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Fem attempts failed.

distilled is purer than ro water my standard store bought distilled is 0ppm store bought ro or homemade is around 5 to 20ppm in my experience depending on quality of the filter if your ro or distilled is at 100ppm there is something wrong with the purification process. you do need pure water for this.
i wonder how many microns in size the larger undesirable silver particles are if they could be effectively removed the solution would hold its ppm longer in storage i would think. the coffee filter strainings help but there must be a better way.
hey jump you seem to have a good understanding of chemistry do you think silver nitrate dissolved on its own could be used as opposed to mixing with sodium thiosulphate which is the standard way. i also wonder if silver nitrate or sts could be mixed with ionized silver to make a stronger solution or would the silver precipitate out of solution or change to larger undesirable particles. particularly i wonder why silver nitrate on its own cannot be used.


Well-known member
hey bicycle racer, sadly I'm not chemist and I can only suppose the acid residue NO3 is dangerous to a plant, the known fact is AgNO3 (aka lunar caustic, silver nitrate, hell stone -in old russian) causes burns.
good to know i may test anyways on one or two lower branches. i always do select branches as that way i have some smoke from the untreated branches. here is a little tidbit of useless info doctors sometimes put silver nitrate into the eyes of new born babies to prevent blindness.


Well-known member
activity depends on concentration. its a very strong and wide profile non-selective antiseptic which kills every microbe whether good or bad it is.
yeah in ancient times silver coins were used in water and milk supplies to kill pathogens. it is still sometimes a better choice than antibiotics in some situations. it is not often used anymore as big pharma has a lot of money in other compounds.


Grow like nobody is watching
There is a small company here in the middle of nowhere in australia producing brown bottles of CS to pour in water tanks to keep the water clean. They're about 750mls or maybe a litre and no ppm or strength or even a warning or directions of any kind are listed!! (apart from "pour it in your water tank") I found that pretty strange considering the risk of argyria :chin:
yeah turning blue would suck and also you would likely kill of most of the beneficial organisms in your digestive tract if concentration was high enough. the agryria can only happen though based on the form of the silver and the amount consumed over a period of time. from what i understand store bought is better for internal human use an ionized homemade is better for our uses. our homemade is fine for topical use no drinking though or at least be careful.


Well-known member
CS in medicine is a muddy water.
Those who sell it assert that CS is a panacea (while its against the law).
Others say that lead or mercury does the same destroying work quicker.
sometimes it is better than nothing..
i would say it has over a thousand year history of being a highly effective killer of viral and bacterial pathogens it fell out of favor after antibiotics became popular and fell by the wayside. even for the people with agryria who over did it there is no loss of life besides having to live blue. it is quite safe and very effective at what it does. the pharmaceutical companies will go after anything that threatens a penny of there money thats why they hate the supplement industry which sells things that are as effective as many of the over priced patented drugs sold all over the western world which kill tens of thousands yearly in the us alone. how many people die from silver use yearly? sorry for the rant i simply hate big pharma and there agenda this goes right back to our favorite plant cannabis which like silver also suffers because of evil corporations.


Well-known member
Even being probably that greedy big pharma gives a lot of real medicine in contrast to that "supplement industry which sells..." the fake of "Ag9999 35ppm" to me.:)
well big pharma also puts medicines on the market with poor track records of causing fatalities and other issues without proper testing which kills thousands yearly no one cares though because politicians get contributions(payed off) etc.. its very terrible. of course there are some bad practices in any industry but supplements dont kill people by the thousands and plenty take all kinds of supplements. the silver we make and use is too strong and the wrong type for consumption anyways so not really any store bought that is very useful for our purposes.
i wonder if an ionized silver solution could be used in a sts mix or would this not work because of precipitation of the silver in solution just a thought. i could mix up some sts as usual but use silver water instead of distilled if the two readily mixed there would be dual sources of silver possibly?


Well-known member
i think in compare Ag+ VS Ag+ wins the cheaper, the less in money and a labour incl. prepare+keep.
you lost me a bit? anyways for fun i am testing sts mixed to double strength sprayed yesterday no ill effects observed i think part of the sts problem is that most mix directions online make a weak dilluted solution. evidently silver nitrate on its own can be used but sts is more effective. currently the ionized homemade silver is most effective but if i can find the right dosage with the sts that would be cool its very cheap and easy to make in a minute or two. i like having multiple options im sure there are other ethylene inhibiting or copper binding compounds out there we have yet to use.
just made a batch at around 75ppm i wonder what the max is through our methods and what is optimal i know that too much will severely stress or kill the plant and too little does nothing.

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