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Cali courts are in disarray because of supreme court ruling.


I love my life
wtf a consumer doesnt have a ideal of a resonable price because he doesnt produce? umm k , the price is only artificially high now because its illegal. and just because its illegal doesnt justifiy the price to ME.

If your idea of reasonable price for top shelf is $40 then you aren't a consumer. I do not consume a single fucking thing on this globe that is priced more than 10x a price I think reasonable.

And I guess your posts admits to not producing so I guess that 100 oz isn't available for me to pick up.

Again if the price were really UNREASONABLE you wouldn't purchase, but the fact is if you have been smoking for over a decade (getting close to two) like I have then you have been paying well more than $40 an oz for top shelf during every single one of those years.

Markets don't justify prices they discover them. And production needs no justification either. So why aren't you producing?

Peace, :joint:
why isn't everyone producing? If you are growing for medical patients or recreational users (which in my opinion is medical anyway) unless you are all legal you are risking your freedom, home, family, and your reputation all to provide a service to others that they either take completely for granted or deeply appreciate you helping them you deserve compensation whether it be karmic or monetary. Just weigh it out charge high prices to people who are just smoking to get high that way you can charge lower prices or give away some in the case of say someone with horrible arthritis that can't even function without medicine enough to grow their own. People in unfriendly states are left for dead when it comes to prices the normal person who works themselves practically to death to make ends meet with no time to grow their own can never afford their medicine because the lowest prices for anything even close to medical grade is 580 an ounce because people just see money they don't care if you are 80 with glaucoma and arthritis or if you are some 20 year old wannabe drug dealer they just want the cash. In fact they would probably like the 20 year old far better because they would buy in a larger quantity pushing it out and lowering their risk of having a huge stash. what is wrong with this picture? Grandma can't even get up in the morning let alone grow her medicine and mr. big shot rodger who is perfectly able (altho stupid so maybe not) of growing more than enough to supply him and any friends gets the little cash signs in his eyes perpetuating the evil meanwhile cops busting people left and right puts prices way up. in the end it is always the consumer that gets figuratively fucked in the ass and it is normally the ones who need the mercy of weed the most that aren't able to get it because of market demand and absence of legality for medical needs. I am an insomniac I haven't slept more than 4 hours a night for the last 6 months because I can't even find anything other than mexican shwag (makes my insomnia even worse) and my grow was destroyed by spider mites. I suffer every single day. my work suffers my relationship with my family and my girlfriend all suffor because I can't sleep and stronger pot is the only thing that helps me sleep and I will never be able to afford it. If I don't lose my crop to spider mites I lose it to relentless assholes (come on you have so much just sell me a little) you say no you lose friends who don't understand the risk of growing and what it means to actually need weed and not just want it. everyone is to blame exept a minor percentage who either tries to help or is unable to help themselves and they are the ones that get hit the hardest by greedy people. We should all be thinking of the real med patiants the ones who need it to function right or even live life in some cases should be taken care of before anyone else even thinks of having a taste of it people who don't need it medically should get charged up the ass to pay for the ones who do.


No need for the rhetoric and judging here BB. I understand your sense of compassion for fellow man. Really I do. But infusing it with your generalizing stereotypical views of the black market does not help us move forward on the real issue at hand... Legalization.

I have no idea to your growing skills or ability but what I do know is the tremendous amount of time, energy, experience and money it takes to produce top notch medication., And as the growing op (amount of plants) scales to higher numbers it consumes exponentially more time, energy, experience and money. Not to sound like I am justifying someone who sells grade D for 300$/oz when it should be 100$/0z. But there are different level and grades and the prices usually reflect grade and level. If your are a connoisseur then I think we most likely we would of never had this conversation.
And besides if a MMJ patient does not like the black market price they could go to those things call a dispensary. (But they better watch out cause some clubs are higher than the black market)

As for the people suffering, go talk to your local prisons that are full of individuals serving time for a phreakin plant! Where is your empathy for the fallen soldiers that helped lead the way to the road we are on. Legalization. Its gonna happen in Cali in Nov of this glorious year.:jump: Pick your side and choose wisely.

