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From outdoor to indoor the adventure continues



I figure it's about time to make a thread in here.
This is my first indoor, but I've grown outdoors the last two years, this year getting ripped twice (hence moving to indoor). We finished up what few plants we had from the outdoors inside.
(Shitty pic of the outdoor to indoor girls, but you get the idea)
While those finished up we started vegging some new clones, 10 clones, 4 strains.
1000w Hortilux Super Blue
8" Vortex venting into the attic
2- 40w t8 6500k bulbs
Organic soil mix (blood,bone,kelp, etc)
4-gal pots (except for 2 in 5gal)

At first the clones were kept off to the side of the 1000w when it was on, and under the fluro's for the extra hours they needed (as opposed to the flowering girls from outside). We ended up having them under the fluro's for about a month until we got some things fixed up in the room itself.
Now, we have the fluro's come on for 3 hours in the morning, followed by 12 hours of the 1000w, and then again followed by 3 hours of fluro's which seems to be working well for now.
And on to the pictures!
Oh, before I go on, the strains are:
3-Cherry Ak
2-Blackberry Bubba's

Just transplanted little babies.

A week or two later..

After this picture I didn't take (or atleast upload) any pictures for about a month or so...

From left to right: MVTF, Cherry ak, Ortega, blackberry bubba (and a hindu skunk we were trying to reveg but it dried up)

Same order as the picture above, just a week later and plants rotated.

From left to right: AK, Ortega, B.bubba in back with an AK in front, MVTF

Thus far the MVTF has grown the tallest (20 inchs when I checked the other day), with the one AK that we fim'd being the shortest (11.5" at the time i last checked). The blackberry bubba's have been the pickiest and slowest veggers. They have a tendency to grow out a leaf and then after a little while that leaf will get super dark and curl under...although it's been doing better with that lately.

That's about it for now, I'll keep this thread updated and if anybody has any inputs on the strains, it would be appreciated.
Nice thread glad to hear that u were ableto continue growing! I'm sorry to hear that u were ripped twice! getting ripped once would completely devastate me but twice! I would have a hard attack! U should probably get a dog to prevent people from even coming near ur spot! Best of luck on this grow!
hey any updates huey? I recently acquired a ortega cut and a cherry AK so I'm wondering how its going! hope all is well
be safe!


Hey...sorry for the lack of updates...i havn't really been very active on IC lately but here we are getting closer and closer to harvest. The ortega's and blackberry bubba's are looking good. The mvtf and ak are a bit...messed up. haha. The Mvtf is getting a lot of random dry spots on lower branches (any input from anyone?). The buds on the ak are small but smell amazing. I'm hoping they'll fill in and bulk up more, but I don't know. They might be best to just bubble hash...Also been having a little trouble with powdery mildew, been spraying green cure and neem oil alternating to try to alleviate the problem, but it only cures it for a little while and don't want to burn them :-/

Group shot






Blackberry bubba




Sorry no close ups of the ak's or mvtfs
Safer makes a spray called in 3 in 1 garden spray works pretty good for me and is omri listed organic gardening.. as for the dry spot on branches can u give a better picture please?


I ended up chopping down one of the mvtf's. The thing just dried up, the whole plant. Really odd. Just went ahead and stripped the fan leaves off will fast by hand (thats how dried up it was) and threw it into the freezer for hash making later on. Didn't snatch any pics of it sorry. I know it wasn't a water issue...or a temp issue (it's been relatively cool in there), even raised the light..
Oh well. Since my last update, I've had 4 of 5 Ortega's root, 1/2 AK's root, and 0/3 mvtfs (although i'm sure they will). Been slowly reducing the light for the moms/clones to create ready for the outdoors. Hopefully the Ortega's and Bubba's will be ready for harvest soon, I think i'm starting to see a few ambers...
what Ph do u water with? Nice to see ur getting ready for the outdoors and have some clones ready.. i've been planning on getting my clones eready as well.. btw have u smoked the ortega? how is it? i recently acquired a clone of ortega and its is a vigirous vegger

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