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The use of our planet is no longer sustainable


The Tri Guy
I love how people think this doesnt happen today. Any nation that charges its population for housing, food, heating, water, health care etc, is actively denying those essentials to life from a section of thier society. Each year old people die from hypothermia, people die from not being able to afford the medical costs necessary to survive, not being able to afford a home, or even a meal in extreme cases. People are dieing through killing each other over the right to sell drugs in an area. the current economic situation kills people constantly, but it is called capitalism and held up to be an example to the world of what is good and great because a hand full of people get to earn private planes and get to buy their own island by the time they reach 40. the rest of us get to work 40-60 hour weeks to meet the bills, but that isnt refered to as slavery, thats working for a living and shouldn't be objected to but seen as a source of pride lol. Just because those who die are poor rather than black/disabled/low IQs/wear glasses/vote the wrong way/live in the wrong area etc, its harder to see them as a group of people being exterminated.
At least through population control we arent suggesting killing people, but preventing more from being born and so reducing the numbers of those who will find themselves in need later on. The problem of course is that it isnt the brightest who are having more than 2 kids, it is the ignorant, and so the genes being passed on are effectively creating a de-evolution of humanity at the moment, making it even harder to get the message through to the masses in the future.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
but it is called capitalism and held up to be an example to the world of what is good and great because a hand full of people get to earn private planes and get to buy their own island by the time they reach 40.

I concur a lot of what you say, but I would argue that this is not capitalism we are experiencing, but rather oligarchical rule by money whores.

The banks, the FED, the big black market *gasp* :biglaugh:

The government is supposed to be made of laws to protect the people from tyrants. Where are the anti-trust laws? They should smashing the monopolies of power that we only receive tidbits of information about.

The laws are supposed to guarantee the free flow of information to every free person.

Do you feel like you are getting all the information to make fully informed choices?

Capitalism is based on laws. This system we live in today is based on the whims of people with power and money and that is called Oligarchical Rule in the pages of history.

That is why we are lost IMO.


The Tri Guy
I agree totally. When I say it is called capitalism, I mean it is commonly refered to as capitalism. I worded it badly, my appologies. True capitalism is an extremely valid tool in any economic system, however when perverted in the way it has been, and when worshipped blindly even when innapropriately used, and when far darker systems are merely labelled as being capitalism due to having conditioned a favourable response to the word, we are entering a whole world of problems. I merely used the word as its easily understood that capitalism produces wealth for the minority and work for the majority, while another minority are left to starve. And all the time those who are the workers champion the system saying we will never allow any system that causes us to choose who lives and who dies.

Red Fang

Active member
The world is sustainable, we simply need a large portion of human beings to die. War aint seemin so bad now is it hippies?
you are some kind of new nut aren't you? You sound like Hitler. Who decides who lives and dies? You? The rich countries that are doing all the damage? If you were to initiate population control of that manner to bring down the damage to the Earth, you would have to annihilate the entire populations of Europe, Israel and The US, since despite their lower population they are doing most of the damage through waste and ignorance. Not just survival like everyone else.

Bottom line, stupid/crazy idea. Like someone else said, we need to limit births, and spread the resources so everyone has enough.

Red Fang

Active member
Most humans haven't evolved past the intellectual capacity of a chimp. It's not that they don't have the capability to, it's that the liberation of the mind is impeded on by HUMAN EXCEPTIONALISM, fed to us by our corporate masters, to disconnect us from Nature.

The day any barbarian thinks they have the natural right in choosing who lives, who dies, and who is born, is the day I take everything away.

I wouldn't worry about the media, they're attempting to back someone into a corner, and it's mostly the American media, at it. There's a lot of GOOD PEOPLE out there in the WORLD still, and the most of us don't want to see World War 3. We will not let it happen.

Anyone who thinks humans reign supreme is a fool.
exactly, great post.
WTF? Humans die anyway, we don't have to kill anyone!
We just need to stop the growth of population, it's not impossible.
We could easily feed current population if we stop eating meat everyday, most ouf our crop goes to feeding animals, that we then eat. It's not very efficient.

And for fuks sake Grape, you sound like 5 year old bragging about your BIG guns! LOL
...grow up man!
(Maybe you need to start smoking dope! wtf you're doing in this forum anyway?)
again, it is good to see there are some intelligent people here instead of the few but very vocal crazy idiots!


Active member
Remember oil is not dead dinosaurs or plant matter, coal is. Oil is being made by the big hot melting magma in the planet. We are not about to run out. [/QUOTE]

Where do you come up with this nonsense?
You've got to be tripping....
You certainly make a good argument for your opponents with that misstatement.


