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Laws of MI



its federal then ;) but yep its a small fine in many sections of the state of MI.


federal but small fine in many sections of the state..

i dont understand what you're saying here.

where does it say anything about federal, these are state of michigan laws in the link i posted.


on Norml it says anything over a Certian ammount is a Federal issue. Several sections of the state are small fines for small ammouns. Like ann arbor.


ya but thats if you get caught selling.. i just meant if they found a 10 pack on you.. seems like it be possession.. which is 1 year misdemeanor (any amount) but i figure since it says ann arbor is just a fine then it's all good


I would say it would be a risk & tread lightly. It would probably depend mostly on what cop you run into & the mood hes in. The fine increses each time you get caught & if in PUBLIC then its even worse. Also there is a no tolerance driving law here they can hit ya with.
In ann arbor (not on state or federal property) the law is if you have 1 oz or under it is a $25 ticket for the first time, 2nd time is $50, 3rd and every other time after that is a $100 ticket. Peace and *bong* everyone.
No prob cannatopia. The ann arbor law is what makes hash bash so much fun. If the cops decide to bust ya. Which they normally don't. It's just a small fine. Peace and *bong* everyone

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