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Mistingt Your Garden... Y or N??


Hey All,
I was wondering how you feel about misting your Plants (w/Plain H2O)?
I have Misted my plants daily durring Veg Stage and now going into Bloom Stage, so should I keep misting them?

Thanks for the Help!


For all that is good and holy, no, no, no.

Where did this myth come from and why do so many new growers do it?

Clones need misting because they don't have a root system. How does that apply to a rooted plant??? I just don't get it.

Of all the terrible methods, foliar feeding cannabis has got to be on the top of my list of never-agains.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
No mist or domes for me. Not for clones and certainly not for plants.


Active member
Clones don't need mist or domes.

If you do it correctly, foliar feeding can benefit your plants. Foliar feeding entails more than just water. Unless all your other ducks are in a row, don't bother foliaring. Foliar is by no means a terrible method if done correctly.

Here's a good thread to start on for foliar info...


You need a surfactant, and you need to know what you're doing.


Active member
whys everyone hating on foliar???

what do you think rain is outside? water on the leaves is healthy, washes them off, and is a natural thing to happen for cannabis plants.

I wouldn't mist flowering plants past the first 4 weeks though, because you risk bud rot, mold, etc.

sure there's no major benefit to doing this, but if you want to go for it the plants won't mind. try and make sure the leaves dry up within 5 minutes of spraying as well. :)


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
No ones hating on foliar. Simply warning the OP that excess moisture can be deadly in a cab. Moisture leads to mold which can destroy your grow and if smoked, your health.


i reason why i mist the clones and dome is for the humidity to build up inside the dome so they can root, and sometime when im bored in the veg room i mist a little
i see some ppl never mist at all, i might try on a few and see
but NEVER when flowering. can cause mold!


Active member
Only on clones never plants. I've seen people foliar feed with good sucess. but it's not for me.
