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Massapequa man tried to light bong while driving, police say

Weed rather you not drive high.

A Massapequa man accused of cruising down the Meadowbrook while lighting a bong learned that lesson from police the hard way Friday when two state troopers spotted him mid-spark in the southbound lanes, a State Police news release said.

When they pulled over the driver, identified as Vincent Deluca, they "smelled an odor of marijuana emanating" from the 2005 Chevy that Deluca was driving, the release said.

Deluca, 23, was soon arrested and found to have psychedelic mushrooms, authorities said.

He was to be arraigned on criminal possession of a controlled substance and unlawful possession of marijuana, State Police said. Arraignment details weren't available Saturday night.

Deluca's passenger, Anthony Arce, 24, of Freeport, was ticketed on marijuana possession charges.

Neither man could be immediately reached for comment.

Stoner Gardener

Those boys should convert their car's airbags into vape bags just in case their attention is diverted to the cherry in their bowls... & WHAMMO!!! Into something or someone ahead of them.

At least then they could pull one last major rip into their lungs before Sheriff Andy & Deputy Fife pull them over. LOL!!!

Oh well, I'm sure there will be a "next time". ;)


Overkill is under-rated.
I swear to FSM, when are guys gonna learn? Read the "Arrest stories and close calls" thread, 90% of them start with, "me and my buddies were driving around and smoking, when unexpectedly a cop tried to assrape us for no reason!"

Smoking while driving = stupid.
Hahaha, I have smoked a hookah while driving before way back in high school. I remember it distinctly because my friend whose hookah it was named it "Dan Rather."


stone fool
It's been 37 years since I toked a bong while driving, it seemed like the thing to do at the time, but this is a different century, hehe.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Cmon everyones hit the bong while driving. I mean I guess its different where Im from cause at night you wont even see any cars on the road let alone a cop.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I've been smoking for more than 40 years and this is the first time I've heard of this monumentally stupid activity. You must be the only person you know.

Well its been about 5 years since Ive hit a bong in the car. I still smoke blunts or a joint while just cruising around.


I've been smoking for more than 40 years and this is the first time I've heard of this monumentally stupid activity. You must be the only person you know.

I must admit that I was that monumentally stupid when i was a kid ,I'm a bit smarter now----- I think:gday: