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ever grown in a wildlife preserve?


hello guys just curious if anyone here has ever done a guerella grow in a wildlife nature preserve area, there are no trails, no one is allowed to walk back there and theres hundreds of acres of forest, i would never see anyone out there, and i highly doubt anyone is going to hike back there, you cannot acess it by a car either. any input it would be appretiated, how many plants would be a safe number? e should i do a few fields or just scatter them all around? also there are lots of water supplies. thanks. if youvew got some pictures please share them with me

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
one of my favorite spots. No hunting!! Hunters are a big threat in the first of october and the preserve eliminates that big problem.
No Excuses ...

No Excuses ...

It sounds like a case of "Spring Fever".

You're evidently not very familiar with the territory.

Just because people aren't supposed to be there, doesn't mean squat.

In a forest, there are few places to plant with enough sun.

That narrows your options considerably, right from the get-go.

Start out with Google Earth and get a good look from the air.

How many clearings? Where are the creeks, ponds, or streams?

The term "wildlife refuge" usually means lots and lots of critters.

The smell of freshly turned earth alone will draw them to the patch.

Who has jurisdiction over the area? State wildlife officers?

Where are you going to park before you start hiking in there?

What's your excuse for being there if someone finds you?

( Have a good answer for "Why are you carrying that shovel?" )

Do you have any experience hiking through underbrush at night?

What makes you think that people aren't already growing there?

Don't make trails ... or try not to make them ... pack light ... use as much natural soil as you can, start from seed if you can, and don't count on harvesting anything at all.


theres lots of sunlight imt elling you theres hella places to grow out there i google earthed it, and i am startiung from seed, the creeks, and ponds are very short walking distance ill pass them everytime i walk to my plots so water is not a problem, i think fishing game or n something goes outthere every now and agian but they do not drive around out there, i plan to use some sort of organic pestice i get rid of any bugs i dont want, where i would park no one would ever know i was in the patch, i would park at a i gas station, walk over a bridge, hop the fence surrounding the area, then i will hike it quite a ways, the trees in there are not red woods.... its not like mountain teritory, i live near sac, oh and also nt in the preserve but near it there are quite a few cows so could be good for the soil since ill need manuer, so how should i go about doing this a few plots with several plants each or just plants scattered about? if someone asks me what im doing in there i would tell them i was taking pictures of the wildlife, the only thing i could think of for the shovel is i needed to make some mounds of dirt to get a better angle for my pictures, i dont have experience hiking through nderbrush at night what would you ly reccomend? by the way i usually drive past this daily cause how i commute and out of 6 years that ive driven by i have seen 2 game wardens or whateever not in the forest just at the entrance both times and i have never seen another would there ill get some pictures of the place so you all can see


Well just to give my point of view... I most certainly have not and don't plan to either!

Useful Idiot

Active member
I would be concerned about parking at the gas station.Especially come harvest time.I would look for a better parking spot to begin with imo.Can you picture yourself being questioned about your parking there?? If so what if you are told not to park there after you are already set up and growing. Then you have to find another spot to park hopefully near where you planted. A little more planning is required for you to pull this off.I wish you the best. Also if you do this, get a backpack, collapsable type shovel, binoculars,some sort of bird book ect. Leave the shovel hidden near your spot do not keep taking it back and forth. Or go with the fishing route,big tackle box holds plenty of small plants,get a fishing pole ect. Hope this helped a bit.
Check out the Sticky Above ... etc.

Check out the Sticky Above ... etc.

Spend some time reading the "Massive Outdoor Grow" sticky thread above by "Julian". Lots of guerilla tactics there.

theres lots of sunlight imt elling you theres hella places to grow out there i google earthed it, and i am startiung from seed, the creeks, and ponds are very short walking distance ill pass them everytime i walk to my plots so water is not a problem,

Don't plan on going there too often. Well prepared dirt, with water crystals included, will do fine without your attention. If you can walk in a stream-bed, instead of on the ground, do it.

i plan to use some sort of organic pestice i get rid of any bugs i dont want,

A waste of time & money. Bugs are rarely a pot problem, they will bother you.

where i would park no one would ever know i was in the patch, i would park at a i gas station, walk over a bridge, hop the fence surrounding the area, then i will hike it quite a ways,

Who else parks there? Commuters? What about the gas station personnel who see you with a backpack? Carry everything "one way". The shovel never comes out, same for water containers & collectors. ( Small camo tarps can catch a lot of water. ) How much traffic on the bridge? What time of day? Sunday morning?

i live near sac, oh and also nt in the preserve

Have no idea what any of that means, but people Everywhere are hip to "growing". It's not hard to figure out, even for "Joe Six-pack, go-to-church, conservative drones".

but near it there are quite a few cows so could be good for the soil since ill need manuer,

Fresh manure is bad. Put it in holes for a year ... otherwise, no.

so how should i go about doing this a few plots with several plants each or just plants scattered about?