Well said. It's refreshing to hear this outlook from a Cali resident.
I live in a state where if you get caught growing they crucify your ass. Try tellin' anyone who has been a victim of the drug war, ie(busted for growing) that the black market prices for pot are to inflated. Anyone who puts out top notch product, especially where the penalties are sadistic, deserve, and are justified IMO. to be paid for their hard work, and their risk, if they so choose to sell their meds.


You peeps living in med friendly lands - Cali in particular, have no idea how lucky you are. Your problems are as nothing compared to 90% of the country.

Growing killer weed in beautiful Northern Cali, sipping fine local wine all the time? Enjoying those great, locally-made cheeses paired with some delicious, fresh-picked fruit just exploding with juice?

Oh yeah, and how about all those amazing, picture-perfect veggies that are almost, I say, almost too picture-perfect pretty to eat?

. . . and then seafood?

I'm all the time, I mean constantly tryin' to figure out some way to move there myself so I can help deal with some of those horrible problems. I do believe I'd even sleep in the woods and work for peanuts just for the opportunity.

After all, most of your LEO's are freakin' Boy Scouts compared to the Storm Troopers many of us out here in the Badlands are used to. Screw up and the courts and a penal system straight out of the Dark Ages stand ready to ruin yet another life.

OTOH, Cali's legal/judicial systems, even as they stand now, are virtually Enlightened Institutions by comparison, a situation which is only going to get better over time given the will of your populace, who are good folks mostly - - even if they do need to vent once in awhile.

Hey, who the hell doesn't?
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This new court decision is not going to stop the San Diego D.A. Bonnie Dumanis. She could be prosecuting more hard cord drug and gang crimes yet she'll $pend endless amount$$$$$ to go after MMJ users.
Remember this is the woman who is gay and she got married after the court over turned the law in Cali back in 2008 between May and October.
She is the type of person to use law to her personal advantage when it come to her gay rights, but when it comes to an individuals personal rights to use MMJ that was voted into law back in 1996 she will prosecute you to the very end. Hell ask Mr. Jackson , he's back in court.

Neo 420

Active member
Well said. It's refreshing to hear this outlook from a Cali resident.
I live in a state where if you get caught growing they crucify your ass. Try tellin' anyone who has been a victim of the drug war, ie(busted for growing) that the black market prices for pot are to inflated. Anyone who puts out top notch product, especially where the penalties are sadistic, deserve, and are justified IMO. to be paid for their hard work, and their risk, if they so choose to sell their meds.

Yes indeed THCcorus. And the flip side to this when specifically calling out Cali MMJ, there is no direct provision on how pot clubs would be stocked. Therefore logically the MMJ users who grow thier own medication with surplus, can sell that surplus to the clubs. It appears (i'm not 100% sure) MMJ users who sell to each other do not fall outside of prop 215 and/or SB420 guidelines.


I love my life
for patients who use cannabis in edibles and tinctures, they require much more than someone who smokes cannabis or vaporizes cannabis.

And those of us who do all three and even make our own bubble hash require more as well.

Thank god we have non-smoking judgmental pricks making laws and rules about our behavior. Please Mr. Government save me from myself!


I love my life
That reads like perfect common sense to me. What is the Dr going to do, put the government blinders back over your eyes? You are seeing the world very clearly. Freedom is everyones right; control and discrimination is morally wrong.

Black, gay, Jew, female, atheist, or MJ smoker doesn't matter. Freedom is blind and a natural right to all. Anyone who speaks of the government right to control someone else is a fucking sheep and like a sheep they are being fleeced by the man daily.

Don't be a sheep, grow, grow, grow, and be respectful of your neighbors and happiness is almost certain.

