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just to be clear on your Veg mix:

30% compost (Bioagro, the Red Bag)
30% Worm Castings
20% Perlite
20% Peat Moss

Is this correct ??

For flowering do you use the same mix but add Chicken Guano and Bone Meal ??

Or keep the same mix and just add Bone Meal (how much) and then use Chicken Guano as and when needed ??

Finally what is your receipe for compost teas and how often do you feed with them ??

Sorry for being so 'specific' but I am new to growing and dont want to keep making mistakes, so I may as well copy what you are doing as it obviously works.


New member
my soil mix is that all aprox.. im not very hard with the percents but.. more or less is this:

30% compost (Bioagro, the Red Bag)
30% Worm Castings
10% Perlite
30% Peat Moss

with that they dont ask for more for a month and a half +/-.
.then i put more worm castings and/or compost tea.

sometimes more perlite... i use to make a big bag of perlite and peat, depends of what i have in hand..
hey, you get more ferts here than me ! jejeje

Abonur is powdered and the only place i saw it is at tienda inglesa. i put like 2 full tablespoons ( the big ones) for every pot of 5 -6 litre. then i use a little more in my compost teas.

for bone meal. 2-3 full tablespoons per pot.

what i do with the flowering mix is make a big bag a month or so before with compost,bone meal ,etc and leave it there... when im going to change pots for flowering, then i use that soil mix. so the ferts are well released and ready .
i change pots 1 time during veg and the another one ( the last and bigger one) when they start flowering.

i never grow autoflowering strains so i dont know much but for the regular ones i just wait what the plant says to me. if they need nutes they re gonna tell you in the leaves, size..etc

just go easy with the abonur when flowering.. they get too much green (i think they have too much N or nute block or something)

with this percentages / ferts and watering with compost teas every 10 days or so
i used to get like 100-120gr dry with a 250w HPS. I cant complain for my outdoors plants neither :)

when i see pictures here at icmag with gigantic buds and all the nutes that people use in US/europe, i get a littele jelaous but.. with this simple things i think we can get decent grams and top quality if you put a little effort & love

the best stuff i smoked in my life was an outdoor plant with only water,worm castings, compost and sun.
no super boost bloom canna thrive liquid karma jejeje. just a very patience and good grower


al_sur thanks again for all this info - I just went to Tiende and got the Chicken Poo and Bone Meal (would never have worked out what it was on the packet without your help so again.......THANKS)

Could'nt find the Bioagro compost - where can you get this from ??

And you use the compost teas every 10 days ??

Also can you please post what you put into your Compost teas and how you actually make then please.


Al_Sur, just to be really sure on the flowering soil mix for my current grow:

Keep this soil mix (the one I have them in for seedling / vegging) to hopefully minimise any transplant shock:

Peat Moss 40% / Coco Fibre 20% / Perlite 20% / Worm Castings 20%.

To this (per Pot) I add 3.5g Dolomite Lime, 2.5g Sea Bird Guano and 1.7g Epson Salts

and to this (for 6.5 litre pots) add to the soil on EACH pot:

3 tablespoons of bone meal
1 tablespoon of Chicken guano (to be safe and not make it too hot ?)

and mix the soil and soak it through now to allow it weeks to get to work ?


New member
i think its ok,
just make it a few weeks or month before you re going to use it

it would be great if you can post some pictures while flowering and finished plants

good luck with those automatics!


yes fellas i would like to see pics too ;)

al-sur youre very kind and great person thanks for helping us out so much.

you're the man !

i'll get ya a spliff when i'm in uruguay ^^


New member
anytime fellows,
and thanks andl!
if you need more info for your trip here or Bs As,
where to stay-eat-travel, i have a few good places to recommend you.


New member
bio agro humus and compost...i bought outside of montevideo, cant remember exactly where.. going east in a "vivero"
but if you cant find bioagro compost try with the red bag at supermercados disco or Tienda inglesa. theres a humus "sol naciente" really good also

avoid the "zamuro" brand.. its pure sand

compost teas... well ,thats a whole new world jeje
, there´s tons of info at organic soil forum here at icmag, but basically its
"pure" water + oxygen via an air pump + compost + humus + sugars.
all that brewed for 2+days ..then water the plants with that "tea"

best if you can do it with clorine-free water or rain water. you can put water in a bucket for 1 day outside and all the chlorine would evaporate.

the air pump (same as in a fish tank) keeps oxygenated the water , you re creating beneficial microbial funghal activity ,those microbial population will feed and make a much better soil for the plant.

