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Burnt Colas........help


Well, I f*cked up and vegged too long with this WW. I cant go any higher with the lights--they're on the ceiling now. I pulled the tops out of the direct light(600's) and they against the wall. I dont think I dare bending them over, but what can I do?? I need a diffuser?-->any ideas to get me by. My temps are great, never above 75. I already bent them(crushed the stems) back when I first put them in there(AF20 w/ 10 in).
Do I cut them off?---it's looking like they are starting bud rott, but it is not......not yet anyway....I dont want it to spread downward if it is, or becomes....RH stays 45% to 55%
Can I bend them(crush) and get them down another 6" or so?
Any ideas for a diy diffuser?
I 've been growing for years and I feel like a noob right about now, haha---never had this issue before. Help....lights just came on and I would like to solve this tonight and will keep an eye here.....

Pics of the girls...... they're at 33days 12/12. G-13's WW that I 've done really well with for over a year now......



Tell me those aren't SAD looking......

Thanks for any help!



I am almost thinking to go in there and cut off the burnt part of the tops and bend/crush the top about 6", sound good?



I have my plants maxed out too. I tied them over a little bit and when they inch closer I pull the knot and it pulls the plant down a little more. Sorry about the burns.


You're not looking too bad. I've had to snap a few top colas to where they were laying at a 90deg angle on other buds pretty far into flowering and the stems hardened at that angle and stopped reaching.


Cut the dead burnt part off , tie em over as much as possible . that's better then nuking them


Check out this thread, maybe it will work for you also


Just the thread I was looking for, Maj.Cottonmouth!! Why couldn't I find that?? Yours got pretty close to that light too, eh.... I just about aways bend the stems on any runners a couple of weeks in, was just worried that it was too far in now......goes to show......... so I trimmed and tied the best I could last night and will get down there and do it right tonight.....Thank you!

Thanks for all of the responses! +rep to all. Double to Maj.C: if I could.... I will get a pic of 'what's become' in a few days.

I would encourage anyone having plant height issue to go to that link as there are some good examples!!

Thanks everybody!:tiphat:



g man how r u me doing fine one of my buddy s give some seed s called eurkle have you heard of it please let me know about them thanks de funk


My main 12 colas are 3-9 inches from my bulb only have 2 small leaves that are burnt. Keep them right at the edge the worst case you do stop upward growth of that cola and it turns into a softball instead. One plant I had before had 2 buds on the top that were wider then they were taller.


g man how r u me doing fine one of my buddy s give some seed s called eurkle have you heard of it please let me know about them thanks de funk
Sorry DeFunk but I haven't any experience with it though I 've heard good things---check the strain guide and I think it'd be Purple Eurkle.

Yeah, the top bending has turned out to be the ticket and worked great with no ill effects that I can tell as yet. I will post a couple of pics when I get down there with the camera. The thing that had worried me was the stems literally broke as it was pretty woody and they still just flop around but continue to grow:thank you:
