growroom temperature is pretty much equal to ambient temperature.

Here's a picture of my scrubber, I used someone else's design from here at ICMAG - the link to it should be somewhere in this thread.

I think my current growbox design is not optimal: As someone has pointed out in this thread already, my bulb/reflector should be parallel to the shorter side of my box to spread the light evenly. As it is, the part of my box that is below the fan gets less light than the part that is directly below the lamp.

Also, by turning the light by 90°, I could mount the fan so that it pulls air directly over the lamp, which should greatly increase cooling effectiveness.

On the other hand, in my current design one could in principle use an internal can-style carbon filter. This has the advantage of increased stealth, and I think I have read that it's easier to pull rather than push air through the filter.

Enough rambling, good luck in getting your grow together! If you've got time, post a thread about it :)

#1cheesebuds: Hi cheese, thanks for stopping by :wave: Hope you enjoy the pics.


Dang serious the buds are looking dank already :) What do the trichs smell like at this stage?

Seems like I never have enough thermometers so I get them from Walmart, the $1 tiny ones near the hardware area. You can calibrate them by sliding the glass up or down if needed. I usually chop some of the plastic away so the air can affect the mercury more quickly.

You can wrap white tape or even better mylar tape around the bulb of mercury to help shield it from radiant heat, this makes a huge difference and gives a more accurate reading of air temps in the canopy.

Good luck with the dank!


SupraSPL: Wow, thanks lots for posting and for all the tips! You're pretty much spot on about the temps: I measure the temperature at the top of the pots, and it's at 71-72°F throughout the grow. Its definitely a bit warmer directly below the plexiglass and in the canopy. I will try to measure how hot it gets without the plexiglass. Any tips on how to best measure canopy temperature? I was thinking of putting a small thermometer on some branches...

In my old box, the plexiglass greatly improved my yields - my old box also ran much hotter, though. So I think it's a very good suggestion to see if it's possible to get rid of it. Thanks!

Regarding bulbs: I did switch out my bulb at least once since I started growing, but I don't know how long exactly I've been using the current bulb. I have some spares, though, so I may be switching this one out soon.

In my last grow, I had the impression that the SSH could have packed on more weight during the last weeks. I have been speculating that it may be that my bulb is getting old, but of course I also made some serious errors in the grow, so it's hard to say.

I would say "Thanks also for the kind words regarding the genetics I'm growing", but I won't since it's not my accomplishment :) So instead, my thanks to all the breeders and growers everywhere, breeding and spreading great cannabis genetics in these times of prohibition! :thank you:

Rambro: The fan I'm using is a 10cm Scythe Kaze-Jyu 2000rpm. The manufacturer states that it's 58CFM. I've been satisfied by it - it pushes air through my carbon filter through a bit of tubing and worked well enough during the last grow. At the pot level, growroom temperature is pretty much equal to ambient temperature.

Here's a picture of my scrubber, I used someone else's design from here at ICMAG - the link to it should be somewhere in this thread.

I think my current growbox design is not optimal: As someone has pointed out in this thread already, my bulb/reflector should be parallel to the shorter side of my box to spread the light evenly. As it is, the part of my box that is below the fan gets less light than the part that is directly below the lamp.

Also, by turning the light by 90°, I could mount the fan so that it pulls air directly over the lamp, which should greatly increase cooling effectiveness.

On the other hand, in my current design one could in principle use an internal can-style carbon filter. This has the advantage of increased stealth, and I think I have read that it's easier to pull rather than push air through the filter.

Enough rambling, good luck in getting your grow together! If you've got time, post a thread about it :)

#1cheesebuds: Hi cheese, thanks for stopping by :wave: Hope you enjoy the pics.
i just got my 120mm ultra kaze in the mail. im gonna mount it in the corner of my cab where yours is. i dunno how ima gonna mount my light though. what do you have holding yours up? would you mind taking a pic?


SupraSPL: I didn't have time to get a thermometer, so I decided to simply remove the plexiglass. I don't think that canopy temperature has increased much, and the plants seem to like it: the buds close to the lamp are blowing up (hopefully in a good way):


Regarding smell, the Thai-tanic smells citrus-y with a hint of rotting meat, and the Jack Flash smells a lot like oranges.

Rambro: Congrats on getting your fan! My light is mounted to a baseplate which is fixed to the reflector by screws. The reflector in turn is held up by hook screws.



damm serious those girls are lookin awesome man. keep up the good work man.
