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Medical Marijuana: Could New York State Be Next?


Well-known member
"squints" patterson already has 3 bedrooms in the governors mansion lined with poly and windows blacked out

i really did LOL, thanks for lightening my mood +rep
last year, NY MMJ was ready to go with patient cultivation ONLY
so close, then some dirty deal was worked
i should be happy that progress is happening, time to light one up and kick back


I was hoping that one last year would go too. I could pretty much live with it, but it was sort of restrictive too. This one's worse, but we just need a law that says we can have mmj. Each journey begins with a single step.

I have a very bad arthritic condition. The only time of the day (and night) I get relief is when I smoke some weed. Can't beat the stuff.



wasn't going to say anything, but...

This is it!
I'm tired.
Tired of having to hide.
Tired of having to worry about you invading my private life and stealing all I own, and all my family owns, in the name of your so called War On Drugs.
It's time for this damn foolishness to end. Right now...TODAY!!
Over thirty years of scientific study, and still no credible evidence that cannabis is harmful. Oh, I know what your thinking...
"But, all of the drug training films they showed us at the academy said pot was really bad for America."

Well, Kemosabe...
You've been lied to.
The lies have been told so often, and by so many, most people blindly accept the government propaganda as gospel.
Let me set you straight.
I know the negative image of the average cannabis user that the "media" puts out for Mr. and Mrs. Average American to swallow as the truth serves only to perpetuate the blind suppression of one of the most incredible medicinal resources known to man...
But I'll let you in on a little secret...
There is no real 'stereotype' you can affix to users of cannabis.
I know it makes it easier to do your job thinking that we're all alike, but it is now time for you to face the facts, my misguided and underpaid friend.
My Grandpappy used to say that a mind is a lot like a parachute...
Neither one works worth a damn unless they're open...
So set aside your prejudice for just a moment, and come with me...
Let's meet some of the people you may be forced to arrest when you blindly follow orders that make no sense.

Say hello to my friend Jon R. Officer.
Jon is the father of two little girls.
Jon has a grow room in his basement.
He grows a little cannabis because his wife is dying of cancer, and it gives her an appetite after her chemo sessions.
He smokes a little now and then to relieve his severe migraine headaches.
Jon's never even had a parking ticket!!
He's the vice-principal of a local high school, and is a part-time firefighter.
He lives in constant fear that someone will find out about his 'hobby'.
As an informed, intelligent, reasoning man, Jon doesn't understand why cannabis is not yet legal for med. users.
Over here is Steve W., Officer
You know what's funny??
Steve doesn't smoke cannabis at all!
Everything he grows is sold for the cost of materials and labor to a private club that provides cannabis for people who are sick and in some cases, dying.
Why does he do it?
He lost his wife two years ago to AIDs.
She got a transfusion that contained the virus when she was given blood after an auto accident.
Steve's wife used to get her medicinal cannabis from the club...
Until the old grower that had been providing the majority of their supply got arrested, lost his home, his cars, his money, and his freedom.
Steve stepped in after his wife died because he feels some sense of compassion for people he'll never even meet.
Boy if you guys bust him...
He sure has it coming!!
Say hi to Renee G. before she has to rush off to work.
She has a really big court case this morning, and she's running late.
Well...there she goes!
You'd like Renee officer, she thinks you guys have one of the hardest, most thankless jobs out there.
She thinks that if you spent as much time and energy on solving murders and rapes as you do on the War On Drugs, her job would be much easier.
Oh, did I mention that Renee is a public defender?
She grows a little cannabis to ease the pain from severe Arthritis.
At 34, her hands look like they belong to her 79 yr. old grandmother.....
The cannabis makes it much more bearable on the days she can't even button her blouse. The cannabis works far better than all of the 'legal' drugs her doctor kept giving her.
I suppose I could introduce you to the rest of my good friends, but I know you want to get to the local Dunkin' Donut before all the creme-filled doughnuts are gone.
I respect your busy schedule.
I'll be brief...
The rest of the evil, lazy, shiftless stoners I know include: a Dentist, one of your fellow Officers, (bet you know a couple too...) a Nurse, a Restaurant Owner, a Rabbi, a Soccer Mom, a Small Business Owner, a Crane Operator, a Mailman, (oops, I mean 'Postal Worker') a Graphic Designer, and my youngest brother (who suffers from a rare and deadly disease; scleroderma.)

There you have it my courageous crime-fighter...
The whole mangy crew of lawbreakers.
We've all had it with the War On Drugs.
Millions of lives ruined...
And for what??
If you really want a war on drugs...
Why not start with the two drugs that kill more Americans than all other drugs COMBINED!!
Alcohol and Tobacco. Look at the statistics...
the numbers don't lie.
Hey, I know you have to earn a living too, but now you know the truth.
The next cannabis grower or user you arrest may be one of my friends...
So try and remember why you took that oath...
Think back...Remember??
To Protect And Serve!
So ask yourselves...
Who are you protecting or serving by jailing someone who has every moral, ethical, spiritual, and constitutional right to use an herbal alternative provided by our Creator to holistically treat their particular ailments?

