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The use of our planet is no longer sustainable


Active member
I urge you to seek deeper into the mind of Dr Arne Naess, he is a profound ecologic thinker that founded a movement called the deeper ecology movement.

Dr Arne Naess Sr, he is the modern father of the deeper philosophic understanding of ecology.

I strongly urge you to see this whole film to get an essence of his world; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sc-vj3b_YA

I also recommend this book by a certain Thor Heyerdahl.
Its originally called "hunting for paradise", later renamed FatuHiva, back to nature. He was possibly the first of young westerners in modern history seeking back to nature when he and his wife went on their honeymoon in 1937 to a polynesian island determined to spend their days there forever. Possibly the first hippie?



Right there is the problem... end of the day we enjoy some competitive bloodsport dont we? The dude on top of the mountain talking about ecologic philosophy is at the end of the day a snooze..

Does that about sum it up?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
It's foolish to dismiss ourselves as not being part of "the one," if you will.

For example, think about how our emotions follow the seasons. In general humans are happier when the sun is shining and less so during long, cold, bleak winters. Check out SADS disease. The environment you exist in ultimately controls your physiological well being.

The micro always explains the macro. That's why black holes give us so much insight into the very nature of our existence.

Chaos theory has it's merits. Understanding how we are all interconnected is not something to be yawned at, but rather a mystery to be intensively intrigued by.

In connecting the dots of evolution we all came from the same place. We are not so evolved that that basic physiological response is lost. Humans just tend to think they are above nature rather than subservient to it IMO.


Active member
Right there is the problem... end of the day we enjoy some competitive bloodsport dont we? The dude on top of the mountain talking about ecologic philosophy is at the end of the day a snooze..

Does that about sum it up?

Nah - it's not that really. I've read your rants and your bore me with your ignorance and bs.

You quote only what you have read that feeds into your belief and ignore all other facts and arguments to the contrary.

A typical liberal really, with no idea on the way things work but plenty of book knowledge from left leaning philosophers.

I find that extremely boring and just plain stupid.

Aside from that, you might be a nice fellow.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I find that extremely boring and just plain stupid.

Aside from that, you might be a nice fellow.

grapes, my man, I see you trying to fly the flag of an Intellectual Constitutional Conservative, but we must refrain from the progressive method of petty personal attacks. Such cannot suffice as counter debate. The one liner put downs is their little game.

Logic, reason, and honor dominate all. You dilute the validity of your views when you resort to petty personal attacks.

Just throwing out there. Feel free to call me a dumbass. :tiphat:
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New member
I like the post which deals with great information and graphs to tell the perfect level of the planet. Humans are inventive. The only thing holding us back is ourselves and people who want to do things in the name of "Protecting the Children" or "For the Good of the People".


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The only thing holding us back is ourselves and people who want to do things in the name of "Protecting the Children" or "For the Good of the People".

Hear, Hear. Believing slogans without thorough thought to overall consequences amounts to nothing more than ingesting propaganda :good:


Nah - it's not that really. I've read your rants and your bore me with your ignorance and bs.

You quote only what you have read that feeds into your belief and ignore all other facts and arguments to the contrary.

A typical liberal really, with no idea on the way things work but plenty of book knowledge from left leaning philosophers.

I find that extremely boring and just plain stupid.

Aside from that, you might be a nice fellow.

Great... you sure added a lot of substance to the critique.

Im afraid you go down in my book as a care bear that dont quite reach the care level. You need more cowbell!


It's foolish to dismiss ourselves as not being part of "the one," if you will.

For example, think about how our emotions follow the seasons. In general humans are happier when the sun is shining and less so during long, cold, bleak winters. Check out SADS disease. The environment you exist in ultimately controls your physiological well being.

The micro always explains the macro. That's why black holes give us so much insight into the very nature of our existence.

Chaos theory has it's merits. Understanding how we are all interconnected is not something to be yawned at, but rather a mystery to be intensively intrigued by.

In connecting the dots of evolution we all came from the same place. We are not so evolved that that basic physiological response is lost. Humans just tend to think they are above nature rather than subservient to it IMO.

Great Insight...


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Logic, reason, and honor dominate all. You dilute the validity of your views when you resort to petty personal attacks.
Feel free to call me a dumbass. :tiphat:

But dumbass, if you ask Grape to refrain from petty personal attacks, how will he argue his completely nonsensical points? He has no facts, statistics or even strong ideas. All he has is pride that he's a farmer and a big chip on his shoulder.


Andinismo Hierbatero
If God doesn't need the offerings, the human needs to make them. Once, when i was in Nagga, Kullu valley, one of my local friend told me how he would go rub some jungli charas on some afternoon, and after finishing the work would prepare a dhoop stick with part of the stuff, and light it as offering and let it burn, just like an incence stick. what is not offered is used of course eheh...

an offering can be made if you want to, but it does not amount to one´s actual religious duties. one´s religious duties do not really involve mere outward acts of seeming piety.

one cannot have a disorderly inner-life and rape the earth, and then think it is all going to be alright because one burns offerings or whatever other shallow ritual.

not saying this is the case in the particular example you give us, but I am just adding on to what I mean by God not needing any of it.

Never said anything about "choosing who gets to breed and who does not." Only that actually, women are choosing to have fewer kids. Natural selection through thousands of years have taught people to have lots of kids because most of em died. Now, because of better medical practices, women can have just one or two kids. It's really about sexual education and practice.