Peace, :joint:

The Bling

hahaha the weight limit idea id bull shit i can eat a half pound of fresh buds in a sitting i recently cutback my inhaled intake greatly and now eat mostly fresh buds and i'm fucking autistic not :artist: 1/2 lb = 8oz+/per day= is 3.5 lb a week not even smoking :dance013::dance013::laughing:

so yea i do take donations to keep myself sane! hahahahahaha


any one who needs to smoke an eighth of marijuana a day for med reasons better have some crippling disease because your full of shit saying you need a eighth a day. you are either smoking shit weed, or you are a down right fucking stoner. I cant imagine needing to smoke a eighth of top shelf nugs a day. Youd have to be blazed out of your fucking NOODLE all day then, and im sorry but like I said unless you got some PAIN, then you don't NEED to smoke a eighth a day, thats fucking ridicules.l Think like stated before people are taking advantage of the law and realy making people who would like to grow some bud for themself, look like compleate drug abusers by telling the public they need a oz a week or more. What the fuck do you think the public will feel like after some long haired dreded hippi comes on tv or read an article in a news paper saying, med users think laws unjust, they need a oz of potent marijuana a week. Or the hippi going, hey man. the laws totaly unjust, I need a oz a week for my cluster headaches man or I cant funnnnnncccttioonnn. It makes us loose all credibility twords safe, responsible cannabis use by your everyday American. Its the same as if you read in the paper about a guy or group of people saying they think its redicules that their should be a limit as to how much booze they can purchase and drink in a week, hypotheticaly speaking, if they argued they should be able to drink 7 bottles of vodka to make it threw the week, how would you lable them? so all these humboldt cash croppers and gurilla gangsters need to realize they are just too fucking greedy, tuff shit if you cant make a living anymore selling bud, other peopel want to fucking grwo and smoke too and not have a couple BUG BUSINESS growers fuck it up and make EVERY one look bad.

Neo 420

Active member
any one who needs to smoke an eighth of marijuana a day for med reasons better have some crippling disease because your full of shit saying you need a eighth a day. you are either smoking shit weed, or you are a down right fucking stoner. I cant imagine needing to smoke a eighth of top shelf nugs a day. Youd have to be blazed out of your fucking NOODLE all day then, and im sorry but like I said unless you got some PAIN, then you don't NEED to smoke a eighth a day, thats fucking ridicules.l Think like stated before people are taking advantage of the law and realy making people who would like to grow some bud for themself, look like compleate drug abusers by telling the public they need a oz a week or more. What the fuck do you think the public will feel like after some long haired dreded hippi comes on tv or read an article in a news paper saying, med users think laws unjust, they need a oz of potent marijuana a week. Or the hippi going, hey man. the laws totaly unjust, I need a oz a week for my cluster headaches man or I cant funnnnnncccttioonnn. It makes us loose all credibility twords safe, responsible cannabis use by your everyday American. Its the same as if you read in the paper about a guy or group of people saying they think its redicules that their should be a limit as to how much booze they can purchase and drink in a week, hypotheticaly speaking, if they argued they should be able to drink 7 bottles of vodka to make it threw the week, how would you lable them? so all these humboldt cash croppers and gurilla gangsters need to realize they are just too fucking greedy, tuff shit if you cant make a living anymore selling bud, other peopel want to fucking grwo and smoke too and not have a couple BUG BUSINESS growers fuck it up and make EVERY one look bad.

This right here people, is type of person I love to meet. The people with the judgmental stereotypical whiner attitude who really think he got it down. So what if you can't imagine sucking down a eight in a day. That's your business and should not be held to anyone standard. Are you the nazi smoke police? You speak words that you don't know nothing about. You lucky I'm busy or else I really rip you to shreds. I think I will come back to you tomorrow.

P.S. Why don't you join a help the Leo board. You might fit in better there.


