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The use of our planet is no longer sustainable

Stoned Crow

Lol. Hey Stoned, you're not a puppet, are you brother? If not, you've been in for a minute.

I hope you know my Brother wasn't talking about me.

That makes my day!! Not a Brother, just a brother trying to break free of the puppetness!!......SC :smokey::smokey:


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
That makes my day!! Not a Brother, just a brother trying to break free of the puppetness!!......SC :smokey::smokey:

We're all brothers and sisters under the Sun, bro. I should have known what you were referencing, I was just seeking a little clarity.

And hey Hydro, good to see you bro. Haps was right, of course, and he's definitely in. Lol, I remember when he showed me a Cross once, that shit was funny as hell.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
when dealing with large scale numbers, anomolies will always occur. and anecdotal evidence is always the most biased. limiting stupid parents to 2 kids and limiting intelligent parents to 2 kids, is not putting anyone at a disadvantage, it is equalising opportunity. I dont believe that equalising opportunity for all is the same as a nazi regime. My belief that intelligent parents tend to produce on average intelligent kids when compared to stupid parents, is backed up by the statistics. You may not like the statistics, and I accept that its not like the rules governing gravity, however the general principle does apply over large scale samples.

Sounds like fascism in a pretty package to me, I probably should have known. Get your mind right, television plays a big role in the "devolution" of Humanity, and sexual provocativity amongst children. If "intelligent" people like you ruled the World, it would in all honesty, suck.

Others, I just ignore, they're only a threat to themselves.


When I pay taxes that goes to our shity schools and students can not only attend for free but also get fed breakfast and lunch by our fucked up nanny state government, and the kids don't take advantage of this free education then fuck 'em. It can't flood high enough IMO.

And it ain't the amount of money we give the schools, it's government control, mandates on what to teach and teacher's unions that pump out moron gangbanger after moron gangbanger.

When we spend $10k per student per year and all they get taught is how to complete a welfare form then their parents are shit too for not demanding more from a cost of $250k to $300k per classroom per year.


Those flood waters need to be even higher now to get rid of the dumbass parents too.

And the government solution? More taxes more money. fuck man, let's cut them loose if they can't spell their name.

And the view from my window is lovely. Wait. Is that you over there? Just take off those shit colored glasses so you can see what is really going on.

But we're talking past each other here, my good man. I never was one to cry for the flood, just one that feel it coming.

I try to not pay taxes, but don't tell me to leave the country, I'm not in yours anyway. And I really don't care about anything today...


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
We have stupid parents and stupid kids because the USA government is federalizing the schools.

They want you stupid. It serves their purpose. If you haven't lived overseas it's almost impossible to see why the rest of the world hates us and pity's us. They do for good reason.

The government force feeds you ignorance to keep you in a bliss state of mindlessness.

Yeah, killing everyone and limiting everyone's kids is a great government solution, but you aren't addressing the underlying problem. REAL EDUCATION.

The government keeps you stupid so you can be manipulated like cattle. And then we wonder why the rest of the world looks at us with PITY and ANGER? It's because we are dumb and worse yet apathetic to that very fact. Propaganda has replaced education and we can't even see past our own noses anymore.

Our anger is directed at dumbass kids and parents, when it should be directed at the people making the dumbasses.

They like to keep the dumbasses chasing their own tail and it's remarkably effective.
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Sorcerer's Apprentice
You see. there it is. A complete stupid, irrationale and moronic post, so full of emotions it makes me puke and you look like an idiot.

I'm sorry. Are you talking about my posts or your own? (You fucking insipidly stupid douchebag.) <- That's the first time I've said anything insulting. Not the first by a long shot for you, though.

Your brothers and sisters in NO had every opportunity to get on the buses (provided free by the government) and leave town.

There were an estimated 485,000 people living in New Orleans before Katrina.

An average full size bus holds about 40-60 passengers, but lets just go ahead and say that it holds 100. You're telling me there were 4850 buses gassed up and waiting to take the residents of New Orleans to safety?

