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CA Grower: San Bernardino Mtns??????



I have a chance to get a little plot of land in the mtns.
Its at around 5000 ft. I would like to grow 2-3 plants up there in 2011. From all you experienced growers In Cali, what is your opinions on growing in that area?

This area is:
Lat 34
5000 ft......

I'm also leaning towards DJ Short's Flo lines for the grow. 2011

Any suggestions would be great, as i need to make a decision on the land very soon! Thanks

I will grow outdoors, organic, in the Tom Hill style.


Anyone? Sure could use some info from people that know the different growing regions around Cali. The area looks to me to be hot,
and dry.



New member
not easy

not easy

34 degs lat is not going to help much. The whole montain range is at 34 deg lat. So lets put it this way the north face can be cooler but faces the mojave desert so no rain. The south face can see some rain like .1 inchs in the later months. Night times temps will get low in Oct. (35-45 degs). Also this area has been known to burn every year so it just a crap shoot that mother nature don't smoke your meds for you. Two years ago (I think 2 years) some people that were growing pot started a big fire that burned for like 3 days. But if you look around you might find a good spot that can work. There is lots of underground creeks and hot springs in the area that can help with the water. Oh yeah also some bears and big (5-6 ft.) rattle snakes, diamond backs and mojave greens (very mean - 3.5 ft. long). Any more questions just pm me


Active member
Whole place is brown ,my family from san Berdew hills before it was made into New Compton and LIL Tijuana......most the whites are saling off to black or mexican looking to upgrade in the hills and the rest is meth city ~ Then there the indian reservation~Place is so brown :tiphat:


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
There are illegal grows in them there mts every year. So yeah go for it. Onyx Peak at around 8000 feet got busted for large grow a while back.

Soil does not look great to me so amend it or dig out a hole and replace with custom mix. I am around the base of the mts and have to use custom mix to replace the clay soil if I want anything good.


Thanks everyone, I already believe the soil will be all but useless
in the area, that's why i'll be using the Tom Hill Pot's system, with my soil mix. The property has water hook ups, i will treat
it as necessary. The info. i'm looking for is how good is that area for growing outdoors, compared to growing up north farther, say like Humboldt area? What are the differances in climate, ect ect.
Is it a plus to have a hot aired area to grow, if you supply water, and the good soil? Keep in mind, im focusing on sativa
strains for my outdoor grows. Some of the strains im looking at now are:

Well worked old land race strains Like panama, HOG, Tom Hill haze....ect



Active member
A lot of pot was grown around 5000' on the east side. Check your sun patterns.


A lot of pot was grown around 5000' on the east side. Check your sun patterns.

East side of the mtn range?
And what should i look for with sun patterns?

There is land for sale all over that mtn range, im trying to isolate the best area to buy. And hoping the fires stay the hell away from my area. Belive it or not, im thinking about putting the custom grow pots on pallets, So i can load them if i need to flee.......crazy i know....That would have me buying a small flat bed, that i could tow behind a f350....would be a hell of a sight, me driving down the road with 20 6ft high sativa plants! If i figure to get 1 lb per plant, thats 20 lbs @ say 2000 per to be low, That is around 40k
in plants. (dont flame, i know these numbers are pulled straight out my azz) But you get the point, they are prob. worth saving
if a fire threatens the area......

I'm kinda joking here :), but the fire risk is of major concern, that's my point. But the property values are really low, low enough to buy two in seperate locations, in case i have to move them fast. If the fire is big enough that both property's are
threatened, then here's to hoping my butt is on the beach
next to a bon' fire!


New member
When there is a fire the whole mountain is on lockdown. Moving alot of plants would be nuts. Right now one of the major roads is shut down cause of some landslide. That leaves 3 more major roads and fire roads. The major roads will be blocked up and it will take hours to get any where. Fire roads will be used be fire crews and block by the sheriffs. The sheriffs here can be very anti medical marijuana. The cleveland forest in southern riverside/orange county would be better for growing imho. Eastside near devils canyon would be good some areas have been known for the fires skiping. Also the locals mind there own business too
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Active member
Not much for sale on the east side. The grows were all gorilla grows.
Check the property during peak hours to make sure it's not in the shadows. A south facing slope is ideal.

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