It's a combination of things, not just greed. There's also a large portion of humanity which is ignorant to the situation on hand. Again, the human brain is wired to think of immediate benefits, not in terms of long term consequences and benefits. So, we'd rather cut down plenty of trees for the lumber or paper industry. But where do all the original forest covers go??

which women are choosing to have fewer kids? I still see tons of american families with tons of children, and tons of young american ladies not even in their 30s who already have at least three kids.

america´s populatioon grows faster than many other countries, in fact, it is one of the top population countries, after China and India, yet, their population consumes more and chases greedily after resources a lot more than most other nations.



This is the money you could be saving if you grow
It's my life. The only one I get. I'm going to live it out the way I want to live it out. I see no reason why I should go without. Be it a 2 mpg hummer or a heart transplant. So the next time you call someone this or that, be sure to look in the mirror while doing it.


Garden Nymph
Well, 10 years ago the rate of growth of the population was 1.8%. I will say it again...now, it is "only" 1% per year. So apparently, something has changed, and probably because women are making a choice, overall, about how many kids they should have. Maybe not in overly populated countries like India, where it is more difficult to spread education about sex, but definitely in the US there has been some change.

Your personal experiences with "women in their 30's who already have 3 kids" is NOT the norm. I see plenty of women in their 20s and 30s who only have one kid or no kid or are unmarried. More and more women are attending universities and colleges, actually more so than men. And as those women become more educated, they put off having kids or only have 1 or 2.

Okay I'm done arguing because you are all thick-headed. In the words of C.K. Lewis, "Hey, go suck a bag of d*cks!!" Peace, hope ya'll are smoking some good weed.


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
But dumbass, if you ask Grape to refrain from petty personal attacks, how will he argue his completely nonsensical points? He has no facts, statistics or even strong ideas. All he has is pride that he's a farmer and a big chip on his shoulder.
"everything we say and everything we do in life should have a clear and audible resonance.whether people like it or not" it's how they'll know we were here"..yours truly..
it's just his way of leaving his mark behind..take it with a grain of salt bro..just came up with that to..i must be getting old, i'm becoming very prophetic..
peace G


Andinismo Hierbatero
Well, 10 years ago the rate of growth of the population was 1.8%. I will say it again...now, it is "only" 1% per year. So apparently, something has changed, and probably because women are making a choice, overall, about how many kids they should have. Maybe not in overly populated countries like India, where it is more difficult to spread education about sex, but definitely in the US there has been some change.

Your personal experiences with "women in their 30's who already have 3 kids" is NOT the norm. I see plenty of women in their 20s and 30s who only have one kid or no kid or are unmarried. More and more women are attending universities and colleges, actually more so than men. And as those women become more educated, they put off having kids or only have 1 or 2.

Okay I'm done arguing because you are all thick-headed. In the words of C.K. Lewis, "Hey, go suck a bag of d*cks!!" Peace, hope ya'll are smoking some good weed.

why is spreading sexual education harder in India than in the U.S?

are Indians stupid or something?

and in the words of my man Gatekeeper:

This is the story of three little pigs
And the projected damage that they did, pig number one was white
Thought everything he did was right, the pigology of self
Pink skin terror and wealth, just hogging shit up for self



I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
dont worry guys when earth cant take us anymore she will wipe us all out and start over again. what the big deal? enjoy your life.. fuck the future we are right here right now.


Cannabrex Formulator
It's my life. The only one I get. I'm going to live it out the way I want to live it out. I see no reason why I should go without. Be it a 2 mpg hummer or a heart transplant. So the next time you call someone this or that, be sure to look in the mirror while doing it.

So you mean to tell me you truly believe you are entitled to live as gluttonous a life as you could ever desire, even if it means dooming future generations to life on an increasingly barren and pillaged world?

Just so you can get your jollies.....?

I really hope you don't have kids and never do.....

Because if you do, everytime you tell them you love them it will be a massive, narcissistic lie of the highest order.

No offence, Senor, but people with your attitude are malignant parasites, and the main reason why humanity is in the bucket of shit we find ourselves right now.


Active member
But dumbass, if you ask Grape to refrain from petty personal attacks, how will he argue his completely nonsensical points? He has no facts, statistics or even strong ideas. All he has is pride that he's a farmer and a big chip on his shoulder.

Sigh - such ignorance. while you subscribe to the "chicken little" argument, more oil is found every day (we are way beyond a 100 year reserve), man unlocks more secrets of hydrogen, the sun and the atom. We will be off unsustainable raw materials in the future, just not today. It will happen when the the cost curve intersects with the knowledge curve overlaid by the necessity curve. And not until then. See, I don't want to pay more then $0.10 per kilowatt hour, When a competing product comes down the pipe that makes economic sense, it will happen like water flowing downhill. but not until then. And any government's efforts to force us to prematurely adopt any technology will not only fail, but cost it's citizens it's money and liberties, and contribute to that country's downward spiral towards 3rd world status

And you make your self serving arguments with a fridge full of food from guys like me, who contrary to your inaccurate theories, continue against all odds to produce and sell fresh food and produce to you at less then 10% of your income. You pay a larger percentage of your income in taxes (to a government that produces nothing but regulations), then you do to feed your misinformed face. People like me free your time to sit here and make stupid and inaccurate arguments when in your world you would be taking buckets of water to your failing garden and picking up mule shit from behind your plow. All day long. 7 days a week. 365 days a year.

If that isn't self serving idiocy, then what is?