Depends on the lay of the land. Spread them out as much as you can. Three or four at a time, 200 yards+ away from each other.

if someone asks me what im doing in there i would tell them i was taking pictures of the wildlife, the only thing i could think of for the shovel is i needed to make some mounds of dirt to get a better angle for my pictures,

You'll have to do better than that.

i dont have experience hiking through nderbrush at night what would you ly reccomend? by the way i usually drive past this daily cause how i commute and out of 6 years that ive driven by i have seen 2 game wardens or whateever not in the forest just at the entrance both times and i have never seen another would there ill get some pictures of the place so you all can see

Don't be surprised if, when you get in there, that you find evidence that others have been there growing before you. It happens all the time, believe me. Then, it becomes an ethical issue ... if others are already using it, will you rip them, or use new spots & hope they don't rip you?

Good luck.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
I have a lot of experience with game preserves. In most US states when a rural land owner dies and has no will or family, the land goes to the state. The process required by the states to take posession of the land takes years and the land grows up during that period. At this point, most states designate the land as "wildlife preserve". Your state department of abandoned lands is a good place to look for grow sites.

Others people do grow in the same preserve as me because i see their plants. As long as their grow indicates experience and good guerilla stealth practices then the plants can remain, but if they're planted in a manner that will allow them to be discovered from the air or where they can potentially draw attention to my grow then i destroy the grow. (BassAckwards direction to spread out is mandatory if you grow anywhere around me.) Take care of your diseases too because i dont want that either. I check the other patches regularly and they risk destruction on any trip if i find a threat to my grow. The one thing i wont do is steal the weed if it survives the season.

Dont plant in a preserve until youve had time to learn who comes and goes, when and how often. Look at the adjacent lands and see whats going on their as well.

You need to be dropped off.


hey theres not just a gas station theres alot of other parking lots near the area that are more secluded ive thought about just walking the bridge is about a 10 min walk from home and i think im gona go with the fishing idea since i do fish a good amount


if i see any plants out there i do not plan on ripping them, but as ds toker said if i feel they are going to cause attraction or anything to plots them then i will destroy them but i will not take any herb that is not mine. the traffic is not bad at all and i would proboly go out there sundays mornings.


and i have someone that would drop me off and i wouldnt need to worry about him ripping me because he is my blood brother and we are roomates.... and he knows that our dad gave me my clones as a gift and he gets some of the cut anyways cause hes my brother if this spot doesnt seem good its alright because i already have 2 other beaches my father owns and iw as given permision to grow on them, but i was just looking for an extra few plots and figured this might be a good spot to do it

the clones he gave me are
grape ape
galaxy god bud

i also plan to start a few more other strains from seed if this plot seems to work.


I grow in a public preserve full of wildlife. Wildlife carry ticks and fleas which in turn carry diseases. Wear long sleeves and rubber band your pant legs.

Had some prep work and scouting to do today and ran into 2 preserve employees driving on the hiking path. Their job is to remove fallen timber from the path. The only thing they do! Hunting is NOT allowed so no game wardens. Found evidence of potential growers one year but posted my 'NOTICE" and they never returned.

I agree with the others who commented that other growers may have been using the same areas you are looking into. Scout the entire area monitoring for human and animal signs. Are you prepared for carnivores?

What is the soil like? Are you planning on amending it? Don't use anything with bone or blood meal or fish emulsion. Critters will dig them up to find the "treat." You are going to be making multiple trips to get your plants ready for their new homes. Takes a lot of prep work. And how will you protect them from critters?

The more you put into your grow, the more you will be rewarded.


i dont plan on doing much to the soil most of it around here is goosd and i bought a good it amount of chicken wire and i also found some snaail bait at my house


Well-known member
i wish you the best of luck if there are deer around. damn things are like the biblical locusts to cannabis...you might visit a zoo if there is one around, & try to get big cat (lion, tiger, jaguar, cougar) poop to spread as a deterrent. or take a dump out there yourself. whitetails turn inside out if they smell that (meat eaters dung smells different).


i was told that dog hair would rid of deer and rabits? but if worste comes to worste ill be definitly take several shits out there i mean hell ill be prepping for hours anyways


how would you reccomend i make the cages so the deer dont get them? just tall cylinders? and ive seen a few deer out there but i think ive seen more fox then deer


Well-known member
I know it sucks but cage size to me depends on amount of problems you have with wildlife. I live in an area well known for whitetail hunting but never had huge problems with deer. Rabbits and ground hogs have been my biggest nemesis. I make my cages 12-14inchs high and 8 inches in diameter. Once my plants grow out of them they have been safe form pests including deer. That’s my situation but some people have huge problems with deer its all in your unique situation and as I eluded to before it sucks because you don’t know until you grow in the location what’s going to happen.


Some deer love to get high, I think the ones that do are the ones that will eat out of your hand. Don't use anything that can be a 'reasonable cause' which can get you arrested. Don't use your own hair or your dogs hair, you can buy bottled animal piss for 70$ for 1/2 gallon. visit a few dog parks and borrow some tossed out dog shit. It'll help.

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