Andinismo Hierbatero
The problem of course is that it isnt the brightest who are having more than 2 kids, it is the ignorant, and so the genes being passed on are effectively creating a de-evolution of humanity at the moment, making it even harder to get the message through to the masses in the future.

this is crazy thinking related to Nazi Eugenics.


the fact is that Eugenics has no real scientific validity.

because first, it cannot explain why bright parents can bear stupid off-spring, nor does it explain why stupid parents can bear genius off-spring.

I had a neighbor when I was a child of 6-10 years old; his parents were a couple of dumb-idiots (and that is putting it mildly), yet, their son was the best chess player ever, so much that by the time he was 15, there was no one in the country that could beat him. he was not only bright, but very kind-hearted, unlike his parents, who were cold sobs.



Andinismo Hierbatero
I concur a lot of what you say, but I would argue that this is not capitalism we are experiencing, but rather oligarchical rule by money whores.

The banks, the FED, the big black market *gasp* :biglaugh:

The government is supposed to be made of laws to protect the people from tyrants. Where are the anti-trust laws? They should smashing the monopolies of power that we only receive tidbits of information about.

The laws are supposed to guarantee the free flow of information to every free person.

Do you feel like you are getting all the information to make fully informed choices?

Capitalism is based on laws. This system we live in today is based on the whims of people with power and money and that is called Oligarchical Rule in the pages of history.

That is why we are lost IMO.

Spastic, the problem is that when you say "oligarchical rule", what happens is that the opposite of that will breed more oligarchical rule, just not by the same old oligarchy, but by a new one.

we cannot have laws and rules telling people how to contribute to society in a healthy way; because that in itself reveals there is no healthy society if it needs laws and rules.

it has to be consciousness which rules. "the rule of international morality".

once you have a set of rules and laws to be enforced, you automatically create an ruling elite, a ruling oligarchy, out of those who will enforce and over-see such rules and laws.

there is not escape from this left-right nonsense, unless we simply do away with it all.



The Tri Guy
when dealing with large scale numbers, anomolies will always occur. and anecdotal evidence is always the most biased. limiting stupid parents to 2 kids and limiting intelligent parents to 2 kids, is not putting anyone at a disadvantage, it is equalising opportunity. I dont believe that equalising opportunity for all is the same as a nazi regime. My belief that intelligent parents tend to produce on average intelligent kids when compared to stupid parents, is backed up by the statistics. You may not like the statistics, and I accept that its not like the rules governing gravity, however the general principle does apply over large scale samples.


Active member
Ecoregions are just designated regions of categorization & priority based on compiled data,
assessed on their level of threat & type of ecosystem etc.

The map is indeed on a global scale.

No, it is not. Says on right on the map.

Sigh, kids these days have no comprehension of what is on the paper right under their noses.


Active member
Take a fucking look outside your window. If it was only your window that showed a depleted and dying world, great. But it's not. Some places still look pretty pristine, but they are disappearing fast.


I don't live where you live. I like the view from my window. Maybe you should move.


Active member
That's why when an event happens that severs that transportation system (aka Hurricane Katrina) you see the whole system break down. There isn't enough food in New Orleans to feed the people of New Orleans. When transportation breaks down, the people of New Orleans were left to fend for themselves. Are we shocked that they were looting?

Thanks, Dad. Glad to know you're out there saving me from myself.

Your argument? Sure is.

You see. there it is. A complete stupid, irrationale and moronic post, so full of emotions it makes me puke and you look like an idiot. We all saw the videos.

That is, unless you think the looters in New Orleans intended to eat those fucking color tv's and microwave ovens we saw them carrying out the store. Your brothers and sisters in NO had every opportunity to get on the buses (provided free by the government) and leave town. without government help, these people would've died years ago, due to the fact that they are all (or mostly all) are on government subsistence. I frankly don't care about people that don't care for themselves. A state with a liberal governor, and a city with a moron for a mayor refuses to evacuate the residents and all we got from the news is that it's bush's and the feds fault. All the while I'm watching common criminals stealing things from best buy on my tv. Hmmm. those toasted vacum cleaners are good to eat.

Get real.


I don't live where you live. I like the view from my window. Maybe you should move.

Yeah, I'm gonna move as soon as I've gotten Al Gore and my WWF-cronies to evict you :dance013:

God damn quitting cigs make me too emotional...

If you can look out your window and not see a impoverished world I envy you. Or you're just not looking really well :scripture:



Active member
Yeah, I'm gonna move as soon as I've gotten Al Gore and my WWF-cronies to evict you :dance013:

God damn quitting cigs make me too emotional...

If you can look out your window and not see a impoverished world I envy you. Or you're just not looking really well :scripture:


When I pay taxes that goes to our shity schools and students can not only attend for free but also get fed breakfast and lunch by our fucked up nanny state government, and the kids don't take advantage of this free education then fuck 'em. It can't flood high enough IMO.