If our lying politicians will not end this insanity, then maybe, just maybe...
If you stop arresting people for availing themselves of their real and inalienable right to decide what they put into their bodies, or grow in the privacy of their homes, you can follow the advice of my friend the lawyer and concentrate on real criminals.
I know you guys like to drop in here occasionally and see what we're up to, so feel free to print up a copy of this and give it to a friend. Break free from your strings, my little puppet, and use your time on the force to make a positive impact on our society by ignoring us cannabis growers and users.
Go arrest that meth dealer over at the junior high school...
You'll feel better about yourself.
Shoot that rapist in the nuts...
Club that mugger, drown some sick pedophile...
Hell, throw a murderer from the top of a really tall building...
Then go home and smoke a big, fat joint...
You'll sleep like a baby. I promise.
Who am I??
Nobody special...
A husband and father, a little league coach, a deacon in my church, and someone who smokes a little pot to make life just a little bit more bearable on the days my pain makes me want to take hostages...
Don't you remember me???
When you came to my door yesterday taking donations for the P.A.L. charity dinner, I bought four tickets.



The bill is only lacking a grow your own provision but realisticly a severly ill person is not going to be able to grow top notch meds in most cases .this will put it in the hands of those who need it quickest and grower/patient co-ops will be formed as non-profits. and as time goes by it will be expanded.I think what we are going to see is everything from big corporate grows on down to small co-ops.Growers will be licsensed and protected and can only sell to disp.who sell to CG who deliver to patients. The 5 patient cap for CG is the only really unrealistic rule IMO and will need to be expanded.
4 Head Collective ready to roll!
here is the bill:


..also patients and others can give MMJ to a cardholder if no $ is traded ,allowing for'clubs'.And I really dig this one,Hospitals will be required to provide MMJ smoking areas.

Its goning to be some ride .New York is home to many cancer centers and hospital/research facilities.LOTS of weed is needed and I see no prob with bringing in the pros and their greenhouse complexes to supply the masses.


Well-known member
gave the latest bill a look over, there does seem to be an improvement
'severe debilitating' conditions are now in the language
for a while, it looked liked you'd have to be dying to qualify
i stand by my view of the dispensary only setup, that stinks of graft
some need dispensaries, no question, but many others with debilitating conditions won't be able to afford it, they need to grow their own
so it's a bit better, the galling part was last year's bill was no dispensaries, only user grown
i wonder how that changed?


Its not disp only..it allows non-profits and co-op as well as indivuals to grow..the key is he has to sell it to a licsensed entity..which can all be done for non profit..so in essence you cant 'grow your own ' but you can ally with others who are altruistic and have them grow for you for a small fee..not obscene profit.
It also says if the current system isnt effective they will expand..I dont think they realize how BIG this is about to get.Eventually they will have to allow some form of home grow.


Well-known member
thanks for the details forehead, that does sound a bit better
this bill has been evolving, hadn't noticed anything about expansion if not effective, that sounds interesting
maybe it was more talk than fact on this bill, but i had thought it was dispensary only for a while, right after the NJ model was passed
so at this point, i'm more interested in how this will play out


How are you guys tracking movement and changes in the bill as it proceeds? I would very much like to keep up with what's happening. Thanks for all the great info!



Well-known member
How are you guys tracking movement and changes in the bill as it proceeds? I would very much like to keep up with what's happening. Thanks for all the great info!


i'm not as up as some others here, but i have looked through it, my view has become much more optimistic

it's not a 'california bill', but i never expected anything like that - restrictive but sounds like a lot of people will qualify
but california's law was pretty restrictive when it started, if memory serves

the other issue on growing is looking much more interesting
there doesn't seem to be any restriction of a supplier to a non-profit from being a patient, at least that's how i read it
i'd think your record must be clean, at least in the beginning
i think you can grow if you are part of a non-profit
so you could grow as a group, which would be great!


Active member
State laws still doesn't carry any weight over federal laws. The feds can still shut things down and lock people up any time they please.:peek:


Well-known member
State laws still doesn't carry any weight over federal laws. The feds can still shut things down and lock people up any time they please.:peek:

they can but things have gotten a little better
the current directive from the obama administration is for the dea to desist on enforcement for state compliant MMJ growers and consumers
it's been slow and grudging, but dea has seemed to have reduced this activity
this could change of course with a new president and administration


Mass is rediculous though, get caught growing and it's a 2 yr manditory jail sentence....but it is stupid they take the weed but good they wont enforce the fine...I wish Gov Lynch would let the law that passed go through to legalize it in NH up to a 1/4 oz which it should be an ounce but other than that it is a start....so NH residents need to contact the Gov and tell him to let the bill go, the people have spoken.


As for the Fed law, it is an illegal law under the Constitution and falls under the realm of personal choice and shouldn't be legislated.

1803 Marbury vs Madison the Supreme Court ruled that even when a law is put in place by the legislature, if it violates the Constitution it should be considered null and void from its' point of conception. If cops were really protecting and serving as they are paid to, they would reject the unConstitutional laws under this premise. So fuck what Corp US and US Corp say, they aren't even a legitimate Govt under the Constitution, neither is our court system...all part of a corperate takeoer that happened in 1933.

Dude Man

I don't think New york could pay for these "state run grow ops!"

so if it does pass,

we could put public pressure on them to open it up in a year!!


Well-known member
the bill has certainly improved from what i can see
but i suspect the total number growing is going to be controlled strictly at the start
patients and producers are carefully differentiated from each other
i think the intention that not all patients will be growers, and i doubt they want to allow too many, over time hopefully this will become less restrictive
i'm not super happy about this, but think is pretty damn good to start with