(Got any evidence or do you just wanna call me names again?)

Homie. It was just a fucking example of what happens when there are too many people for a region to support when the transportation lines break down. Get over yourself!

without government help, these people would've died years ago, due to the fact that they are all (or mostly all) are on government subsistence.

You... love... to... make... my... points... for... me... but... you... don't... seem... to... understand... the... implications... of... what... you... are... saying...

I frankly don't care about people that don't care for themselves. A state with a liberal governor, and a city with a moron for a mayor refuses to evacuate the residents and all we got from the news is that it's bush's and the feds fault. All the while I'm watching common criminals stealing things from best buy on my tv. Hmmm. those toasted vacum cleaners are good to eat.

Well, you're a douchebag, so of course you don't care.

I'm not discussing the politics of the situation in New Orleans during the Hurricane.

I'm discussing the EXAMPLE of what happens when an overpopulated area suffers a critical breakdown in the transportation system which supplies food and water.

There isn't enough food and water naturally occuring to support the people that live there. It has to be trucked in constantly or the people who live there will starve. If the roads break down, the people don't eat.

That's why we call it fucking overpopulation you fucking imbecile!

Get real.

I've only just STARTED to get real with your retarded ass.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Haps already ended this conspiracy.
I agree.. anyone else who doesn't i respect em'

Heh. That's a really weird way to look at it, homie.

Nature will indeed balance. That balance may include the death of all of humanity.... but it will all balance out for nature.

Of course, if you happen to be a member of humanity, you might want to think about changing your ways so that you can continue to survive nature's balancing act.

The planet will survive.

Even another asteroid strike.

Even thermonuclear war.

Even super AIDS.

The planet will not be going anywhere for another 10 billion years or so.

The humans are running very short of rope and ought to consider doing things differently if they want what little rope they've got left to last.


What say we all roll up a fat one and chill out for a bit.........LOL!


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
What say we all roll up a fat one and chill out for a bit.........LOL!

Aw, look. A newbie referee!

Rabble! Rabble! Rabble!



Just joking.

Welcome to the loony bin. :D

Fire it up!


Not to be a pita, but most people aren't Americans. However important you all may be, ultimately your power will be usurped by somebody else some day. Having done a little bit of reading I'm far from convinced that this power-shift will be to the better. The Democratic traditions the US has built is something for the whole world to learn from. But the trend will always be towards totalitarianism and tyranny unless some force is spent to counter it, and the technology of oppression will constantly be improved making resistance harder and harder.

But I fail to see where taxation or, indeed, education, influence wether or not total human activities are sustainable or not. Some things just are. If you wipe out a species it's overwhelmingly likely that it's gone forever along with every potential daughter species for all time. Nature will find balance again, that is close to a given. But after the K/T-extinction event it took millions of year before a reasonable balance was reached, and compared to the prior era it was an impoverished world. Balance does not equal harmony, it's just balance between the differing parts in the system, not the whealt of the system itself.

Ignorance is excusable if one is doing something to alter the situation. If you want to be canonised for it, join the holy see and fuck kiddies.


I like my garden and I have ICMag and the best growers and people on this planet helping me out for FREE. So I'm a happy camper! I don't have much to say 'cause "I know nuthing..." but I would like to say "Thank you"... cough..cough..cough--Daaaang that's some "GOOD SMOKIN SHIT".
I didn't find your post helpful, it was irrelevant and made no sense, a long ramble, as well intentioned as it may have been.
It's not really about giving you -k
More like my mouse finger snapping after having to read 20 posts of yours in this thread


Active member
But we're talking past each other here, my good man. I never was one to cry for the flood, just one that feel it coming.

I try to not pay taxes, but don't tell me to leave the country, I'm not in yours anyway. And I really don't care about anything today...

The producers of our country may be applying for citizenship in your country soon. Can't be worse, probably better. I didn't thinks so 20 years ago.


Active member
I'm sorry. Are you talking about my posts or your own? (You fucking insipidly stupid douchebag.)
Homie. It was just a fucking example of what happens when there are too many people for a region to support when the transportation lines break down. Get over yourself!

