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Sensi Seeds Black Domina


Ok, here it goes!

10 for 10, off to a good start...



After 3 weeks of veg time.


There are 2 really tall, 4 tall, 2 medium-short, and 2 runts - one of the runts is a mutant.



Yeah, 10 for 10, got 100% from a pack, nice...

Here they are at week 4 now, I'm gonna flip to 12/12 tomorrow and start the flower process.

I got it for a sleep aid mostly, I've kinda been eyeballing Black Dom for years, finally took the plunge.

I was not expecting them to be this stinky, holy crap! They are possibly stinkier than the Serious White Russians I just ran. I mean, damn! It's a dank-ass old school smell too, WOOOWEEEE! I like 'em already!




In the lower left of the above pic, you can see one of the runts, both runts have the exact same leaf-edge curl, interesting..

Here is the runt mutant... Same leaf edge curl, check out the crazy branching.



Active member
I appreciate this thread as I have some BD coming to my mother room in a few weeks to grow in June or so and I will be following to see the possibilities.


Thanks for checking them out, I hope you find something useful.

I just buried my nose into each of them and it seems that just a few of 'em are making about 90% of the smell. Most of the group aren't particularly aromatic, but a couple are extremely potent.

Thankfully, one of the stinkers has already preflowered as female. Its stem smell has a spicy and acrid bitter afghani bite at first, and leaves a strong pine scent as it fades, beautiful. It also has a really dark purple tinge to the stem color. I'll be watching that one close... Most of them have pure green stems with no purpling however.

Rubbing the leaves of all of them gives a pretty similar smell, they are all VERY afghani, not a hint of sweetness or fruit in any. Just bitter acrid 'ghani goodness, a couple maybe slightly garlicy to go with the bitterness..

Their respiration smell (the smell they give off in the air, but you don't really smell it by rubbing them) is excellent skunky high grade pot smell, there is no other way to describe it. No fruitiness, but kinda of a strong undercurrent of sweet and sour riding below the skunky goodness. Maybe a hint of something like beer smell too, that brewed beer smell, but it is subtle. The few that are stinky are stinking up the entire house, impressive for just 4 weeks veg. And totally surprising, I didn't realize Black Domina was stinky at all, I thought it was just a 4-way of Sensi's best knock-out strains, not a damn stink bomb factory... I had been planning to mix them with some chemdog-DxSourdiesels to get some good funk going, but man they might not need any help at all, good stuff!

Oh, and they really exploded from week 3 to week 4, I was a bit worried, but they really took off all the sudden.

I'll give another update in a week or so.. Lotta phenos so far, but all definitely afghani, it could make this a hit or miss strain, especially if you are just sifting through one pack, unless you get the golden egg. Or one of several possible golden eggs? We'll see.. Fingers crossed.


Man, they sure do look happy don't they? It's nothing I'm doing, that's for sure. The plants have some impressive vigor. All I've done is just put 'em in dirt with a little bit of miracle grow tomato fert, since it has a little magnesium in it that regular ferts sometimes don't plus I like the npk balance in the tomato fert better as a simple all-in-one end to end process, i.e. one fert all the way through... I'm cheap and lazy.

Not even a little bit of tip burn, big green leaves reaching up, nice and rigid, no droop... Damn things are exploding now, all the tall plants are over two feet and climbing fast. The 25th was the official week 4 date, so they broke 24 inches in 4 weeks. A thick 24 inches, not spindly awkward popsicle sticks, they are bushy as hell with great node spacing... Nearly as wide as they are tall. All have shown some sort of preflower initiation at this point too. I was planning on at least a 6 week veg for them, but givin their current growth, I might end up with 6-8 foot plants after flowering if I keep to that. I don't need that much weed, LOL!

Early pre-flowers make it look like I got 6 fem and 4 male, the runt and runt/mutant are both males, don't think I'll be using them. That'll leave 2 smaller and 4 large females to hit with the 2 big males left. I always make seeds, and especially with these buggers, as I don't think I've seen healthier plants for almost zero effort for as long as I've been growing. These plants are turning out quite surprisingly good so far.

The runt mutant is a bit suspicious though, looks kinda like someone was messing around with colchicine trying to 'poly up' the gene pool on at least one of the ancestors I'm guessing. I don't think Sensi plays that game, so maybe it's in the heritage one of their original clones? Who knows... Can't argue with the results otherwise though, even the mutant is just healthy and happy as can be.


Active member
looking good black domina never dissapoints you. it one of my fav strains. running a cross i made now. definately stinks


A quick update with more interesting notes..

Some of the plants have sticky stems. You rub the stem for some aroma, and it's like you rubbed some rubber cement or something, really tacky. I've never grown a plant with sticky stems before, especially not without being in full flower.

I've got one female with 'sticky stem', and had one male that was sticky too, but it had a nutty smell in the terpene mix that I just don't like. Nutty, meaty, bad breath, feces, any of those kinda smells, and its off to the compost heap with ya!

The fem with the sticky stems is also the strongest smelling. It has actually changed smells as it starts changing to flower mode. It is getting a strong juicy fruit gum smell, along with the spicy pine tree smell. I hope that plant has some potency to go with that smell, mmmmmm mmmm MMMMMMMMMM!

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Your doing a fine job bro she looks sweet can't wait to hear your grow report on this girl .. I've been thinking of this one for awhile now peace out Headband707


Hi there Indicrazy, congratulations for the 10-10!
I never achieved the 100% !!!

Your plants are beautiful!
Good luck on this run!

All the best,



Wow, thanks for the nice words! Seeds are definitely going to be made!

Here are a couple photos of the one that smells so darn good.

Here is a close up of the stem, with the dark purple racing stripes. They look more purple in this pic, but in the flower room they actually look more black, heh heh...



I guess that´s why she is called Black Domina!!!

he heh


They seems to be such a good genetic!

Good luck mate,



You've made a great choice of strain there! I have nothing but good to say of Sensi's BD :yummy:. Be prepared to be stinked out!

(Do visit my gallery for plenty of good flicks of 'er :))

Your grow's rockin' it!


Thanks for the posts! I'm glad at least a few people are interested.

Great plants so far, they look radiantly healthy, and all I'm doing is watering them occasionally and feeding a little bit. They are doing it all themselves, all I have to do is watch.

Holy smokes niluola, sweet picture there, it's like a tasty green fluffy wall of black D, mmmmm yeah...

How was the effect off those? Do they paralyze you and knock you out for the night? Is there much difference in effect between phenotypes?

Here are a few week 6 from seed pictures, after 2 weeks of flowering. Looks like the male might be throwing some pollen in a couple more days.

The male:

Male broad leaf:

Awesome smelling female, I hope it is through stretching, much taller and I have to take apart my grow area and reconfigure it for sativa mode, but whatever it takes, lord have mercy it smells so damn good!:

Slightly shorter female that smelled like most of the others did, sweet indica aroma, I'd guess this is the most common BD pheno:
