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is more potent cannabis more addictive?



Hear me out... I don't think we are seeing all the phenotypes of cannabis because we breed for specific traits that make it more valuable, such as potency. Cannabis has been bred for potency because that way we can get more high from less smoke. What if I want less high from good tasting smoke? Like a sweet and tasty-tart orange strain, that only has a little up in it, but no down.

Theoretically, if cannabis was legal, do you think we would see more tasty, but less potent strains? This way we would be able to enjoy smoking more, without getting too high or mellowed out. As of right now, a gram joint of most cannabis on the market will destroy a regular puffer, a single hit of skunk to a first timer will write that person off.

I mean, getting wasted from weed is good and all, but for most people it becomes a habit, if cannabis was more taste and smell based than potency based I think all day everyday smoking would be more ok... I think a world where potent cannabis is at the same low price as not-so-potent but tasty cannabis would be a good one..

on a side not: If you think about it, this plant has so much over tobacco. The high can be changed, as well as the flavor. If we make the potency of weed soft enough, it would still be a great thing, especially if it still offers the possibly beneficial chemicals in weed smoke

Our plant can take the smells of an apple, an orange, and mix them together.. it can make some1 extra alert, or extra sleepy, it makes us eat and be healthy.. the list goes on, and yet we narrow it down to the most potent it can be, and either the highest of the highs or lowest of the lows and combined.. we dont explore the other phenotypes of cannabis that won't create income.


Active member
Good smell/taste seems to be almost directly related to potency... I don't know if it's possible to really separate the 2.


Power Armor rules
Not enough objective experiments have been conducted to see whether or not higher potency leads to higher addiction rates. At this point in time it's mostly dogmatic rhetoric from anti-cannabis groups and individuals saying it's "more dangerous".


B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
well I smoke really good shit and i cannot stop if that helps. lol
but on a serious note, it's a mental addiction not so much physical so maybe potent mj is more what a smoker wants to keep them coming back.
if weed sucked and did not hit me the way it does, no i would not smoke it.
Great question.


I just think that we are a breeding group that is obsessed with cbd, thc, and cbn concentrations, and potencies... Im saying we are tied down in the direction we breed in. We breed for bigger, more tatsy and potent buds, but what if the potency part was left out. I mean this obviously won't happen until the laws affecting the market change, maybe then people will start tinkering with cannabis that is not one hitter quitter.

What is the point of breeding towards that one hitter quitter with big cola structure? Its for money, not for quality of life.. I think a good all day smoking weed would be one that promotes functionality, not diminish it..

Its like we should be on the outside looking in, not on the inside looking out

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
A point i have been trying to make in my thread "Do Breeders Create or Mostly Steal" is that soon pharmasutical co's will get in the game and when they do there claims will center around "weed for fibromyalgia" or pain or glycoma... and if breeders don't get on the band wagon the pham. co's will have a research and development arm that the small breeder will not be able to f. with


ty b.friendly, after all we arent just fucking with some weed plant.. this is cannabis godamnit!

could it be that some chemicals in cannabis resin make the brain think its addicted, can we remove these chemicals from cannabis and still have a good smoke? canabis is so malleable, we just gotta nudge it where we want it to be, we can make it do amazing things for us, yet were stuck on thc and the other indica dom chemicals

Mr. Charlie

In my experience fooling around with tinctures... you can get a very euphoric, functioning high that heals your ailments without it being stony or downer energy(usually stimulating). Perhaps tinctures and derivatives are the answer to your query. They still have the activated THC, CBD's and CBN's plus the individual phenotypes.
The one element missing is the action of smoking. Is the smoking just a ritual or more??


I have seen a lot of different strains that are bread for taste over potency, like blueberry.

I really don't think that breeding for potency is a bad thing... Some people like potent grass, people like me. The higher the better, and with less energy spent on smoking bowl after bowl? I'd grow that. Of course dealers have their eyes on the cash, and potency will fetch bigger $$$... But so will great taste. But dealers are dealers, and that's all that is. It's the essence of the plant over everything, but a smoke that people like will bring in more dough to a seller. Let me put it to you this way. Would you rather have an ounce of leaves or an ounce of dank? You'd take the dank anyday. Some plants are also bred for yield. I think that more than anything plants are bred to accomodate for people's needs, and desires, but that goes for everybody (growers too).

I can see your point about a small middle ground though. For a middle ground I usually grow bagseed. A strain that I think is some sort of skunk hybrid (skunk red hair?) has a functionable high, a smooth thick smoke and a good taste with a good potency. A gram would get you high enough to know it but you could talk to people without them knowing. I grew it from a $40 bag of grass.

It's all about strain selection.

