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Coconot: Anyone tried this yet?


WOW! I was pretty excited when I got linked to this thread about CocoNot since I was just given a bag. But FUCK ME! This thread is all about Mistress telling folks to not water coco every day and that if you do it's over watering?!!! My goodness guys it's obvious she don't know shit about coco if she's saying that so why engage in bullshit with her and take this thread off track? 3 pages of this shit!

Seems like it would be pretty cool mixed with the VermiBlend what do you all think?


Just Call me Urkle!!
Coco is meant to be treated like Hydro medium and watered multiple times giving more oxygen to the roots resulting in explosive growth.. When not waterd like that you might as well be in soil.. Didn't mean to bash you but to say we are over watering our coco blew me away!


Active member
I'd like to get my hands on some coconot, and try it in a hydro application (primarily rdwc) instead of hydroton, lava rock, etc..

I wonder how it would do in that sense..

I can't seem to find any documented grows with this stuff. has any1 found a link?!

BTW, lets try and keep this thread on topic guys and gals, what would gypsy do?

merry easter soul brothers and soul sisters! :wave:


On this topic of watering I'd just like to say it completely depends upon the life stage of the plant and the volume of media you're using. I personally don't think a once a day feeding of an oxygenated solution into coco will be too much during certain times of life.

The mid-late vegetative stage, from 4 weeks to 6 weeks, the plants very much benefit from daily feedings. Replacing the nutrients and minerals that are extracted is important and going more than 48 hours slows growth during this time.

After transplanting, or any time when the root mass doesn't fill the majority of the planter, then allowing 48 hours or more for the coco to dry is better, this encourages the roots to seek out moisture. I also find that right near the end of the bud swelling stage (5 to 7 weeks of flowering) that daily feedings become unnecessary. I see a lot of burning at the mid point into swelling so that's when I start to lower my NPK levels.

So I feed infrequently to establish root mass, then I feed daily to encourage growth, then I transplant and feed infrequently again before feeding a lower concentration solution daily to encourage bud mass. I'll then ween off feedings, 48 hours, 72 hours, 96 hours, and finally flush. I'll allow another 7 to 10 days of final maturation and harvest. Works like a charm.


Active member
Well I'll chime in cuz my last grow I was lazy and did exactly that! Let them go a day or 2 with out water in a 50/50 coco/perlite mix and this time I've watered 2-3 times a day and my growth exploded on me! WAY faster than the last grow watering like soil, yes there is no doubt coco holds water VERY well and is why a lot of soil mixes are now using coco coir and peat moss. But coco can't be overwatered! When I saw Mistress say that I was blown away!!! My bag of Ready Gro Moisture Formula is made for 1 watering daily but I do 2-3 and it also says that the pots can sit in 2-3" of water with out getting water logged! YOU CAN'T OVER WATER COCO!! You folks talking "but it's more oxygen when you let it dry out" WRONG!!! Go read through the coco forums when you water coco properly with 10-15% runoff you push all the stagnant air out of the medium bringing in fresh oxygen and fresh nutrients and the growth takes off. I say this from personal experience with soil and coco...

WOW! I was pretty excited when I got linked to this thread about CocoNot since I was just given a bag. But FUCK ME! This thread is all about Mistress telling folks to not water coco every day and that if you do it's over watering?!!! My goodness guys it's obvious she don't know shit about coco if she's saying that so why engage in bullshit with her and take this thread off track? 3 pages of this shit!

Seems like it would be pretty cool mixed with the VermiBlend what do you all think?

Just sat reading this thread with a friend and exactly what i said to him was posted by Thundurkel. Yup, you cannot over water coco, I repeat YOU CANNOT OVER WATER COCO.

Thundurkel hit the nail on the head about growth rates too, you can water coco like soil, every few days, and you get soil performance. However, water daily, or several times daily and you get hydro sized results. A friend who uses a 600W with coco and waters his 11 litre pots every 5-7 days often struggles to beat the weights I pull off the same cuttings using a 250W and 1.5 litre pots, this is all because I handwater 2-3 times a day, we use the same nutes etc.


Just Call me Urkle!!
Thank you!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Debate ended Mistress leave it be and let's leave this about Coco Not... But I will add that Ready Gro Areation Formula says on the bag 4-6 waterings daily and it just has more perlite than the Moisture Formula so there are those instructions for you...

I'm gonna try it out in my CFL cab to see if I like it, I transplanted a Double Purple Blowfish cut and a Thunder Goo cut into a 2:1 mix of CocoNot and VermiBlend and it's draining just like my Ready Gro Moisture Formula...


New member
LEtting coco dry out so much does not make much sence its technically hydro, the coco is just your base to hold ur roots, letting your roots go out and search for moisture and nutes is not the purpose, just use soil then. In coco we want a root base that is not larger than 3gal, even that is alot. Direct feeding to roots is the purpose, feeding once a day even twice is recommended, but no one can really say when u need to water you plants.

As for the coconot i use it as my veg coco in 6" coco coir containers, when i transplant to my larger 8" coco basket I use canna coco. I found that with the coconot i was watering more frequently and my roots were twice the size, which makes sence. I also mix in 10% of the Vermiblend made by Vermicrop Organics, full of bene's and really makes my roots explode. I use canna coco nutes with vermi-t, RTI M-Drops and Add.27 to my base.


New member
Dont overdo it with the vermiblend mix only use 10% less is always more. Having too many bene's can be unbeneficial, they will turn carnivorous and start eating eachother. Also remember to use Carbos to feed those little guys. Carboload by AN is specificly made to feed bene's but really any carb will do. Obviously using boost in veg would be expensive lol

One bag of vermiblend will ammend 9 bags of media

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
On this topic of watering I'd just like to say it completely depends upon the life stage of the plant and the volume of media you're using. I personally don't think a once a day feeding of an oxygenated solution into coco will be too much during certain times of life.

The mid-late vegetative stage, from 4 weeks to 6 weeks, the plants very much benefit from daily feedings. Replacing the nutrients and minerals that are extracted is important and going more than 48 hours slows growth during this time.

After transplanting, or any time when the root mass doesn't fill the majority of the planter, then allowing 48 hours or more for the coco to dry is better, this encourages the roots to seek out moisture. I also find that right near the end of the bud swelling stage (5 to 7 weeks of flowering) that daily feedings become unnecessary. I see a lot of burning at the mid point into swelling so that's when I start to lower my NPK levels.

So I feed infrequently to establish root mass, then I feed daily to encourage growth, then I transplant and feed infrequently again before feeding a lower concentration solution daily to encourage bud mass. I'll then ween off feedings, 48 hours, 72 hours, 96 hours, and finally flush. I'll allow another 7 to 10 days of final maturation and harvest. Works like a charm.

Careful lazy, that's getting close to blasphemy in this tread :D

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