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The use of our planet is no longer sustainable


Still no takers on the "who get to die first" question?

I did:

WTF? Humans die anyway, we don't have to kill anyone!
We just need to stop the growth of population, it's not impossible.
We could easily feed current population if we stop eating meat everyday, most ouf our crop goes to feeding animals, that we then eat. It's not very efficient.

You don't know what you wrote and you don't read answers to your questions. You're not making discussion with you too easy. ;)


Cannabrex Formulator
Wow. Did I mention guns? Re-read the post.

Still no takers on the "who get to die first" question?

You guys all talk in theoretical nonsense.

Who gets to die first?

That's the easy part.....and no-one has to choose...the ones doomed to die will make that choice by their actions (or inaction, as the case may be).

They will be the ones who continue to blindly rely on the present bloated, corrupt, malignant and doomed parasitic paradigm, of course....like you.

You see, when the oil runs out (or gets too expensive) and the tractors don't run, and the trucks are not bringing you your Mexican grown produce, all you twits who are still stuck in the cities will die screaming in food riots while us hairy crunchy granola types who moved to the bush long before the shit came down will laugh at you while you starve.

Of course, there is also the chance that some virulent species jumping plague will tear the asshole out of the global population. The appalling hygiene conditions in the meat industry coupled with rampant antibiotic use in both humans and food animals is a perfect situation for breeding new, resistant and highly communicable diseases.
I personally think it will come out of China, where they have the worst animal production standards and the highest antibiotic use per capita in the world.

And the plague is probably the best best for humanity in the long term....at least it would give the planet a chance to recover for a few hundred years....and the survivors to get their shit together along a new and sustainable paradigm.


Let's have a real look at some numbers on this over population idea.

Would you believe you could fit every person on the planet in ONE county in the state of Florida?

Dade county Fla total land mass 1,946 sq miles.

World population, lets go up and say 7,000,000,000.

1,946 sq miles =54,251,366,400 square feet

54,251,366,400 divided by 7,000,000,000=7.75sq feet.

Each person would have 7.75 square feet of space to live in.

Now we all now you could never pull this off.

But think of all the land left over land for food production.

Areas of the planet are over populated no doubt, poor farming practices and bad governments cause food shortages, not lack of resources.

Remember oil is not dead dinosaurs or plant matter, coal is. Oil is being made by the big hot melting magma in the planet. We are not about to run out.

Don't sell the planet short, it's been kicking ass for over a billion years, and the idea that we can hurt it is so laughable. We are nowhere as damaging as say a direct hit by a comet. Not even close.

7.75 square foot for every person....one county.....in FLA.


The cat that loves cannabis
OK - if we can all agree that kalicokitty calls the shots we can get on with it then.

I'm in kitty, just don't look over here.

There you go Grapeman, your now on the selection staff.
Anyone one else want a job? the SS ranks, errr, I mean helpful transition staff positions, will fill up fast once the ball starts rolling.


Cannabrex Formulator
If you don't think the human race is the supreme species on this planet then you smoke too much weed.

Define "supreme" please.......

In terms of length of time on this planet, numbers and general long term adaptability, humans don't even come close, laddie.

Squid, ants, beetles, sharks, cockroaches.....they all are WAY more successful than us on pretty much any biological "success" definition scale you choose to acknowledge.

You think humans are so incredibly special because they can make plasma screen TV'S, hydro dams and superhighways.......all of which mean absolutely fucking ZERO in the grand scheme of things....

Biological success is measured by survival, grapeman....nothing else.


Andinismo Hierbatero
Still no takers on the "who get to die first" question?

"Beware of the Beast-man (icchantika) for he is the Devil's pawn, alone amongst God's primates, he kills for sport or lust or greed, he will murder his brother to posses his brother's land, let him not breed in great numbers, for he will make a desert of his home and yours, Shun him, for he is the harbinger of Death."

does that answer your question, Mr. Uruk Hai? :chin:



Sorcerer's Apprentice
Let's have a real look at some numbers on this over population idea.

7.75 square foot for every person....one county.....in FLA.

Heh. a 3ft by 2.58ft space to live in! And here I am 6ft tall. How will I sleep? (I got an idea... if I murder my neighbor, I get 15.5 sq ft! Now I can lie down at night. But if any more neighbors start blasting their ipod at 3am... they better look out. I'm thinking about expansion!)

(Who's going to tend those crops in southeast asia while living in their "life capsule" in florida? That's a helluva commute!)


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
If you don't think the human race is the supreme species on this planet then you smoke too much weed.

Most humans haven't evolved past the intellectual capacity of a chimp. It's not that they don't have the capability to, it's that the liberation of the mind is impeded on by HUMAN EXCEPTIONALISM, fed to us by our corporate masters, to disconnect us from Nature.

The day any barbarian thinks they have the natural right in choosing who lives, who dies, and who is born, is the day I take everything away.

I wouldn't worry about the media, they're attempting to back someone into a corner, and it's mostly the American media, at it. There's a lot of GOOD PEOPLE out there in the WORLD still, and the most of us don't want to see World War 3. We will not let it happen.

Anyone who thinks humans reign supreme is a fool.


