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which organic nutrients to buy


hey guys its my first outdoor grow this year and im in need of all the things ill need for a good soil mixture and i will also need a list of the nutrients i will need to buy and also a recipie for a feeding, thanks, i would prefer to order everything i need off the itnernet, all input it e welcome and appretiate, this is not my first grow just the first outdoor


Active member
iguana juice and mother earth tea ), humic acid, fulvic acid and organic evaporated cane juice, d


My first outdoor grow was awesome 2 super Red Hair and 2 Purple Nurple!! Yeilded about 6 oz per plant.

The only thing I used was FISH EMULSION!!
Very inexpensive and you won't be sorry I promiss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good Luck!


iguana juice and mother earth tea ), humic acid, fulvic acid and organic evaporated cane juice, d

You do not need all this crap in your plants, remember you are going to smoke them!!!

Honest Fish Emulsion is truly natural, safe and works like you won't belive!!

Try using both on separate plants and you will decide!!

Good Luck!


Active member
I personally don't like the taste that comes with feeding fish emulsion, and if your doing your thing outdoors, its really hard to flush plants like you do inside. I am personally going with marine cuisine from Fox Farm, I have had much success with it in the past.


dont use fish emuliton animals will eat it and so will ants use earth juiec grow and bloom they are low in animal byproducts and wont attract wild life

Originally Posted by dmt
iguana juice and mother earth tea ), humic acid, fulvic acid and organic evaporated cane juice, d
these all are good in organics iguana juice and mother earth tea are good for n/p/k and humic and fulvic acid are organic ph buffers and evaperated cane juice to help feed microbes its like molasses but it does not have cal/mag


if say i decided to go with the iguana juice what else would i need to add to my feedings? or would i just need the ijuana juice grow for veg and then bloom for flowering, if not what else am i gona need?


Active member
iv been growing organically for 6 yrs or so (i lost count). I personally prefer Age Old organics liquid nutes. there a grow, a bloom, and a kelp. thats all i use and i get 3lb plants


Active member
Listen to Jackel.:artist: Jackel knows how it is.
The Iguana juice works great. Don't worry. What you bought is top shelf. It will work great. Now its time to study and get to know the plant in the great outdoors.:tiphat:


thank you very much guys i think im alsoo going to buy some of what jackel said to try on a few other plants in my garden


One explanation is that Espoma Plant Tone, Bio Tone and Flower Tone are available from Lowes/Home Depot. I would NEVER go to a grow shop and buy anything. To me its just an obvious vector of risk that can be eliminated. And the Espoma shit works.


New member
Excuse my unorthodox question, but are any nutrients really necessary? I mean, can't I just plant my seed in some decent soil, in the right location, and get a harvest? All of these different recipes for the perfect grow are really confusing to me :(

Best regards,



My vote goes for guano. Animals leave it alone, its relatively cheap and a little goes a long way. I bought a medium sunleaves kit last year and got the perfect mixture of yeild, quality and taste (guano makes some tasty ass nugget). I would go by my spot every 2-3 weeks and drop a few tablespoons around the base of each plant, and let the rain do the rest. Been growing for 5 years and last year was my best yet, even with losing over half my plants to rain and sluggage early on in the spring. Algamin and various guanos were all I used last year, and I won't be switching back to anything else!