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tipps for less smoking


im a regular smoker and im smoking way too much ... 5g weed 3g hash in 2 days WTF?

how do i controll it a bit better? :D
Distract yourself with a hobby, community service, athletics, or anything else that you enjoy. Drink lots of water and get your due amount of exercise (which releases endorphins, etc). Other than that... grow a pair, be disciplined, and devote yourself to self-improvement. You can do it. :good:


Active member
I just puff till i feel good, and wait til I dont, and re-puff.

and repeat!

When you're baked out of your mind just loading bowl after bowl for no reason, your herbs will not last long.


I went through this same thought process a short while back... What I realised is I was addicted to weed. Before everyone jumps on me in defence of the righteous herb, I don't mean physically addicted... you can addict to anything! TV, sports, sex... whatever. I was discussing addiction with my friend after an involuntary break from smoking, and a lot of stuff from my past that I thought I'd left behind started surfacing. I realised on an unconscious level I was using the weed to block that stuff out. I then extended the break further and now I've got things well in check. You just need to realise what you're doing and it should be easy to put it down for a while.


european ganja growers
ive got to keep myself in the zone....one good thing about growing you on shit...you can never smoke to much....i think the probs start when you have to buy smoke.......

but yeh...find something to do,,,how about shagging thats good for ya :tiphat:lol.....running?...or how about coming to Fix my car? i shall feed ya bongs and cookies lol (might not be much help there).......be safe bro & take it easy.

keep it green


Man yet another sobriety check..whats wrong with you people?People bitchin about reefer am I in the wrong frickin place?Waaa I smoke too much you all bitch worse than the people standing in line at the methadone clinic for gods sake.If I open 1 more thread where someones puttin down my girl I'm comin through the monitor straight for your ass!


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Why do you feel you need to control it?
Are you saying it's controlling you?

I haven't bought weed in a long time and there are times when I go without. I'm currently in a 3 month break. I'm not willing to buy. I find that after about 3-4 weeks the urge to get high goes away. There are periods of sleepy time, sporadic sleep issues. They go away too. You just have to be patient.

While the above may not have to do anything with the issue as you seem to have plenty of smoke around, it's still part of what you're going through. I can't call the kettle black. When I have weed I smoke all day. Not in those quantities, but at times I have to take inventory to try to make the bud I have last until the next harvest and fail.

What is your need to cut back? Is getting high getting in the way of work, family. Legal issues, cash flow, or are you just whining, and thinking that you're smoking too much? This can't be the first time you've felt this way. How did you deal with it last time?

So best of luck, work out these issues, and find your happy place.
Don't smoke and watch tv/play videogames/use a computer. That stuff takes my buzz away in minutes.

take a few hits and go someplace you wouldn't regularly go like the grocery store, or a library, or just anywhere you don't really want people to know you're stoned... you should feel a pretty big difference


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
Don't smoke and watch tv/play videogames/use a computer. That stuff takes my buzz away in minutes.

take a few hits and go someplace you wouldn't regularly go like the grocery store, or a library, or just anywhere you don't really want people to know you're stoned... you should feel a pretty big difference

Yeah. Take a few hits and walk over to the police station...


The cat that loves cannabis
When I am trying to cut down on the intake due to severe morning phlegm fests, I make sure that I only smoke a little the first time I smoke each day, like one bong hit instead of 3, if I have 3 the first time, then I need 3 or more everytime after that for the rest of the day. That first smoke of the day seems to set the pace for the rest of it, so I start it small.


baked goods get me stoned to the bone. Last time we made a tray of cupcakes we smoked a .5g joint and were complete write offs...

taking a walk to the police station would be a trip.. I don't know if it would be good or not... but worth the experiment if your looking for new excitement....
Man yet another sobriety check..whats wrong with you people?People bitchin about reefer am I in the wrong frickin place?Waaa I smoke too much you all bitch worse than the people standing in line at the methadone clinic for gods sake.If I open 1 more thread where someones puttin down my girl I'm comin through the monitor straight for your ass!

It's a just plant, not yer girl..why do ppl get loony over weed? jeeeeeeeez
Im pretty sure you're coming off as more crazy right now, lol


im not addicted to weed but i just cant stop loading bowl (2 hours 2 bowls)

maybe with a better bong i could controll it better what ya think?