In search of Genetics
Who dies first!
Anyone who cant defend themselves.

Ladies if your hot, you have nothing to worry about :)


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Who dies first!
Anyone who cant defend themselves.

Ladies if your hot, you have nothing to worry about :)

Death is a part of Life, but the shit wont be hitting the fan. Believe that.

What they're doing is trying to plot the World against each other.

Hasn't anyone caught onto the Corporate Media, yet?
The corporate masters/global elite have been planning this eugenics scam for decades.

Here is a direct quote from Aldous Huxley's brother Julian, who was the first director of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Julian Huxley (1887-1975) | First director of UNESCO

Brother of Aldous.

"Political unification in some sort of world government will be required... Even though... any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable."

Taken from UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy. Having come just one year after that appalling instance of widespread eugenics in the 3rd Reich it is staggering that this comment has never been taught in schools. This book is still available in its entirety from the Unesco website http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0006/000681/068197eo.pdf


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
The corporate masters/global elite have been planning this eugenics scam for decades.

Here is a direct quote from Aldous Huxley's brother Julian, who was the first director of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).

Yeah, it's not going to happen.

I answer to no human.

And if they attempt to back ANYONE into a corner, the only thing you can do is RISE ABOVE.

Minority against the majority? Lol, good luck, we'd probably be better off without you, anyway. ;)


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
This is been going on for a while lol.

Thinning out the herd. Funny how we kind of resemble the cattle industry today. Big and Dumb.

U.S. Drowns In Obesity

The US is currently in a war against obesity. America is considered to be one of the most overweight countries in the world. Obesity seems to be winning this war.

(I-Newswire) March 27, 2010
- Baton Rouge, Louisiana 3/26/2010- America is considered to be one of the most overweight countries on the world today.

America is in a war against obesity. The percentage of people who are overweight and suffering from obesity has increased by 3% since last year.

According to annecollins.com and others, about 58 million people are overweight, 40 million obese, 3 million morbidly obese, eight out of 10 people over the age of 25 are overweight, and there has been a 76% increase in type II diabetes in adults ages 30-40 years old since 1990.
I call it Scientific Dictatorship. It's so much cleaner and sophisticated looking that Hitler was.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
This is been going on for a while lol.

Thinning out the herd. Funny how we kind of resemble the cattle industry today. Big and Dumb.

U.S. Drowns In Obesity

I call it Scientific Dictatorship. It's so much cleaner and sophisticated looking that Hitler was.

True that. Give me liberty, or give me Le Mac, with a side of "reality" television.

We haven't gotten to the Gas Chambers yet though, there's always a BRIGHT side.

The World will stand United, against Nazism.

So for those of you who are borderline fascists, think twice, think hard.


Are you really this stupid or are you faking it?

Are you really this stupid or are you faking it?

Take a fucking look outside your window. If it was only your window that showed a depleted and dying world, great. But it's not. Some places still look pretty pristine, but they are disappearing fast.

I can easily believe that there is a conspiracy going that tries to push us in their direction, but if you claim to know their agenda you're either a liar or a part of the conspiracy.

Are you really so soft in the head that you can't hold two semi-conflicting thoughts in your head at the same time, well, there is a reason we're pretty much fucked. How fucking difficult can it be to grasp the concept of truthful liars? Just because they are out to manipulate you, doesn't mean the threat is bogus and made up.

As to the claim that human culture, rather than human nature that has brought this upon us - read some history. It's all a matter of degree, if you increase population you increase the impact of said population.

God will probably not come and save us. When they tax pollution it won't make a difference because it will become a cost of doing business and in fact it's likely to make big companys even stronger vs their competition and consumers.

We're fucked. No two ways about it, we're fucked. At least have the intellectual integrity to observe what happens around you and not blind yourselves with your imagination. And when they pull their proverbial dick out of your proverbial ass, have the balls to not say 'thank you, Sir, may I have another?'.

Yeah, and my inabillity to formulate a coherent sentence does not reflect on the topic.



the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Lol, dude, what you just said doesn't even phase me.

You're thousands of years too late.

Anyway, I refreshed the Tree of Liberty, and I'm going to guard it against tyrants. I suggest you should all do the same.

I also took a life, and found new life in the old.

Dogs know human nature, and in the end, they wont follow their "masters." I'd say by DMT and Mother Nature, that we are all connected, and can be reincarnated into one organism or the other.

Funny, cause the only bill I had in my pocket was Lincoln.

It's time to overgrow, amongst other things. The beginning of a new America, and a better World.

"Keep up pressure on the Press."


Lol, dude, what you just said doesn't even phase me.

You're thousands of years too late.

Anyway, I refreshed the Tree of Liberty, and I'm going to guard it against tyrants. I suggest you should all do the same.

I also took a life, and found new life in the old.

Dogs know human nature, and in the end, they wont follow their "masters." I'd say by DMT and Mother Nature, that we are all connected, and can be reincarnated into one organism or the other.

Funny, cause the only bill I had in my pocket was Lincoln.

It's time to overgrow, amongst other things. The beginning of a new America, and a better World.

"Keep up pressure on the Press."

What can I be bothered to say to this?

Peace to you :tiphat: