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Growing in 50/50 coco/Leca.


Hey all, I've been doing quite a bit of research and actually found myself back at square one. Lemme tell ya a bit about my ops. I've grown for a couple years in soil, and have long wanted to dab into hydro. Between Blaze & Ogre I built my DIY E&F.
I decided also to use earth juice as a few friends and respected forum friends have used it with great success.
I decided to grow dutch(50 Coco/50 LECA). But my problem starts with which coco to use. I've searched for days and a good amount of ppl have said that for E&F you want to use coco husks like coco dan(which reviews i've read have been 60/40 favoring cocodan). However I still cant find a quality coarse coco . I'm really leaning towards putting 2 inches of LECA in the bottom of the buckets and then at the top mixing some coco gro boss and leca.(the leca at the bottom prevents the coco fibers from running thru the pumps).

Another question, thru my research i've learned that its optimum to use chleated cal/mag with coco which AN does have in almost all its lines. Should i still be worried about this being that Im going to be running a 50/50 and not a pure coco grow?
I'm choosing boss because out of all the coco i've seen and looked at its seems to have the more positive reviews and is pre-rinsed and innoculated with cal/mag & beneficial bacteria. However, im leary of using it right out the bag. Damned if you do, damned if you dont because if I do rinse it i'll lose the calmag and beneficial microbes Botanicare has infused in it. Like I said im switching over from soil and its been a roller coaster getting all the pumps, fittings, media, meters, nutes blah blah. But what do you guys think am I good to go?

I've built the system controller and all, i've got earth juice and some leftover FF and some cal/mag plus and like 50l of LECA. But I have yet to order the coco. Cocogro Boss should do fine out the bag right?


no matter what coco you buy, you should probably rinse/sparge and condition it. I will never trust coco not to have salt (sodium). If it has been "prewashed", you might get away with a light rinse through. Definitely check ppm before using if you are going light on the rinse.

That being said, you should do fine with e&f with just about any coco you use, really. Then just apply (reapply) whatever cal/mag, micronutes you want.


with reasonably good quality coco coir you can use it out of the bag, all you do is make sure that the first time you water it use plain ph'ed water till run off, then next time you water start with ferts. it's only the unknown cheapo coco you might find that can have way too much salt. but reputable companies coco coir measures at around ec 1.0 very consistently upon first watering. so you could even start right off with nutrient solution, but i still prefer not to.