And it ain't the amount of money we give the schools, it's government control, mandates on what to teach and teacher's unions that pump out moron gangbanger after moron gangbanger.

When we spend $10k per student per year and all they get taught is how to complete a welfare form then their parents are shit too for not demanding more from a cost of $250k to $300k per classroom per year.


Those flood waters need to be even higher now to get rid of the dumbass parents too.

And the government solution? More taxes more money. fuck man, let's cut them loose if they can't spell their name.

And the view from my window is lovely. Wait. Is that you over there? Just take off those shit colored glasses so you can see what is really going on.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Well, if I've befriended you or hit you with some comments in the past couple days, it's because while I've been here, I've either learned from you, drew inspiration from you, or have come to respect you, in one way or the other. I haven't had the chance to hit the chance to hit up everyone, but if you've seen my name on your page, you're probably one of these people. You are a source of my foundation, and a major reason of why I came back to this site, after both my community and I are already free. There's a quote around here I really like, I think it goes something like "Brothers are friends given to you by Nature," something of which we are all connected through. I haven't made it to a lot of people I'd like to yet, but I'm not going anywhere, so I pretty much have all the time in the World. I see the good in you, that's why I seek to be your friend, after completely putting myself out there.

Please don't feel singled out, Good Natured Brothers and Sisters.

But yeah, I'm going to let my Brother do a lot of the talking for me, tonight.

First, we have this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQQpkll5aoA

While cults and the media were busy trying to control Nature last Sunday, Bob Marley spoke directly to Nature, through his music (soul). Bob knew everything about existence, but concealed it, for the next generation, considering we weren't ready for Social Evolution in his time. A true prophet, as many of the figures in all major religions have been. Cannabis is both the Tree of Liberty and the Tree of Knowledge (Forbidden Fruit).

Bob fought the Corporate Nazis (Babylon) in more than one way as well, and more or less saved my Life, while I was engaged in a war with them myself. Lots of shit went down, I might eventually one day explain it. Those that matter, probably already know. I know you guys have been listening to me, and I'm chill with it, because you know I'm not bullshitting you! :D

Next up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQQpkll5aoA

I caution those who seek to bring upon destruction and ravage to my Mother, because you cant, but I can. Just Be Good Humans, huh? :D

Yesterday, Grapevines tried to steal the Tree of Liberty from me, by raveling itself around it to the point of where they seemed that they were One, while I was on the way to refreshing it in the Garden of my Mother, something Corporate Nazis sought control over. I know them for who they are, and they're afraid for their lives, and have had a complete change of tone, so I wouldn't worry about it. Time to restructure the Vatican, people. I saw the evil in the Pope's smirk, when we were nearing the Apocalypse, last Sunday. Good thing Aristotle was still pissed off about Socrates, and couldn't be fooled.

Next up: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v98BJMDDfFY


Even more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v98BJMDDfFY

I told you Bob knew everything, the Truth has always been concealed within his music, but Rastafarians never get any credit, while so called Christians can get wasted off the blood of their Savior. Jesus probably consumed Cannabis, can't really see him as a drunk, although I'm not against anyone enjoying themselves. I haven't drank in at least a month, myself. I'm a borderline alcoholic, ha. No more though! Self control, and personal responsibilities, first!

I'm the Lion that goes to the Left, while my Brother is the Lion that goes to the Right. Together, no force can stop us! Hit them with the Right, then hit them with the Left! :D

More good vibes at ya: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnrKAGmAvv4

Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, dude. IRIE!

And finally: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uTg4TZ3OVTU

I love each and every person on this Earth, as does Demeter, as does Time, and as does Bob. Don't worry about the media, what we should be doing is looking to each other for perspectives on the status quo, rather than the skewed perceptions laid out for us by our masters.

So, this Sunday, we know exactly where we stand, right? Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, based on Universal concepts of right and wrong. In my community, I'm going to start various forms of collectives, to bring back production to a dying town. We're going to start a private defense force against the cops (they wont even come near my community anymore, they're scared as hell), for means of protection and self defense, if they should seek to impose their tyranny on us, funded by alternative economies. Eventually, they will have to become us, or face the consequences. I've already started truces between races, gangs, and religions, so the Sun's been Shining pretty much here all week.

2 minutes to midnight, here. So you know where he stands, where I stand, and where I'd like you to stand as well. Liberty.

I declare Cannabis legal, because I have the right to. Do as you wish in your own neighborhood/community, as long as it respects basic human rights granted to us by the Constitution, and as long as you can take the individual responsibility of yourself. Of course, this is only the beginning, but this is going to take some time.

Stand with me, and nobody will ever fuck with you, ever. Nobody can touch me, for I am many.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Lol. Hey Stoned, you're not a puppet, are you brother? If not, you've been in for a minute.

I hope you know my Brother wasn't talking about me.