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My MicroGrow


If you want to check out my grow here are the links to the pictures:



is the real mini-micro-grow: 60x30x60 (W x D x H) the width is divided into 2 parts, flowering 40cm and 20cm veg. With CFL lighting, + / - 150W for flora and + / - 60W for veg. Part of veg still has a division in height for my box of clones (15cm).

I'm using Bio-Grow, with All-Mix soil in pots of 1L. I have a small problem with gnats that i can't eradicate completely, but appear to be controlled. And it seems to me a problem in the leaves, with another kind of bug I do not know what ... maybe it's just lack of some nutrient, if you can give your opinion about it ...

To date it gave me 1 harvest that is to end by this time, lasted 2 months ... For me and for the lady comes perfectly. I want to try the perpetual and always have plants in bloom in rotation.

C&c are welcome.

Sorry if the "translation is not to good", i copied from other forum in diferent language and put it in google, and was too lazy to correct everything...


Hi, i have no ideia what that leaf has...i was hoping for some info on that. But no way is a bulb burn, this is a lower fan leaf.


Ok, my Arjan´s Haze has 5 weeks to go and the Super Silver Haze 4. I added a Chunkbeki Kush thats almost finishing too and a blueberry clone thats flowering for a week now, no pistils though.

I have waiting in line :
2 SSH clones (rooting)
2 Blueberry clones (rooting)
1 Blueberry clone (veging)
1 Opium (Feminized) clone (veging)

I'll try this round smaller pots, got myself a couple of 12oz cups that i'll try for as soon as the clones are ready put them in flower in these smaller cups.

Thinking of adding some LED to my cab to complement the CFL what do you guys think ?

My chunkbeki Kush is blazing fast, i tried 12/12 from seed, she showed pistils after 1 month and after 24 days she as orange pistils all over and it seems that she'll be ready very soon. Just not a good plant for 12/12 from seed, it as to have some veging.

Hope to add some pics soon.


Some update for my grow :

Chunkbeki Kush 12/12 from seed, she is 8 weeks old, pistils came up after 4 weeks

Arjan's Haze #1 also 12/12 from seed, she is with 17 weeks, pistils showed 8 weeks ago, hope she'll be worth this long wait

Super Silver Haze 12/12 from seed, she has the same timings as Arjan's Haze

I got also a Blueberry and an Opium going on but nothing to show there yet.


New update on the grow, the SSH is lees then a week to go and the Arjan has 2 weeks top. The Chunkbeki Kush is really smelly i don't have pics of her but the small bud she has (short veg time, 12/12 from seed, next batch will veg 1 month) is well covered in tricomes.

On with the pics :

Side by side:

SSH bud shots:

Arjan's Haze #1 bud shots:

Next time i'll give SSH at least 2 weeks of veg. She's too short, i have space for a little more height, i was afraid because everybody was saying SSH grows very tall...

Feel free to comment, i have already flowering 4 Blueberry, 2 SSH, 1 Opium, and have vegging 1 Strawberry Cough for 1 month, and waiting to sprout 4 Chunkbeki Kush and 2 Bubblegum.


Hi, i've been thinking about upgrade my grow from CFL to 150w HPS.

Question is, i found an 320mm cooltube that fit to my grow, is it possible to do this upgrade without burning my plants. I have 1 80mm pc fan extracting on top of the grow, 1 120mm inside blowing the tops, and passive intakes on the bottom (40*20cm). I was thinking of having a tube connected to the 80mm fan and extracting from the tube and maintaining the 120mm fan blowing the tops, or possibly upgrade the 80mm fan to 120mm.

Do you guys think i can have this upgrade and keep a "fair" height for plants to grow ?


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Plants are looking good mate, I'll be hanging around to see how you and the girls are doing. Have a look around in the Vertical Grow Forums and you might see a setup in there that might help you with your cooltube question.



As soon as i can get my hands on a camera i'll post some photos of the current status of the grow. In sum:

1 Strawbery Cough
2 Super Silver Haze
1 Opium
3 Blueberry

and in small vases waiting for transplantation, 2 (homemade-accindental-cross) 12/12 fom seed of Chunkbeki Kush x Bubblegum at about 2 weeks.

Thanks for the input guys...

boom: i don't like that vertical style that much...and my space is not very good for that, i think

onewhokills: i might give it a try if i can get some very cheap material, or i have some extra money that i can spend, but for now i just might had some LED to the sides of the cab.


New member
This grow is awesome! Glad to see you are doing so well with the SSH and Arjans haze. But they did take a very long time to finish.
I am eager to see how perpetual flowering works out for you!


I do my math with an excel spreadsheet, and i'm still improving it, but i did some formula wrong and the 2 sativas flowered a bit too long, still is one hell of a smoke, but i have two going on now with no males around (the first one got polinated from a bubblegum male hermie), i hope they don't get as fluffy as the first one did.

I believe that the size of my pots have a lot to do with them not stretching as they would normaly do, but i have a couple of ideias to make my grow a bit more efficient.

1 -get a way of lifting the pots
2 -get a way of lowering the lamps
3 -get into 150w HPS
4 -add some LED stripes to the sides of the cab

...still wondering in all that, i promise an photo update soon, the Opium is very resinous, but very small, the ssh are building up nicely, the strawberry cough is doing good too.


As promised, a new update :


I uploaded to picasa because i was having a hard time doing it to my icmag gallery...Waiting for your comments.

Allready chopped all the Blueberries, 2 of them 1 week early because they were "ugly" as hell and in bad shape. Opium was chopped too, and reveging now, i really liked the smell and the thrics were all over the place, hope to get some clones and make a un with her that doesn´t stay so small.

All that was left were the 2 Super Silver Haze, 1 Strawberry Cough and 2 Chunkbeki Kush x Bubblegum. And i had 2 more Chunkbeki Kush i had in veg for 40 days.


New member
Got some new seeds! It's really cool how a lot of illegal stuff go right trough customs.

Green House Sativa Mix seed pack

They were nice enough to give me two nevilles haze seeds

And a free seed. Looks like a cool strain.


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