New member
I like the post which deals with the Cali courts and its processing.The way the law is now it puts law enforcement between a rock and a hard place," said Martin J. Mayer, a lawyer who represents California State Sheriff's Association, California Police Chief's Association and California Peace Officers' Association.I wan to know more detailed information in nearby future.


I love my life
P.S. Why don't you join a help the Leo board. You might fit in better there.

Hey now I'm not a member of the leo board, but they don't need someone as dumb as this, they have to have smarter counter intelligent pigs than this ass clown don't they?

Peace, :joint:

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
fuck amounts. what difference is it if i have 10 uhauls filled with kush or a half gram roach?

if i was driving down the road in my 10 truck uhaul band wagon packed with johnny walker and jack daniels it wouldnt be a problem

so why cant cannabis be the same way?????

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
Gay rights, minority rights hae bnever been obtained by convincing someone else that it's helathy and fine or equal to be diff. People never change their minds (almost never) So gay in the streets screaming "Fuck you, I don't care wat you think, I don't care what you like, I am gay and here to fucking stay and if and I won't settle for less"

Honestly, I lived in hollywood for a few years and worked around lots of people who were gay. I had no problem with them or what they did after they punched out from work, most gays I knew were really nice (even if their lisp annoyed me).

But on a few occasions I was stuck on the 101 late for work because the gays would be protesting in the streets and compelty fucking up the whole city's traffic situation, just so they could prance around with rainbow flags and their cutesy flamboyant glitter outfits.

I have NO RESPECT for this.

If you want to go protest a courthouse for making a shit decision that effects you, be my guest.

If you want to protest a church for kicking you out because your gay, ok.

If you want to boycott a company that is anti gay, fine.

But DONT EVER block my streets because you didnt get your way. I dont make the laws, I dont enforce the laws. So dont fuck up my job or my day. Because if I didnt support your cause before, I sure as hell wont do it now.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
any one who needs to smoke an eighth of marijuana a day for med reasons better have some crippling disease because your full of shit saying you need a eighth a day. you are either smoking shit weed, or you are a down right fucking stoner. I cant imagine needing to smoke a eighth of top shelf nugs a day. Youd have to be blazed out of your fucking NOODLE all day then, and im sorry but like I said unless you got some PAIN, then you don't NEED to smoke a eighth a day, thats fucking ridicules.l Think like stated before people are taking advantage of the law and realy making people who would like to grow some bud for themself, look like compleate drug abusers by telling the public they need a oz a week or more. What the fuck do you think the public will feel like after some long haired dreded hippi comes on tv or read an article in a news paper saying, med users think laws unjust, they need a oz of potent marijuana a week. Or the hippi going, hey man. the laws totaly unjust, I need a oz a week for my cluster headaches man or I cant funnnnnncccttioonnn. It makes us loose all credibility twords safe, responsible cannabis use by your everyday American. Its the same as if you read in the paper about a guy or group of people saying they think its redicules that their should be a limit as to how much booze they can purchase and drink in a week, hypotheticaly speaking, if they argued they should be able to drink 7 bottles of vodka to make it threw the week, how would you lable them? so all these humboldt cash croppers and gurilla gangsters need to realize they are just too fucking greedy, tuff shit if you cant make a living anymore selling bud, other peopel want to fucking grwo and smoke too and not have a couple BUG BUSINESS growers fuck it up and make EVERY one look bad.

i can smoke a fucking ounce in a day. so what does that say? is there anyone out there limiting your alcohol sales? hell fucking no. if i want 10 pallets of whisky, im getting 10 pallets. and nobody would say a fucking word about over consumption. fuck all this hyporcritical double standard bull shit. im a god damn patriot and i will live like a patriot. i dont hurt, steal or kill and i will smoke all the fucking weed i please. and if anyone wants to try and tell me different they better come heavily armed. because this is my right as a god damned human being and i wont have any short minded power abusing asshole to tell me different