Well, you're a douchebag, so of course you don't care.

I'm not discussing the politics of the situation in New Orleans during the Hurricane.

I'm discussing the EXAMPLE of what happens when an overpopulated area suffers a critical breakdown in the transportation system which supplies food and water.

There isn't enough food and water naturally occuring to support the people that live there. It has to be trucked in constantly or the people who live there will starve. If the roads break down, the people don't eat.

That's why we call it fucking overpopulation you fucking imbecile!

I've only just STARTED to get real with your retarded ass.

You're a fucking moron. Give us another post the next time a year passes that you didn't run up to the store to buy something. A year under your belt without a wal-mart visit might give you some street cred. but until then, go back to reading theory on how to live in a self sustaining commune. You're not living it but you're preaching it. That is bullshit taken to another level.

You've probably eaten my produce before and thought you grew it.

And the morons in NO had plenty of time and warnings to leave the city. They chose not to and that is not the fault of anyone but themselves.

Grow the fuck up.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
You're not living it but you're preaching it. That is bullshit taken to another level.

What am I preaching, exactly?

(Besides that you're a douche, I mean.)

Are you talking about my theory that feeder populations confronted with surplus food inevitably grow larger?

Are you talking about my theory that overpopulation is the CAUSE of famine?

Or are you merely trying to spread a thick layer of bullshit in the hopes that nobody will notice that you have completely failed to deconstruct/disprove my argument?

(Guess which I think it is?)

You're funny, Grape.


Garden Nymph
Today I learned about E.O. Wilson's "HIPPO" (which my professor has changed to "CHIPPO")

Anyway, wilson says that population (and thus over population) is the main factor for influencing habitat, overconsumption, invasive species, pollution and climate change.


Active member
Today I learned about E.O. Wilson's "HIPPO" (which my professor has changed to "CHIPPO")

Anyway, wilson says that population (and thus over population) is the main factor for influencing habitat, overconsumption, invasive species, pollution and climate change.

OMG. Not the dreaded climate change argument?


Green Mujaheed
Are you talking about my theory that overpopulation is the CAUSE of famine?

Quite rarely actually, politics remain the main cause of famine. Overpopulation can cause famine, but on rather localised areas (and even then, it's often politics which prevents food to reach these areas).
Overpopulation creates unbalance in the environment, with lots of different consequences, like landslides such has happened in over populated Mount Elgon, Uganda, few weeks ago. A lush & fertile enough area to feed everyone living there, but so many people cleared the volcano slopes for growing, that nothing holds the soil anymore, and when rain comes it get disastrous.
Why in Kenya, in some places lions enter villages & houses at night to catch someone for diner. Overpopulation has caused encroachment on the lions territories, with disastrous results, but no famine.
There's famine in some North-Western Nepal valleys (a very very well hidden famine), but not because of overpopulation, it's because rain doesn't fall enough anymore overthere, and crops don't grow. Nepal Gov; could shuffle food there, with some copters, but seems it doesn't happen. Is there a political reason or will, not to do so ? probably. As a matter of fact, only a French NGO is bringing food to these people, not with copters, but with porters.

If in the past, overpopulation might have created famine, it is something totally impossible in today's world. There are enough stocks & money on the planet to kill any famine in the egg. BUT, is there the political will to do so ? certainly not.
few years ago, Malawi experienced some famine (not enough rain, bad crops). The UN World Food Program called for help from wolrd governments, nearly no one gave. Same happen regularly for Afghanistan during winter time. WFP calls for help, nearly no one gives. Governements don't give a shit about famine, this is a fact. In today's world, the only cause of famine is politics, period.

Could we please people get back to a sane and instructive discussion, this is getting boring really. grapeman, don't you have anything better to say than bad words ? You sure have the right to disagree with what is said here, but do you need to plaster us with insults ? I'm sure you can do better than that, otherwise, please, keep them for you.

Irie !

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