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PM and a easy way of controlling it

joe fresh

Active member
hey guys, i got a pm problem, but my problem is bigger than that, i have an RH at 90% at night and 60% in the day so PM just started forming on the lower leaves, so i cleared out the bottom of the plant today to allow better air flow.

besides this i have a room 11x11 with about 40-50 3ft plants in the 2nd week of 12/12, so im looking for a solution to controlling/eliminating pm without having to spray each plant.

i was looking into sulfur burners but i dont know how they work and how efficient they are in controlling it.

i have 3 rooms each 11x11 and i dont want to spray my plants, does anyone know how these sulfur burners work? or if you have a better idea please say so.

i am having problems lowering rh, as i do have a/c's running as well as a dehumidifier(although the dehumidifier only drops the rh by 15% at most)

any help, opinions or suggestions are greatly apreciated:thank you:


There are FOUR lights!
Keep your extractor fan running during the dark cycle, or on a timer, on for 15 every hour.
Get a sulfur burner, get a better dehumidifier, Greencure, Eagle 20 EW.


There are FOUR lights!
What's a CGE? Any your not running CO2 during lights out, are you?
You need to get rid of the water that your plants transpire, or you'll have all
sorts of mold and mildew. Sulfur won't help with 90% RH. If you won't extract it
then your gonna need a much bigger Dehumy.


There are FOUR lights!
Well then, you have only 2 choices. A BIG Dehumidifier, or a OGE.
Why not exhaust outside during lights out? Either way, you have to get
rid of all that water.


I am sorry to say that unless you can control the RH you may as well turn off the lights and write this one off.


Active member
You gotta get that humidity in check, bro. The only options were stated. You gotta get rid of that water or the PMs gonna keep coming back!

You're looking for about half of the RH that you have now. Are you using a dehumidifier? If so, changing the function to empty into a sink or outside would be a great way to ensure the moisture is LEAVING the environment.

There's no way you're going to have 90% RH and not have PM issues.

- SubN

joe fresh

Active member
i could exaust outside while lights are out, it just that with the plants so crowded the way they are it would make a huge mess and im afraid that while connecting it to the widow the smell will escape outside as i have to cut holes in the plywood thats on the windows, and then all the dust and mess with all these plants it would be sure to fuk somthing else out, maybe bugs commin in or smell getting out, i could see my self fixing this in 5 weeks when the crop is done that way i would have space to work in and not a bunch of smelly flowering plants letting the smell out while im installing the hole on the window

about dehumidifiers, can you guys suggest one that might be good enough to help a bit more that 15% drop? preferably a portable one

joe fresh

Active member
heres a vid of my room, you can see the piping for a/c and my "work"room, and one of my rooms to give you an idea of my space limitations, this vid was filmed last week or the one before, my plants are spaced out for watering, but now they are much bigger



There are FOUR lights!
It looks like you have a exhaust for your AC. Could you 'Y' into that with a vortex connected
to a carbon filter.

Also, if you don't do something now, PM will be the least of your worries.

joe fresh

Active member
no the a/c ductin you see is no exhaust its just to make sure that the cold air comming out doesnt directly hit the plants and reaches the other side of the room.

but yeah after thinking bout it i think im going to have to make an axhaust and attach it to my carbon filter, but i dont want to make an intake as i only have one window to work with, is this going to work with just an exhaust?


Active member
High humidity does not cause PM. It only provide an ideal environment for it to grow.

sulfer isn't going to cut it for you in that environment.

As Kcar said in post #2, get a proper fungicide. There are dozens he didn't mention but Eagle will do and can be obtained on eBay.

If treated properly with a true fungicide (not sulfer, not neem oil, not an organic mild soap), you can grow successfully in high humidity conditions. Wine grape growers do it all the time along the coasts.

Your first treatment should be NOW and you need to use a non-ionic spreader with your fungicide application. You need to wet throughly the tops and bottoms of all leaves and stems. All good fungicides are all rated for protection from 18 to 30 days, depending on your mildew pressure. If you have mildew now and also have high humidity, then your pressure is high.

If you can get a product called "Pristine", it not only has 2 modes of action against mildew, it also will prevent Botrytis, which you'll probably get in you buds without this or a like product, if your humidity stays at this level. It is food safe and has a 12 hour re-entry and a 14 day to harvest on food.

But sulfer or other junk hydro store products just ain't going to cut it for you with those high humidities.