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Question about holes.....Plz help

I dug holes 2ft deep an 2 ft wide...And the holes keeps water in them all the time...like if i dip all the water out with a bucket an come back the next day, there's more water in there.....Is it doing this cause it not hot enough outside yet...When it gets warmer outside will this water still be there or will it evaporate.??


Active member
its prolly happening because where you dug is close to a underground body of water or aquifer... so the water table is very high there... this could juts be a problem due to an abundance of rain or it could be a reoccurring problem... not sure if this helps at all but this is what it would seem like to me if it keeps refilling so quickly... sometimes i will make a drainage trench at the lowest laying side of the hole to try to amend a whole that wont drain... but your situation seems much too wet and dire for that to be much good but hey maybe its worth a try??
Oh it rain very hard the other night so the hole was filled with water....But when it wont raining it still get a little bit of water in there about 2 inches of water.....So in the summer time when its get hot that shouldnt be a problem is it cause the water should evaporate...Also if there is a drought in the summertime then if a little water in still in the soil then that should be a plus right.?
Are you extremely close to a lake? Got a picture of the hole?
2 inches at the bottom doesn't sound so bad, it almost sounds good, but imagine if it decides to pour one day in the summer and suffocates your roots in a swimming pool of mud.
I just filled a couple holes up with soil an my other 6 holes are all filled with water since it rained hard other night....But even if i dont rain water still get in there a little bit an its not muddy its clear.....Also will the gravel help grain the water.?


I would guess you are in a lot of clay. That stuff holds water like a bowl. If the hole is holding water that much it will almost certainly hurt your plant due to being too wet. Gravel would help if its just a small amount of water but not if the hole gets full or even half full. Maybe you could mound your dirt up and keep too much water from getting in. I lost a plant to the same problem last year. You MUST have drainage. Good luck


Active member
You should do mounds or find slightly higher grounds. I would move 2 feet higher, and make some new holes. At least they would have a nice water source, and still grow.
It's spring, your going to have water. I have the same problem with clay in this area, but they don't fill all the way up and only one really collects water. The best I can think, is drill holes so it drains easier. It's not that bad once you have a nice medium placed in there and roots that suck that up.

The only other option than drilling holes, or hammering holes deeply with a steel rod or a solid stick. Is to dig an even deeper hole and fill it with something that drains water away from your soil medium.


It's not only workable, it's a very good spot. Either move to a higher altitude, or grow in grow bags. I would most CERTAINLY GROW WHERE YOU ARE. Does this hole fill like this all year round, or just in the spring? If water is totally available all year round, grow in grow bags above the location with a lot of perlite and with a layer of rocks on the bottom for proper drainage.
Get a hold of a black bucket, drill small (1/8-1/4 inch) holes and a ton of them and wrap them in landscape fabric to prevent sand and the likes from getting into your bucket. Bury the awesome bucket beside your plants, drop in a few ('washed') heavy rocks to hold the bucket in place. Guess what!? You've just solved one of the biggest problems with growing pot. Now all you need is some blumats (4 of them? depending on the size of your girls' grow bag) Make weekly trips to your patch to water, and you've got it set.

Congrats man, good luck at beating out the weeds and clearing your spot!!!

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
its too early and cool just yet for ground water to evaporate and you cant really tell much about it right now. Generally, ground water levels drop approximately 4' during summer. One avenue of information available to you is to identify some of the natural vegetation that is growing there now and then read about the conditions that species of plant requires and you will know what conditions you have. Only certain plants will grow in heavy clay soil or soil that holds water so see if thats whats growing there.

I have a dozen holes right now that i cant work because the soil has some clay in it and its wet. A couple of weeks a week of mid to upper 70's and everything will be fine. These are actually some of my best sites during dry periods becasue the soil doesnt dry out so fast.

Just my 2cents on that deep well you dug. The deepest you will ever see cannabis roots is about 16" deep and those roots belong to a 9' indica leaning hog. Smaller stature plants,- there are lots of strains that dont get big- have roots that never reach more than 12" deep and are really only about 8" deep and 16" in diameter. The bigger the plant, the bigger the roots need to be to support it. Grow smaller stature strains that dont have big deep roots.