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Every Little Helps - Now what do i do


New member
Every little helps - as tesco says !

now what do i do with this killer sift,... ? i ran it through a 120 mc screen to make it and thats it.... what else do i do . press ,.. i really dont know .. :p

I personally dont like smoking sift like that can i make it into squiggy hash? or should i clean it through more screens and look for the full melt

thanks anyone



honey oil addict
sometimes you can take the bag of kif, and immmerse it in hot water till its hot, taking it out and squeezing it , the pressure and heat can help condense it int a lump of hash. seen it done, worked good. :) u take it out and put it back in for more heat a few times. and you dont want a leaky bag. :)
Use a cigarette cellophane; put the kif inside of the cellophane, roll it into a cylinder shape and then tape it shut. Next you will wrap it in a few layers of wet newspaper. Put it in the oven on about 325 for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and then compress it with a rolling pin. Rinse and repeat once. Place in freezer. Unwrap the newspaper and cellophane and enjoy.


Use a cigarette cellophane; put the kif inside of the cellophane, roll it into a cylinder shape and then tape it shut. Next you will wrap it in a few layers of wet newspaper. Put it in the oven on about 325 for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and then compress it with a rolling pin. Rinse and repeat once. Place in freezer. Unwrap the newspaper and cellophane and enjoy.

this works but you got a lotta kif there buddy.

personally i would get a pollen press and just start makin 1-3.5g pucks out of it and save a bunch to just frost bowls with

you could always make oil too but thats kinda pointless when you have lots of kif already.

but with a little butane you could make yourself some BHO that will mostly likely coe out fullmelt


honey oil addict
wow lots of ideas! or , and i almost hesitate to say this in a hash thread, you could make it into butane extract.

prog know sis

*gasp* @ hashmasta! lol just kidding

With as much material as you have sunslip, you could do each of the suggestions and determine which you like the best.
Some resifted, some pressed, some made into edibles, some butane (i have never done butane). You really have the world at your fingertips, don't sleep on that full melt. I would re-sift for sure if you have extra screens to clean it up. Use the lesser quality for edibles, or what have you. saving the choice for your dome stash.

way to go! that is some pile of sift. :headbange


New member
dont rush the decision to press cause once its pressed you cant unpress so to speak hehe :) i would personally mason jar it in a cool dark place and turn the jar every coupla days and open it to keep it from clumping like leave some air space in the jar so it can roll around inside. maybe practice cleaning it up to full melt. anyway thast what i would do :) hope that helps peace :)


Active member
Yes, I agree with doobiehuffer. It is a good idea to let your dry sift cure without pressing for a while (with that amount it could be a few months ?). You'll notice a tremendous improvement. Then you can either press the whole lot, or press it gradually in smaller batches. Some people also prefer to smoke it in a powder form, without pressing. (I don't :) )

h :ying:

Hash Man

dont press it all unless you know what you are doing... otherwise you risk wasting all your resin. do the mason jar thing. after your resin cures up in a jar its generally better and sometimes stickier.


Looks nice, did you get a weight?
Personally I'd just leave it as unpressed dry sift, maybe just run it through a single finer screen...Something around 60 to clean it up a little. But thats me.
ISO would work fine too. My, what a delightful conundrum this is.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Hee, hee, hee, snicker, snark, snort.................

The world is your oyster bro, with lots of possibilities as HMK suggested. A few thoughts that I hope help:

Smoke it.

Press it and smoke it, but dry it out first. Only press it if you want to save it for later.

Press it in a laminator and make rolling papers.

Cook with it and not worry about the greeeeeeeeeeen flavor of bud and leaf.

Decarboxylate it and eat it as is.

Share with a loved one or at least someone you can love, because that is who you're with.

Extract the oils using either alcohol, butane, or hexane, and have a cleaner oil than from straight leaf and avoid any stomach upsets from trichome irritation.

Donate it to the skunk pharm for extration and distribution to the needy. We'll send you a test report on how good everyone thought it was, to impress your mom and friends and make you feel good about your charitable donations for the year. Sorry, not tax deductable!

Send it to me and I will evaluate it and give you my personal opinion, as well as stroke your ego for helping out a wizened and crippled old man. I will even get second opinions from wizened associates, to add to your portfolio of daring do deeds.

Other. Includes extracting the oil, adding HAO ingredients, and painting it on your body before engaging in outrageous conduct.

Most importantly, regardless of what you do, the key objective is to enjoy it and life with gusto! You go bro!



New member
Thanks all for the ace posts.... and for the attempts and getting your hands on it !

I have to say im more tempted with a pure sift or perhaps using a butane extraction method. ~I better get my hands on some screens and butane.

I never heard of curing the sift before, ... should i put a silica bag in there to remove any ptoential mosture which would allow clumping.
putting all that dry sift in a tube will make it clump up and cause a blow out wouldnt it ? id prolly do ISO Myself espeically since you dont have to worry about clorophyl or other nasties as much.


I'd smoke it loose and unpressed in a pipe as for me it smokes more evenly, slower, less wastage with a cooler smoke and it seems to go further (last longer) than pressed dry sift ......maybe I'd press some in my palm with thumb pressure too (mostly just to see how readily it presses together.....dry sift made gently with a 120 mesh will usually easily press into a soft solid with about 10 ~20 seconds of strong pushing and twisting with your thumb without the need for added heat or pressure ...if it doesn't turn into Play-Doh, then that's nature's way of saying you should of stopped working the material earlier than you did

Cook with it and not worry about the greeeeeeeeeeen flavor of bud and leaf.

the green taste is yucky.....the alternative to dry sifting material then using the resulting cannaoil or cannabutter for cooking is to soak the plant material in a bucket of water for a day or so, pouring out and replacing the water several times. This will take away lots of the yucky green smell and taste and you can make cannabutter with all the plant material. If you want to turn dry sift into cannabutter then it might be better to use a 100 mesh (150 micron), not a fine mesh like a 125 mesh (125 micron) for the initial dry sifting so all the trichomes pass through the mesh.


New member
Thanks all ! Chamba i used the polliantor machien to make the sift, i just left it runnning for about 20 mins, i always do like the first minute run and keep it seperately.

Dry sift in a pipe eh.. what like one of those long skinny ones...

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