theres a big theorical background for that, a conception of how you feed your plants organically, read it from the organic soil forum if you have a little time, it worth every minute. not easy not fast.

you ll see that people put a lot of stuff in their recipes, again, you have to do it with the few things that we have here. if you dont find a brand ,use the next one or experiment with what we have in hand.

i had great results with organics and compost teas, also made 100 mistakes before i get dialed.
read read read, experiment, fail fail fail, success!! :)

the only bad things is its a bit messy if you dont have space . bucket, air pump, the blubulblububl at nights.. i keep it outside or in a closed room

i always start with the teas when the plant is at least 10-15cm, then every 10-15 days, i make like 10-15lts for all my garden (not weed) and cut it with water .


thanks - so if I can get Bioagro (found their website) is it their red bag, or is the red bag for another brand ??

So, for the compost teas I need a bucket and a aquarium air pump i See

What about using Chicken Guano in the teas - yes or no ????

Other ingredients: Worm Castings / Molasses ??? (and compost ?)

I'f I'm going to water 5-6 plants every 10 or so days and this takes 2.5L more or less is this all 'tea' or for this particular watering is the tea mixed in with normal water ??

If its the 100% tea, how much of each ingredient for 2.5 L ?

After a quick bit of reading it seems like a guano tea is different to a compost tea ??

Do you use both and if so whats the guano receipe for 2.5L ?

Thanks again !
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just come across to different Guano Tea recepies and that are so different, it would be great to get your opinion:

Both are for 2.5L of water:

1. 8grams of Chicken Guano and 1 teaspoon of mollasses

2. 1.5 grams of Chicken Guano

Big difference - which would you say is best one in terms of CG quantity ?


New member
bio agro: white bag and hard to find.
other compost.. i cant remember brand. red bag at disco or T.inglesa is the easiest to find.

for the compost teas,
my formula for 10 lts bucket is:

8 litre aprox of chlorine free water
3 cups worm casting
3 cups compost
2-3 tablespoons of molasses or brown sugar
1 cup or less abonur - chicken guano - sometimes i skip this because i dont have it..

brew 48 hours in chlorine-free water with the air-pump( i have one with 2 air outputs).

then i water all my plants with that 50-50 with plain water.
i use it for all my garden and my cannabis plants.

looking at your pictures, they´re very little now for all that food :)
wait till they re 15cm.

im not very picky with the % and formulas, its something like that, but if you put too much organic matter you need more air to keep it fresh.. otherwise.. bad smell - rot = bad tea!

if you do it regulary, you will see healthy and nice looking plants
dont expect that they gonna explode in 2 days, its a medium-long term feeding process

here you have a lot of info and pics : https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=60687


Thanks Al_Sur

could you possibly look at the Bio AGro website: http://www.bioagro.com.uy/

and tell me exactly which one you use then hopefully I can order it direct from them

One last question......how often do you feed with the teas mentioned above

thanks !


New member
i bought their worm casting "compost de lombriz"
and their compost,
i never saw the FULL COMPOST but in their website says that is worm castings + compost,
perhaps its better to buy only full compost, one product with the 2 mixed.

i feed every 10-15 days aprox, but there´s no overfeeding with compost tea, if you want ( and have time) you can do it every week.

keep in mind your not feeding the plants, you re feeding/boosting your microbial activity in your soil.

watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXGqJbFZzCo

that old man knows how to grow em big !


thanks - one last question (!)

brew 48 hours in chlorine-free water with the air-pump( i have one with 2 air outputs).

Without sounding stupid (!) - I get a bucket, put the ingredients in a stocking or something with mesh, hang this in the water

Then buy an air pump (from an aquarium shop / or pet shop ???), connect the plastic airline and then put the airline into the water ????

Or does the airline connect to something else like an airstone that goes into the water ???

Where's the best place to buy an air pump ?


New member
no stupid at all ! hehe its ok , ask anything you need

airline to the water, directly. i tied them with a rubber to a little piece of iron to keep it to the bottom.
airstone its an option, i didnt want to spend more money so... no airstone

i bought it at a pet shop at simon bolivar and av.brasil (pocitos)
$200 or so(last one was a year ago)

blue plastic air pump with 2 outputs


thanks !

If you ever want some seeds or to share nutes you only have to ask - you've given me more knowledge in a week than I got in the whole year before !


New member
Good report Alsur!! i wanna add some info about about legalization, till 2005 we take part of the GMM,the event organization is done by the Movimiento por la Liberacion del Cannabis a social organisation that is going to present a homegrow depenalization law project this year.
For further information you can mail [email protected]
or [email protected] , both activist organizations.

Saludos del Chacrero