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Communes for aging stoners...?


Feeling good is good enough.
While in the Army...

Pots and Pans duty was DREADED... like being in Hell all day.

Good old days in Ft. Jackson...

Victory starts here!!!


Feeling good is good enough.
Or... we can live close to a Taco Bell and decide who's turn it is to make a Taco-Run!!!!!


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
I'll do the dishes at Groovy Manor.
I like doing dishes by hand, getting into the rhythm of the work. It can be a very zen experience. But y'all are getting me stoned out of my gourd first!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

a 10 bedroom house, subsidized by 8 social security checks
monthly. 8 old stoners occupy 8 bedrooms and the other two
rooms (2 lg rooms btw) to be split, one by the nursing shifts
and the other by the gardening staff; 2 lg rooms would allow
2 beds per room for personal hygiene of staffers. Very likely
there'd be some govt subsidy for food, necessary pharmameds,
energy assistance & even property tax breaks.

Beds for nurses & gardeners? No doubt we'd need someone for
various needs 24 hours a day, it'd be great to get a couple of
folks that would like to have room & board w/wage trade offs.
just smart business running a place like this, who'd be best to
hire? most likely the next residents 20 yrs prior to them needing
bed space @ Groovy Manor.......

gardener (I know we'll all want to help) would be the muscle as
old farts don't need to strain doing anything young blood can.
gardener should cook and perform all handyman work too.
Nursing staff can also double in kitchen duties.

If it was done in CA where we could have 20 plants per patient
we could also subsidize some expenses w/sales to dispensaries.
