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Breaking Bad

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
yea as i see it you know, saul put walt in touch with gus, so they are working together, and yea, they gotta protect their investment. i was on the edge of my seat waiting for that PI to bust down the door with a big ass gun or something and shoot the place up and make a huge mess lol


Active member
I think the PI is also the cleaner that took care of Jesse when Jane overdosed. He cleaned out the house and told him what to say.

Also "Los pollo hermanos" means chicken brothers or the brothers chicken translate by google. ;) Could gus have a twin/brother in the business too? Maybe on the cartel side.


Horse-toothed Jackass
Good point about who the PI is working for. Saul is the one who hired im, even yelled at him over the phone when he learned how much dude charges for 24/7 service, but the PI went right up the food chain and called Gus when he saw the Mexi-nators.
Did he recognize the Mexi-nators? Apparently, or Gus quickly figured out who they were and texted them.
I too thought that maybe the PI would pull out a gun and take them down. He certainly gives off that hitman vibe. I didn't recognize him as being the cleaner who showed up when Jesse's girl OD'd, but a lot of stuff slips my mind...
I suppose shooting the Mexi-nators would have been messy, literally as well as figuratively. Better they were called off, especially if they show up later, which from the preview I believe they will.
Would have been nice to see some action, though. But I think there will be plenty this season, we just have to be patient.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
but the PI went right up the food chain and called Gus when he saw the Mexi-nators.
That's what was implied, but really all we saw was one shot of the PI talking on the phone to somebody followed by a shot of Gus talking to somebody. you could assume that they were talking to each other, but you know what they say about assumptions.
Did he recognize the Mexi-nators? Apparently, or Gus quickly figured out who they were and texted them.
He didn't necessarily recognize the particular hitmen. What he saw were two serious looking latino dudes, headed towards a house with Walt in it, carrying a big fucking shiny chromed axe. Then he called someone and that someone was either Gus or someone who relays messages to Gus.
When we make assumptions we're making an ass of u and mption....:ying:

Green Smoke

The PI's name is Mike, and he is indeed the same guy who cleaned up the Jane mess.

I believe Mike called Saul ("hey it's me"), who called Gus and got somebody else whom he told, who then told Gus(we saw a man walk up to Gus and tell him)

I don't think Mike recognized the twins. What he did recognize was the skull tipped boots. (they made a point of cutting to the boots as they got out of the car) Those boots must be some kinda cartel logo or Santa Muerte thing, or something. Last week the guy in the truck with all those illegals recognized the boots just before they whacked the whole lot of them.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
yeah now i understand the beginning of the episode when Hank was briefing his taskforce on the burned trailer massacre! good eye greensmoke :joint:
that kid should have kept his mouth shut!



It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
hey thanks for bumping this, i didn't want to look for it :joint:

lol skylar is such a bitch haha! me and my girl were both like "take the money and dip out!" give walt jr. $200k, put $200k into a savings bond or something for the little girl, and let skylar do her thing with her boss :joint:



So those two twins are tuco's cousins. Also seems to be a new character, the boss guy., who showed up at gus’s chicken farm - to talk about walt.

I wonder if Gus was serious about being alright with them killing off walt after he’s done with him ? Be interesting to see how his character plays out.

An was anyone else extremely annoyed with Jessie and his compulsive calling.
Looks like next week he try’s cooking him self - Looks like he fucks up somehow. I saw walt go after him in the previews for next week.

The first three episodes of this season where all right, but I hope it picks up a bit though ( I am sure it will). Last week I thought this episode was going to be stellar, but really was just so-so, bit of a filler for better episodes., imo. It was kind of funny to see walts brother in law freak out about going back to el paso or whatever. Reminds me of walt from last season, the not giving a fuck attitude/break down.

Skylar is a wench, she went through with screwing that guy solely to get back at Walt for moving back in. I Don’t think I’d care if she gets kidnapped after all.. It was fuck up the way she stood there, waited, slowly walk over, and said it.

Salamanca cartel ?


Active member
The actor who plays Skyler is too hot to be Walts wife. Nice body and those big lips yeah right. The producers should have found a less attractive actress for the part.


I think they made her hooter I mean hotter this season. Also look's like Walt is going to be hooking up with someone maybe, its hard to tell from the previews. He looked pretty pisssed after she told him that.

lol. Jessie makes me laugh.. " Next episode should be more revealing of where this show is going.
The PI's name is Mike, and he is indeed the same guy who cleaned up the Jane mess.

I believe Mike called Saul ("hey it's me"), who called Gus and got somebody else whom he told, who then told Gus(we saw a man walk up to Gus and tell him)

I don't think Mike recognized the twins. What he did recognize was the skull tipped boots. (they made a point of cutting to the boots as they got out of the car) Those boots must be some kinda cartel logo or Santa Muerte thing, or something. Last week the guy in the truck with all those illegals recognized the boots just before they whacked the whole lot of them.
He might not have been talking straight to Gus but he never talked to Saul because he agreed on the phone to not let Saul know about the Mexicans at the beginning of ep 3.

I think Walt is gonna find a new girl this season. After her screwing her boss for revenge he doesnt need to feel guilty about it. Plus after living life as a man fighting for his place in the world and his family how can he be satisfied by a controlling ice princess like her.

idk why everyone is saying she is too hot to be his wife she is only like a 6. Any man with his head on his shoulders and direction in life can score a 6 unless he is obese.

Green Smoke

idk why everyone is saying she is too hot to be his wife she is only like a 6. Any man with his head on his shoulders and direction in life can score a 6 unless he is obese.

She's playing a charactor who is 50(ish). For 50ish I'd say she's way hotter than a 6. As a 50ish man, I'd just like to say that I'd hit that twice.


Active member
She's hotter than 6 for sure no matter what character she's playing. I can't stop looking at her lips when she talks they're so sexy. They should've shown some skin in a sex scene with her and her boss.
ya for 50ish Id agree with u I was thinking shes supposed to be 36-40 and he is older than her. I myself am just under 30 and no better looking than Walt adjusting for age and bit more muscular. I easily get better looking than that. I am currently sleeping with a 40 year old that would blow her outa the water by anybody's standards obviously its just about sex and no future on both our parts.

Not saying this to brag or act cool it just at this point in my life I am 14 months divorced and in the past 10 months or so finally see how receptive any women can be no matter if she is hot or not as long as she is within your financial bracket, your not a creep, not a loafer, and most importantly HAVE THE BALLS TO PUT THE MOVES ON THEM.

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