As far as addictive goes, well... A potent smoke will make other smokes less effective, it's like smoking more with less. If you want to call it 'addictive' well then yes, it theoretically would be, although some people encounter problems when they stop I've never really had much to deal with. I just go longer with eating less, no irritability or anything. If you mean 'does it make you want to smoke more', then I guess it depends if you like that particular herb or not, but that goes for anything really... The better something is the more you would want it, but that has more to do with personal preferences and more than just potency alone.

Again, it's all about strain selection to match what a person wants.


Cannabis isn't addictive to begin with so how can it be more addictive?

That just isnt the case dude, where do you get your information? Many sources nowadays will tell you that cannabis is addictive, end of story.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
I dont think cannabis is any more or any less addictive than many of the other habit forming pastimes we as humans take up...

whilst there may be some evidence of physical dependance in certain substances, I still think people are addictive (personalities).. more so than things like gambling, sex, chocolate, cannabis, shopping, coffee*, etc and ultimately most of us have our "habits" ... :2cents:

the human is driven by incentive, "feeling good" is a very strong incentive... so much so that the survival of our species kinda depends on it..... we're just wired that way.

*all of these invoke a physical or neurological feeling of well being.

edit - all of these things I've listed above would be considered reasonably harmless if undertaken in small quanitites, it's only when the frequency of instances of indulgence escalates that we see a "problem", but this could be said of just about anything.
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That just isnt the case dude, where do you get your information? Many sources nowadays will tell you that cannabis is addictive, end of story.

I've smoked pretty much daily - 1-3x a day, I'll take a small bowl or two. Just came back from a road trip with the woman where I didn't bring any weed. I am way too paranoid in non-med states and the woman doesn't like the smoke. Usually, I'd scheme something up with some joints and toking up at rest stops, etc, but this time I was too lazy to bother. About the only time I thought about it was on the way home, I was looking forward to a bowl of blueberry. By the time I got home, unpacked and took a shit, it was so late that I didn't bother. Now it is worktime, so my next bowl is a good 10hrs away and I am unphased. You can call it "addiction" all you like, but I kicked cigarettes after a 10 year, pack a day habit, so I know what a REAL addiction is. If I were talking about cigarettes in this anecdote, I'd be telling you how I killed the bitch because I went psycho from not having a cig in 5 days.

I lived in the ghetto when I was in school during the real outbreak of the crack epidemic and the shit I saw people do as a result of their addictions was fucking scary. When I see people sucking cock for your cannabis addiction, I'll reconsider, but until then shut the fuck up with this "addictive" bullshit. Hell, I have a harder time fighting my sugar addiction or my jacking off addiction.


It isn't addictive it is more habit forming, it is natural to want to repeat enjoyable activities, I fish everyday because the nearby lake is very productive but if I didn't catch fish I probably wouldn't go everyday.


Active member
I honestly find the taste of green buds addictive...those sweet sweets those sour sours...mmm *drool*


I dont think cannabis is any more or any less addictive than many of the other habit forming pastimes we as humans take up...

whilst there may be some evidence of physical dependance in certain substances, I still think people are addictive (personalities).. more so than things like gambling, sex, chocolate, cannabis, shopping, coffee*, etc and ultimately most of us have our "habits" ... :2cents:

the human is driven by incentive, "feeling good" is a very strong incentive... so much so that the survival of our species kinda depends on it..... we're just wired that way.

*all of these invoke a physical or neurological feeling of well being.

edit - all of these things I've listed above would be considered reasonably harmless if undertaken in small quanitites, it's only when the frequency of instances of indulgence escalates that we see a "problem", but this could be said of just about anything.

So true, and I have to admit, I'm addicted to everything that you mentioned above. Weed is a different story. It is not physically addictive but as an habit, yes. I wish the stuff breeders sell were all potent but they are not. Most of the shit in a pack are mediocre and it is RARE that you find a holy grail, potent pheno. The conspiracy theory side of me thinks that most breeders only put a handful of "potent seeds" in a batch of thousands to keep us coming back for more...... Just like the lottery and I don't care to play the genetics lottery with my hard earned money....... Either that or most of them are fuc#$%king incompetent. Show me a breeder that can market and ship PROVEN CLONES (seeds) and I'll show you an honest, competent, breeder..........(sorry for the rant, just my experience). As for flavor over potency, why not harvest early? Also try adding some flavor to your PH'ed water during flush. Idk about this but i bet the odds are that you will find more flavorful phenos in a pack of beans than potent ones! Ya don't have an issue, ya need to do a few more laps.


the manner how THC interacts with receptors is far different than with stimulants and opiates .
THC attaches and remains attached to the receptor for some time and this is the scientific proof that was significant in keeping the medical world from declaring it physically addictive.

Stronger THC does not change this dynamic

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