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Knocked over all of my plants...


New member
Everything was going great 2 weeks into my plants from seed, but this morning I was watering them, wasn't paying attention for a second and knocked 'em all over :cry:, fortunately most of them seem alright with some minor leaf bending and a few of the stalks seemed to have taken a hit, but one of my bigger ones in particular got pretty beat up (the last 2 pics, sorry they're a little blurry. basically the big leaf on the right got ripped off and the one on the left has a slight tear in it). Most of the soil was intact so I refilled a few of the pots but other than that is there anything I should be doing/watching out for the next few days? (especially the f'd up one).


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Active member
Hey Buddy!
I would'nt worrie, our beloved MJ is a really hardy little thing, dont be fooled by their delicate apperance. 'They'll bounce right back'. You could give a stress reliever on your next few irrigations like Superthirve - which i swear by myself & use throughout the Veg cycle & as needed in the first half of Bloom(upto wk 4 of 12/12). Some of the crinkling in the leaves looks like it could be PH related, have you checked your run-off just to be sure? Its nothing to worrie about though!
G'Luck fella!...........Peace..........Scroger! ;)


i knocked a few over and yes it freaked me out but usually they recover.
As they get bigger ive hap a few get topped by accident. lol. yours look like they will be ok. 2 or 3 days


Yeah as they others say, they'll be fine. I've done worse. :)


The cat that loves cannabis
It happens, wait till you drop a light on them, that's a good time.
They will be fine


New member
:comfort:Thanks a lot for the quick replies everyone! I feel so much better now, i was definitely freakin out there!

i'll be sure to double check my ph scroger, as a matter of fact i was on the way to do that before i threw them all overboard and completely forgot about that - thanks for the reminder.

and kitty - lol!

:thank you: everyone


New member
glad to hear she recovered so quickly diamond, i never realized how strong our plants were, even so young.


New member
i didn't touch the buckets, i knocked over the wood frame they were on

by the way scroger - do you think the crinkling of the leaves could be heat related? ph is good, but i noticed it was pretty warm with the light (250w mh) so close so i raised it, and they definitely needed a good watering (trying to get the water timing right but would rather err on under watering than over)
thanks man

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
It's amazing how resilient the cannabis plant is.

They should be fine.


New member


you all were right, it's only been 12 hours and they are acting like nothing even happened - even the one that was crushed the worst. all of them responded well to the water and i also raised the lights, so all in all they actually look better than they did this morning! thanks again.


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Active member
Hey Dozey!
Well done buddy, they look to be bouncing right back, as they usually do!
Yeah, heat was probably/maybe contributing to the leaf crinkling, usually leaf margins will curl up & inwards which indicates 'Heat-Stress'. There are several things that will cause leaf twist and curl, like lack of Mg for example, a leaf twist will be the first indication of the problem which then leads to a deficiency. We read leaf symptoms which will either indicate general plant health &/or any problems that maybe about to occur, also, preferred PH, EC & enviromentals etc. I watch leaves very closely, as to me its almost like the plant is signing(sign language) to you/us, we can learn alot from this & act accordingly.
I like pointing a fan or 2 at my lights which always helps keep temps under control. G'Luck with your grow buddy!
Peace & Respect...........Scroger ;)...:wave:


New member
scroger - thanks a lot for the info! ill be sure to keep a close eye on those leaves now and in the future. i really appreciate the help and support man kudos to you.